- i_ STATE Ufa' NIi;B7iAtshA, Cottnty oi ........................................................:
<br />F'ilati for record and entered in Nttmerieai Indez
<br />on .......................»................................... at ....,........... o'clock ................ M.,
<br />and teaorded in Deed 13eaord ............................... Page ..............................
<br />......................_............................,....... By .....................................,.»...................
<br />Cannty Clerk-or Deputy County Clerk or pp ~t
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds ~~ " ~) V ~ ~ 74
<br />James S. Reed and Precious Reed, husband and wife and
<br />James D.-Roth and Qonna F. Roth, husband and wife
<br />herein called the granter whether oatte os acres,
<br />is eowideration of $I and other consideration
<br />recetred from granuee, don grant. bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />James Q. Roth and Qonna F. Roth, Husband and 61ife
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the Pollowing described real propetR~ in
<br />fiat 1
<br />__....»...»....» ................~.._....»»....~...~........... County, Nehraaka:
<br />Lot ~ 32, Potash Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska STAMP TAX
<br />OGT 8198~2~a
<br />To burr anJ to hoi~i khe above dewcrci~e*# rrcmi~+e~ t-~gether with ail tenements, hereditamen4
<br />and appurteneneea *.herew hetonginR auto the grantec+ and to grantee a hairs and aastgns forever.
<br />And the grantor date hereby covenant with the grantAx sad with grantee's heirs and a»igaa
<br />that grantor is lawfully eeised of said premises; that that' are firer from enetmabranca
<br />that grantor has trood right and Eavrfu7 authority to rouvey the same; end that Rtantor warrants and will
<br />defeml the title to seat prentiaaa ssttinst the [awfnirlatma of all persona whomsoever,
<br />IIated Qctober fi 19 H2 ,~
<br />;~~'
<br />,~`
<br />s ~.~~Reed J., ..~Dw.~h -a„-.,-
<br />`~ ' -;, ,
<br />l . r"'
<br />'.l cv+ '.+y±..~.,........ lalY4xkra,:»..I.,,...17:~.~~{{
<br />......,..,..1.r ..............::.. ........._...__......... _...., , Lk..,......,..,......,..,,...
<br />Pret:tous Reed Donna F. Rath
<br />S'TAT13 f7i8 Rt}iBIZA$SA, t:ounty of .17311_ ..............................._...........
<br />Eeforr cue, a notary }tuGiit~ ~tualcfied far said county, persoaaily tame
<br />tastes ~. Reed and Precious Reed, husband and wife
<br />and
<br />James Q. Roth and Qonna F. Roth, husband and wife
<br />kaow•n =.z. cue io tae the iilanuu.i perwcw ar {?et'aow ~:. .~ylaad rAa
<br />faregsing instrutment and acknowledged the esesution thae+euf to ba hie,
<br />{ ber or their .atuatary net and dead.
<br />ii
<br />Witaaaa my head and t~atattia7 sea! ott,,.r.t`t,.~~j,.,,,.., ~~to~C..§t ,~,~,K .............
<br />_ .~""""""""'1 ...~a~.~.r ~. .. e+•~~~~7!lataty I'ubtia
<br />.
<br />Mar +. , . Id;= <'o~cu+atiou as fires ...... ~U si. 2 - z3
<br />p .. ................. 19 ::...,,
<br />1,I AkOBro+ead bf lTesrastta Etiste &ar Asaoriatlcx: thn.w a lru o,., t~ewu, ttr.
<br />