<br />g2='~~`~~~~ DEED OF TRUST 32-=UU~396
<br />Tf#f5 DEED Of TRUST is made -this . 17th day of . - . ,September, - . -
<br />79.a2., among the Trustor,, .-.Everett C. -Wiley ,Sr, ,and- Setty. T,.- wileyr. Husband. and- Wife - - - -
<br />...................... ......... .........(herein "Borrower°),-.... .,..........-......-- .....
<br />-JQktn, R-, ,$rs.?ssgttgll;,, Attorney, at ,Law- . - , _ _ , . , (herein "Trustee"), and the Beneficiary.
<br />.Co®ercial . Saainga .Coatpar>y..of .Grand .Island ............. ........ a corpora ion organized and
<br />czisting under the laws of . N,aOraslra- , ...... . +vhose address is ..2127. NGIth.. .
<br />gebb. Ril.., .PO- BDx-.471 .Grand .Island,. Rr;. 68$p2 .. .... . . ... .. {herein "Lender").
<br />BoRROw'eR, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably- grant..
<br />and canvtps to 'Crustze, in trust, with power of sale, tht fallowing described property located in the County- of
<br />..... Aa].1 ....... .. . , . State of Nebraska:
<br />Part of the East Half of the Southwest Qnarter of the Northeast
<br />Quarter tE ~ SW;c NE rC) of Section Ten (10) in Township Eleven (11)
<br />North of Range Nine {4) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as follows:
<br />Commencing at a point 'T'wor[urxired Sixty Four 1264) Feet North of
<br />the Southeast Corner of the 5outhraest Quarter {Std) of the North-
<br />east {)uazter (NE{C) of Said Section running thence West for a
<br />distance of Three Hundred and Thirty {33Q) Feet; Thence running.
<br />North far a distance of (,at[e Thousand And Fifty Six {1Q56) Feet;
<br />thence running Fast for a distance of TRree xundred and Thirty
<br />(330) Feet tct the Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of
<br />the Northeast ¢uarter {S[~s NEk) of said Sectinn and thence-running
<br />South a distance of Otte Thousand and Fifty Six {lt)56) Feet to
<br />the place of beginning, P,XCF.PTI'NG therefrom a tract of land more
<br />particularly described in the report of appraisers recorded in the
<br />Ha 11 County Register of needs office in Book 24 Page 377,
<br />which hus the address vf. - I5D3 Bast 4th ?treet., Grand I:aland,, .?~B b8,8.Q1.. .... - , ... - - . , .
<br />4sc.eet6 tc:rrt
<br />... (hrrrrn "1'roprXty Address"' 3 .
<br />f1++N tine 2.p rNet
<br />irx:t.rMtR wuh aN the ~+npnrwrut;m. nrnv en hcr~.t[ter ,r~.t.d +m the property, and sll rasrmrnes, nEltis,
<br />appurrereanece- rents { w6)rrt ttttwrvrr to the ngltt+ grad aurhrxna~+ green hereon to Lender co catteet uxx! apply such
<br />rctits). nayaitir~.. marKrat, cut and gRS rights nerd ptttfi[s, water, wwrcr nFhh. ;tad water stock, nett a!i fixtures now or
<br />herrwttrr stlretnJ ru dm prttpcny. nit +~ whrcit, taM:hteicng rcplrcctttcnts and wddittotts thrretn, .trek be dcctnv~) to hr
<br />and rrmnrn a part rJ (tae pr+iprrty ct»ercd lw this Dcrd „[ truer°, anti afl td the fctregrung, tupethcr with suit lxc~nv
<br />{[u i!k h~asrhtdd c.~tatr .f the., i?tt5i tai tree(.( i+ cut a ira>r)tctiJ} wrc tarctn rctrrreYl to as Lhc "Ptttpctty":
<br />Td St:tttet to Letrdcr {.i t tht rcpatmcnt cd rhr inr)chravinrvs evtdrrtrrd by Borrower`. ante dated 9~17I$2
<br />- ... - , , - theca(-. "'~5ttrr"a ,rr the pr+nrtpu) wet ut - thirteem. thmtasaaii_ fixe _httadrrsl neat . nollCl4 -
<br />iSit3rst2{rl .. Doilarx, with utrcrc.t thcrrrm. providing far nton[fity rrrstallrrtents
<br />~ pr ncipat arni rnti~res[ w.th the trirl±tnia' +.*1 titc Fndrbtadraras. rf neat tiax»trr paui, dui and payab6r ,.., :;ept, I6,
<br />195 .. the pnvrrtrft[ of at) ether wine, with inter.,; ~an.:tdvanrcvt
<br />r» :+~: ir~.wtAh. r!a pruti^cr ith ++.'rarrty rrt then fk.ed +.N' tru+t: and the pr;rfurrrrartcc rri tt+c ~.ivrttitrtts war!
<br />a1 &xrowa:r herein cam[atricai-and ! b) the ripuymrut ,at ans fututc wJYancr>, wnh rnterrat thereon, mwdr
<br />tb~rtrawc~t-!~ 1=+~crpuraawat rvpar.~rstph :1 hcm~ ttmre3n "Fu[WC,+tdtanccs')
<br />$n[nnrrr Krt'rcnaers [lrei l~ttttstrnr ~_ [wwtuiisv.aeJ =ri tin estate iH rcfty c:+tnorurd nett hues ttn~ rigiN !o great wrist
<br />cruttwcy the Nrrtprrsr; thW rite i!ntpsnr t. unrt~umhrrrd:.cral that Bnr't~r wrl3 warrant sad drfetn) ¢ctrcralty rite
<br />th$r tar the FkP~rt7 a{pr+nyr ate cfagm and dr~trrds, suiyict uo ang aic`clarattc~ns. ~r.e=ucnra, cw restrtctrcros iistivl .n .r
<br />scitrfloinn( @7cCpritaR! r.z cgi+rcra~ (fir ;Nry tkt+; ,nsurwnc~ p«hr1 rrisurutg t ctadcr E tnt6~re'~t =n tlx. Prxtttexty,
<br />~:. r ;,e.:. - ->< tRwirr$t+t i1tr pgttrpstrrrr
<br />