<br />t32 ~--~~ j t~ ~~ 3 7 r
<br />SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. l.~ c>* Hall and Howard Counties, State of Nebraska
<br />a/k/a CENTIRA PtiBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT, GRANTOR, in consideration of
<br />TLIHNTY-FIirE THOL'SAND -----(~25,tiOO.OOI-----DOLLARS
<br />received from GRAtv'TEE, t`ILLAGE OF CAIRO, NEBRASKA, quitclaims to
<br />GRAAiTEE, the yellowing-rsescribed real estate (as defined in Neb.
<br />Rev. StaC . '!fi-?~}t l ,
<br />All os` Block Twelve ii?i, Qrigi:?al Town of Cairo,
<br />rial;. Count3•, i:ehraska, .>nd the alt~v iocatec! therein,
<br />and
<br />A wart ~,* the' '~:ast Hai;' of the tiortheast 'quarter
<br />r.t~?41:v :az 5ectsan twent~~-Four `c=+? in Tcawnship
<br />iwe?iv«~ i ?''° ~9orth ~°.i Ranne .weLve i I') , Lest of
<br />thc.. %~th ?'."!~ Haig County, 'vehraska, more. partic-
<br />43.ar~.4 r£:.-.C?'-~~ ~ it4 ?~i~~iiy,r4: ~[7r~±±ltinG:.n~' ~t i
<br />_nos r,e rhf~re .hc: 9t:czth ..-::~ c?> `~dina Street, in the
<br />s7wn :?f CaErc?, :3t=ct=r+t!:?s; tt:> th$ re•~~~rder' plat thereu€,
<br />Intersects the .nest iin~: +,* the aiiev runnin~t nest of
<br />ec~>k '~"k'r. ;>:.. ~z? :z...' ".,wn, said rs~ir.t facing Twenty
<br />~T~~) z'~~~et ISesi:;,. iht° :~c:rthwat ~-- :,:or.?er u_ Lot i?ne (I?
<br />in ~:ai-rf B;c>tik; ?~f-u-nc:.~ £aznni:?k .'eat in the continuatfort
<br />c-i the =u1,.F ~L;ut:h ;rte HectiFZa Street tine Hundred
<br />~`:.>rt ~' .'t-+>.i? - .*'t e `~hra [?fit ~^C~Uth ;It =~ht ~Z :1 i;iG'S ttJ
<br />~rxir'< c,z.th t;z7•. ;t?z-F... ~{~,tt,*rt,il ?~}• FEtft; thcnc:c
<br />:nst ;t. C'1~= a.?t:,. ~ •~:~r, .,' '.hr:• ~itkrt}t ?ir:e tzf Nit4
<br />strce•C. t)t?e ~+uncars~,4 , _, -..?i feet to the West
<br />-is?c tzz chr ;tl,. af.;rea:~! thrncc tiizrCh zn Said
<br />>te~[ .'rr.~ lgr..3~' ~itXncir„«f .~3;~t ,«.e~t t~3 _!;c .?1aoc: o%
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<br /> Ej~~ F~F'fi i t _~~ .`~A f, S3' Hsi ~ ~ an{'~
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<br />:Z y+•*~~ _B' IC' '~{'SjC.)[)3~ ?'!1 :~TR1CT,
<br /> ACT t~ ~t '
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<br /> (,RAN
<br />OR
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<br />ATTES"f ; * '+4 `~a i.i . YU 3T ... t.)t ..f.S3c ;3 t. Ci f1
<br />.etcre~ag7. _ +arr=, •~> ~cucat;c~n
<br />5S.
<br />°L`3t~ L"zar~~vin~ iraCrur~ent was et~ka?c.w~etig~c'. ueforc ri:c :.his
<br />~&~t of l~9S1j;U$t. I98•?R by i=ar~ 3. +:hr;sr,eresen, Prcrsi«`ent .aF the ~3oarrT'~.af
<br />u~atfcan. Schorai ??si4riuv ~c?, z~k:t f z{a~' ,irz~ Hus~€az-c# '.4uuties,
<br />SL~t~~ of '~bras~ka, afkia f.entura :'u6iic '~chooi. Distrizt_. .~ Nehr~tsKa
<br />Sctr~l iJ3~sTS:t. :gin t,+r,htl"~ saf the Seh~~ui !:z~trict.
<br />~'I+~t ~ltldi ~ m ~srrr
<br />w+r.~ ~~rxs€~
<br />~R' 4'at11a+, tap. ~".,,.... k w ~ -
<br />~'Y Qt:r•~r;f ss•.^. tizXpl r#> ~' _- ' • _., ;'
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