<br />_. ..:~_
<br />~~„ .~-
<br />4.2 82'- ~ ~~ ~ ,~'7 Z Huffman and Felton b Wolt, Walton. Ne 68461 _
<br />~~
<br />I])lVID R. ItASJ aril BURR A. RzSS~t, Husband and laife, each in his and her own _
<br />right and as spouse of each other .Grantor, whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of TFTSl3TY-EIC3iT 'LSiWSt~DID ZWO If[S7DRED AiID SIC/100ZiiS DQISARS
<br />{$38,200.00)--- recetpt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to
<br />DQeTRLl7 D. IIVQE and Ht1TiTE B. ziY~.E, llttsbancl and bdife .Grantees,
<br />as joint tenants sad not as tenants in common, the following described real estate { ae defined
<br />la Nab. Rev. Stet. 6 78-2oi) in hall County, Nebraska;
<br />Part of Lots Five i5) and Si.x iH), 31ack i3i.-tety-`;",~.ree i93) n the driginal 'Itawn,
<br />riaw City, of Gratx9 ZsL3rtd, :fall Gatct*.,•, "k~raska, mare particularly described as
<br />follows, to-wit: ~k~mericanq at a po:.nt in tie westerl}' bouirlaxy Line of Bloc};
<br />~~linr<ty-'l4uee i93} , sand ,~oi..*it beira3 rorty r'~;ar :fit (~4') distartoe t~rtherly
<br />fzvn fife Southwesterly earner of Lot Five ;5) in sate Black, tht~tce turning a
<br />right artgie with said :desterl}~ 3cnutdar; Li.:xe of said Hlauc s1~1 an Easterly
<br />.a..: ruin rst.°t:..x, ;'fie ilu:~"et: ':Saenty lit ;120' ? uh~:ae t:~"nir.~, a right :.ngLe
<br />in a Sottt3tesly :lires:tion for a distart~ of Forte;-FYxir Fee*_ {.}4') , thence turning
<br />a rit~,'tt ale in an Easterly iiirection 'ItrelvP Feet (12' ? , thetiee turning a right
<br />a,~1e along the.:ividL*'t3 l.ir~ bett~:n lots 3tx r;i~ a~i Seven {7) in said Block,
<br />in a ?3orthrsiy clil~'ction s?.9.ghty-Eight let ; 38' : , lu:nce turning a right angle
<br />in a ;r~est~rrly direction for ;i distance of ~e ilttixired 'ilxiz-ty-'Rego Feet i 132') ,
<br />th€~nae turnj.tul a right angle aiortg the ':tiesterl•~ t5otuxiars= line oL' sai.d ltat five {S) ,
<br />iti a Sout)terly <iireeticxz Forty-Four Feet ;44'1 to x:'se p2aoe of beginnitx3.
<br />Grantor covenants {jointly and severally. tt more than one? +tth the Grantees that Grantor:
<br />(1) is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is tree from encumbrances exr.~ept
<br />mitts atxl restric-tz.ons of rt~mrd;
<br />{ 2) has Legal paver and tawfu2 nuthonty to convey the same;
<br />i
<br />{ 31 wsrrarts and will deftttd the xttle xo the real estate agatnat the lawful cleans of all persona.
<br />OCC.D~Ir...wt'=t ... a-~
<br />Fateeuted : .............. ........... 3 n..: --
<br />r ~
<br />t~vi.d A, R&ext
<br />State of Nebrasiut
<br />Ctxnty of ...... :~ .............
<br />Ck:toiier t3, 1982
<br />The fore~oins instrument Yeas acknowledged before me on ................................................
<br />L'#iVID R. RA'"~ and IIARitiltA ~. ~SE2l., aryd 44ife , - ,
<br />t+y ........................... .................... .................~r. ..... ...... .....,...,
<br />.. ~... ,.
<br />t~. trDtli9t A
<br />- ~ f®wAe eat tee's l+~ lit
<br />z- ..:
<br />9'CX'T8 flP I~EBt1A$!CA __ . _...,.
<br />~GYaAp t7C .................................
<br />4llt~ terr reeora an+d entered in Numartca! lildlCa Oa ..............................................
<br />;tt ...,, o"clcwtk ....,M«. anad recortted to I7aM Record ,......., ................ Page ....,......,.,..,.
<br />a.. ..... ~.....,.+.. r,. aa ...............
<br />9arbara ~ A, F.~nttssen
<br />ay: .,, .. .......................
<br />C ottaty or [)tputy C aunty C perk
<br />Regtstar of Y)eeda nr Llaputy lteg[ater of l7eeda
<br />. _,
<br />