<br />STATE tJr` ,YlwBSnD1-A, t:oanty oi .........................................................
<br />F'ilad far record and entered in Numerical Indes
<br />on ..._ ....................................................... at ....,........... o'clock ................ ~.,
<br />and recorded in Daed Beoord ..................<.........., Page ..............................
<br />......._....._ ................................._. By ................»..................................
<br />Coeaty Cleric or Drpuiy County Cierk ar
<br />Regtater of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />$Z-"" ii(1~373
<br />James S. Reed and Precious Reed, husband and wife and James D. Roth and Donna F.
<br />Roth, husband and wife
<br />,herein nailed the graat~ whether ene or tzars,
<br />is caneidaratian of Si and other consideration
<br />receiTed tram grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />James S. Reed and Precious Reed, husband and wife
<br />herein sailed ilte grantee whether one ar more. the foliowiag described rani progetRT in
<br />............»_.~d~.~ ................_._....._.._..........._ County, Nebraska:
<br />ST+s~"C'lr 3T`F~v"'i7
<br />tot ~ 52, Potash Subdivision, Hall county, Nebraska
<br />ACT 819$~2~
<br />x„~ EiY..3~.:.-..-
<br />Tu harr :tint to t,oki xbe abar-e described i~rrmuas togethrr with aA tenements, bereditamenta
<br />and apl=tsrtrnancrs thrrrto Fwlot;;ing unto the gr3ntre :tt;a to tiraat~'s barn anti aaugna forever.
<br />Aad the grasiar days heraFty aoveatat with the granter and with grantee's hairs and assiput
<br />that grantor is iswfuily wised of said premises; that they era free from etasttmbrance
<br />that graaWr hoc gnat right and ?awful autttonty m coarry thr came, and that grantor wartaatr and will
<br />drfead the title to said prrmiaea aga:ittct the taarfui =1,ntata „f aiF peraana whomsoever.
<br />Dated October 5 19 Ell -,~„ r. ~
<br />a~ `f
<br />,,
<br />.yracs S. Reed James D. Rath
<br />Pret:ittus Reed Donna F. Roth
<br />~'fATB Oif NBdiRA81s`A, Cauaty of .._.._,.~!?1,~ ....._.... ....._,._.......
<br />Before tnr, a nc~tarv puhii4• +~uaitfted tar aaui county, prraoaally came
<br />James S. Reed and Precious Reed, Husband and Wife and
<br />Jataes t2. Ro#h and Donna F. Roth, Husband and Wife
<br />kuas<n to txr sa he the ~drnttcai lrietwo or perroaa who ctgaed the
<br />fore~oias ic~trntasat and sekaawFrdged the exeeutiatt thavaaf to ba his,
<br />her or eh.ir •atntttary net cad dead,
<br />Wi#asa mt~ $anct cad.#gjatartri soaF nn ,dttober F5. 19$2 ......................
<br />~ ~
<br />V i n.,.~. ^~'~.r+,^?-,.:...,.~..~,...~,i~'`.~..::«.~#~#iZ ~Yotary I'uFtlic
<br />i. Aut}usin 1 =;8
<br />AIY r•~mtntstiuts eapirra ...............~.:..~.......,................~,.. 19 .`. ,,. ..
<br />liras ~ t6pes~o+rtd_ mi Ada titat6 t#t Asstaciat5oa rwr w w,rt o~., ttr.ir. t+~..
<br />