<br />8~..-4 -~U<1331
<br />!0. That iftr ?1ftxYgagor wilt keep the buildings upon said premises in gaud repair, and nzither commit nor permit waste
<br />vponsaitffand, t» suffer the said Rrtmises m br used for any untawfu7 purpose.
<br />t 1. That if the premises, tx any part thereof, be condzmned under the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a public
<br />use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking uf, or the consideration far such acquisition, to iht extent of the foil
<br />amavnt of itxkbttdtres upon this mortgage and the note which it is given iv secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the
<br />hiattgagar to tfte':Nortgugee. and haU be paid torthwi[h to said 41wFCagee to bz applied by the latter on account of the next
<br />maturing installments of such indebtedness.
<br />F3_ Ttk M~tgagor furthzr agents that should this mortgagr and the note secured heret:y not be eligible for in-
<br />stttancc tutderthe National Housing ,Act within Sixty days from the Batt hereof (written statement of uny officer
<br />esf the Department of i•#ousing ;end Urhan t}evttapment nr enthatized agent of the Jecreury of I-(ousing artd Urban
<br />Deveiapmen[ dattd svbsequtmi to the Ci,.ryy _ days time from the dale of this mortgage, declining m insure said
<br />note and this mortgage, bring deemed turtefnsi,;e prm?f of wch ittttigihility), the Mortgagee er holder of the note
<br />may, at its option, dechrre all rums securred hereby immediateh= dot and payable.
<br />i3. 'That if the Mvrtgagtx faits w make ant' payrrcents of matrcy when the same hecvme due. or faits to conform to and
<br />cexnpty with any of rite conditions ar sgtermrnu contained in this mortgage. or the note which it see:ures, then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and accrued interest shalt at ntn:e txcomc dot and payable, ai the clcctian e>f the Atortgsgee; :end this mortgage may
<br />drereugfn be farrctosed im.medi,ttety far ihr whviz of said mcmry', interest, monthly psyments: costs, ground rents. [axis and
<br />the cost <af rxtcrtding ttte abstract of titer tram ttu elate of this loan tv the ttmt of commencing such iarecbsvre suit, and a rea-
<br />wrtable attormq's fie. alt ui which shaft be ittciuded in the decree of #erezlasura: and the contract embodied in this martgagr
<br />and the octet tu-tued hrrchy, .hate to a}i respects he Kvvrrntd. cvrtsvved and ad}udged by the isws csf Nebraska. wfiere tnc
<br />carne is made.
<br />The covecbwtts herein contained ahaii txnd, xxi the henttits artd advantages ,half ensure to. the respective heirs, executors.
<br />administraiats. wceessius and assigns s~i the parties hereto. k'henevct used, the attgtttar number shaft include the plural, the
<br />plural tix >tngstlar, sod Six use at any gender ,hail br appiiwhte u~ ail grndcr
<br />R+e Icuegaxng ceuxiitians, aft amt vtttati;rr. hrrog pertormed according to their nawrat :end legal Import, this conveyance
<br />.hail f+r vcshf and sshf pttratsrs cciersed at the cxptnse of the Mextgagar, vsherwtsr tv ht and rrmaitt in full torte and effect:
<br />i>.}Vf7'?+:ES514'NERlC2E.t!:e4lartg~tst+s!!sz rte ?scrt•aatc±_ct ~!;~j,~ t=artdtslthtda>;tndycarlirst
<br />ebavr ..rttten.
<br />In prtsetue rd
<br />~T.AT£Cte'+iE HR~si\.;\. ~
<br />t~t3L'•N7Z tae $n12 ~ •,~
<br />t )n lilts `Jth 15R ~~ ;?ctQbez 't-iy i9 ~~irt:xr tilt.
<br />a PlOtasy PLi$.11C ~n aad fsr .art t'wtsi7. perscucaily -lame
<br />itelisQA7S. F,F,~ WII.i,TAMS
<br />i tiFAi. i
<br />`~ ~ ~ is
<br />._.. V.L?'"..t.. ,~ i.' ?A_t LJL:•1'r1:_l (tiE.iL i
<br />i:RiSTINE 5. WZL:.TAMti
<br />i ti}:;rlf. 1
<br />~F:At- 7
<br />..._ +. i.t SS
<br />Hatuia2l :~ itiiliamti artd ~isun~ ~. :~iiliams, !iusiaat'~l atad Wife
<br />. prrvranalfy to me known
<br />to t±e tAr idrerwat prrscur a wtu*se tsatnr 8 ,are atTtxtd to tier a{aavt and forr-
<br />gwrtg itntntmrm as xlvrtgagly. amt they hsve .+:ict+W izd~d the wld lrtsertrtttent artd ttu
<br />execwion IlttVtai let he t~ir +~Eduatsrr sot ynd steed, evr for purposes tetereinrxprcsstd
<br />In ttsturtant s.fKrral. 1 lsrvr nccronts ,ct ms h,.mi amt arittrd by ncat3ri;sl,ca; at ~=and Ztt2artd, *lebraelka
<br />lmtArJsf middaf~;a.tvh*vr~nttrn.
<br />~ ~'"
<br />~l'11ArY Ihlbllk'
<br />ST4iEt:-e'siF11RAlK:A
<br />Filed for ttl:urd thin de> d
<br />m a~ClaLk
<br />tecxdrd in BQtok
<br />Pagr ,:f
<br />A. O, 19
<br />N.. atni catcrrd in :+vmrrrcai itt,fex,srW
<br />.+! Murtgagc+, an
<br />Rrgtater e>f i?rrds
<br />~tsat? k 1a;tM iP 151,
<br />