<br />82-vi~4370
<br />MORTGAGE See L 18,207 FHA
<br />~- MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L L4, G63
<br />tCNOw ALL MEhi Bar T1tESE QRrsENTS: That Donald D. Engle and Hattie B. Engle, each in his and hes
<br />tJwf[ right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor, whe(((at arn• or mom, in considrration of the wm of
<br />'I~nt~Thr~tae Thrausand Fc Htuidred and no 100-- _ - DOLLARS
<br />leaned to sad atortgagrx by The FquetaWe Btdklirtg and laxie Araocretian of Grand (stand, Nabmska, Mort~gse, upon 234 slates of stock of
<br />saixi ASSOC[A170N, Certif`rnte No. L 24, Obi ~ ~ hemby grant, Canvey and mortgage Hats the said ASSOCIATION ttte fnlMtviag
<br />xkarribed ra! estate, sitrnied in tisil ['otaety, Nebraska.
<br />Part of Lots Five (5) and Six (bi in Block ?3inety-'i7zree (~3) in the Original `Pavn, now city,
<br />of Grand Island, Hall %aunty, Nebraska, mare particularly described as folltxas; to wit:
<br />Cenatertcing at a point in the westerly i~oundary line of Block Ninety-Three (93) , said point
<br />being forty-four {44l feet distant Northerly frtxtt (tie Southwesterly corner of Lot Five (5)
<br />in said Brock, thence fuming a right angle with said Westerly botutdary line of said Block
<br />in an Easterly direction rtuutinq One Htnttdred 'i~enty 1120) feet, thence turning a right angle
<br />in a Stx[therly direction for a distance of Forty-Fort: (44) feet, thence turning a right angle
<br />in an Easterly dirnctio:[ ZWelue (12) Feet, thence tuzrinc# a right anglt: along the dividing
<br />Iine between Lots Six ;6) a[:d Seven (7) in said Block, in a Northerly directitx[ E.ighty-
<br />F.i,ght (88) feet, thence turning a right ctt:gle in a :westerly airet:ti~t for a distance of
<br />One `Lhirty-`Roo 1232) Feet, thence turning a right angle along the (westerly bau[dasy Line of
<br />said Lot Five (5) in a Southerly t?.irectien r`orty-Four ;44) Feet r; rise place of beginning.
<br />[gttther wah a[i the ;ertesaenra, hetadttsrtsrata amt appartcnames tfxrrauato t~rhxngeag. ,x>tiudaq[ arts iited tkwa tovermgs.. all vnadtaty aCtCGa.
<br />vnreduw shades, hhrrds, xTaem wuuMtan, aamaxgs, trataat. as rawitt>taestg, aaS ptsarrbarg amt ware( tytrtprnear ataf x'cetarxra thereto. pttaga, attssCS,
<br />refrggerattut, sad .strata textures and rywpaseat tssw ar hasafier sttartrni ta: w sued ;» ca>nreecttun web wd real cstata.
<br />.And wtrneu the sad tewstgapxr hn apt+ad smt :te3es herelry- #rm ?hst the txxuta:fya shalE std well pay all tales and sae7fpeafa levied or
<br />attmud xrpaa sasf {awtaics a»ci upon this aewwep~ and the !rani xcartst shrtrhs hetwr hr vtne vtsail Fxtssme drttuttpteat_ to 1'arstdt approved
<br />auaranua span the buddtags sat aid prrraacs situstad m the sum <x1 S 23 , 4013.00 ,vysttMr ta= sad AStit)C'IATtON and to dalisaa to said
<br />ASSiIL'IATi<k'1 ttr poltcsrs tar sad irsmrnttr, wed net tr, mmaot au pnmrt any wasic as or atxout sxtd }+remas,
<br />la rasr *d dataalt r» the pnfarmansx ut ant:+i tltr trrrmand o+odstwuu .:t etas ;aatiatge „r the tviard secsved hereby. the rttar[gadse-shalt.
<br />cm drnaai, tvt ewrrrled ux smuredratc pusxssnva of the nautga7acd prrra»as and the mmtraptu -'u'raby aagttss, taatrafeta std sets nvaa !o the
<br />rtsattg>plx sll tttr trots, rcKaata sad xrxzst»e t,-, he Scsma (rasa tlta mmtF,Tgest [a°era+Ra dwrxsF unit t nac as-the trtarehge esdebtedroa shall (soil(.
<br />urgrad, sad the :mar stsaN hair !ha prsvttt +u apptunt a»v ayatu =a atpaata st +my ctasue f.xr the ptutrme of reparnag sad Qte~a sad reathg
<br />the same sad s3x~ti'ttryt eha tsars, tevraiwv and nw-omc. snd xt ma> ~i• .,+st ..,i w-fi :racwnc a2i cs:peosss ,rZ :epavittg said ptetaises wed ttetestay
<br />cxraseumwaa atwt rxpc,:ac. .,.crttred ux xemdeg ae»f nutwwMS jhe same staff -v F:.uk<turg :rnsus t=5rrctaaa: the hstanoc restautiag, if say, to ho
<br />agphtai (award the dawisarRe wd sad mswsgage :oSebreSnem: these rrtdrts .~t tts ,ntntx uat trc csarased si say itme dttnttg itst earatenw of tsrfi
<br />amt, aresyei~snr+zi sat ttsnpararr »~arves of ttx store
<br />1"hear Psesaats, Fa+wrws, arc upswt ets t'cawbtxut, -fhat r! the sad ~asptasrr snail srpsv rsd has un cu hsftae the e»aftmtY a[" >artd-sharp by
<br />payaazar, pet nvarttttt t„ card ,rtSti[X`IATtttti*[ c,t tlsc ssau speayt'red w thr t#stS serutati tx€e3sY ss mtarest sad prmapel nut said less:, oo nt before
<br />the -freeaeterh Ssv .?! aacte atw :veer ,tumth,:artai sad Man t, laay paid. pay atl taus tat asseasatents !sated raauesl taud Ptpase+sad an this Mottpsge
<br />sad the i7nrut sn'u+~t thc.e~iv. hetaae dciiarizreaa~', iusnab a{s[anrect xarxastui +rpest she awktertga thnsua to the wm of 5~3, Qi~{J. GG taY~e
<br />to and AbStX:lATttpN, repay t~ sad AS$"i.X'[ATifhV upon eieawxd ab rsMwtY hv~ ct pawl t~s such texas, xam¢mpeu sad iaasnatas eriih iutt:rrsa at
<br />rise rtYaeawrm kZpi rata iheream from datx c*i payment s{I of whrcts Nwltt~ hetetsy a~raas t,: pav'. prtaul rrn (rote no sale( pteasaes: ktaep std coatply
<br />vntlt a[t the aarmnaents sad ~xwtdstuta us t4ta lsaad Zia Sz3, 400.:0 tha Sai~ dtsaa Ity rttE vd Aas,naspa !o sad ASSOt_fA770N, std awydy
<br />wNh sp lhs ragmrcateata ui thet_<xWduttoa and ity~taws sH'satd ASS(Jt'IAi[tMi, then these prasntt sisal! lutwm nttn grad vaui, niltstxue they
<br />~ testa!. xn iaN (arse aqd r~Y ne icacck~+1 rt the ot*~+ sf th,e a+ad A.A.101'LM1l'~~ altar fxulwe 8a thus eonnths to nrita say of said
<br />payaseats su he (bras mnttthx as arreus m avritrgt aaaf nwtothly° psytemrsts..a to keep sad .=rrrspit wtth the agteeteeats ad sssM[itioets ssf ssid Litsat,
<br />sad ftlautpgs agrees to bars a recxrvev atrpnmtad fratlswuh at atw-h t.aeekrwre prtrseadteJlY.
<br />If these a soy s'hush' at +wuatsttgt cd the real ware mn~tgtpat bass(, by sale w +uherwme, rhea ties antra ratsaiastg ttttiebertdtseta heeby
<br />aataed thaH. st the optroa sK 'The ryt>;t,bte ltu,hiwg sm! l.sva Aaanciauau ui Gresti latwd, "VeAratta, be+a»ae ttasaaftateiy dse sad paytsble nitbaW
<br />fttrttaa arstiee, sal. the .:steam raatetnrag Sat uswln sad M+nd, and say ..that head fis asy addttsaesat attvaatsa rode t[sasugdet, shall, ftt~ the
<br />AVaa ui' axaegte of tae[ nptiaea, (,tat iusates at tht asaatta+ens i~ rate, sad the tnrrrthlga aa7r that ba hxedlrxd w s:tisfjt the amts( daa as stud
<br />haod.asd say atha bawd ttsraddittarai atlas. t.sgseher stxh aU soeoa pttad ~r satd The kt~aEde t;aiklrstt attd teas Anartatiua ssf Gtttad ldand.
<br />tiabaaslaa fat i~praa. farces and aaettaaasts. asd sha4x-tmg asteaare sitaeata, wah mtaea themoa. fttsm date of gayemat at the mta[Nnwea
<br />- Aa ptsttidsd is the !load tscustd hereby. while ehn uetrthtge rearym m etfact the ttatxtlptpts trey lusaatfas dvaeca addktdktaaal sums to the
<br />alakasa aF mid Thtad. thdr : w~ xws at watstaat, which wrm tied to vnttnua the veeutrlY aS ttas mtut~s tht same as the fttsdt osalhrdtY
<br />vneasted thtaeby, the tend attsnuat :V prurespa} daAq rwu to axaeed ae say umr the ru>!tstaF ttrseruat ,d tltts ttestpge.
<br />~thia ... gt31.- day qp t'actober :\. n., iy a2
<br />- x e~ ~ ~,.
<br />. ~'
<br />~i _ - ~ __.
<br />3~3ttle a. fie -..~
<br />-"r'1"AT'k (1f' AtRaf,Sdi.A, ~ oa i"nt tA,a 'r3th day of t~Ctt'3~r ~ •i 32 .lxtoae tea,
<br />fZ>nttP1Y t7F MALI. ~
<br />!a®ea~ild Ll, ~ ~. a Nt+tary vttb&e m asd ftx uad ti.aatY. Pa>~Y role
<br />gsgle afad EIdL[le 13. t7[14le, t~-h in his and ?ier r~arrt :fight ~ 3s sfxtczse~~~ac3s
<br />+•>t t _tre atwa to
<br />ma td M t4r slasRred pttRSU 8t stte~. suss( tF atz°i: ttf`tead to she aha*va mntw:~w sresslMpw .: ash tt1P-y seealtMt
<br />tbatuei wat:asaaot to tae ~ '~~ _`.°
<br />a~ ttxai, r rdwaur act sad fitted. ,
<br />dRT'sihS4 „yy' hand and !tiritatsa3 t3ta 9aM stixstsw#, ~,,, "s, f~ ~:~ ~
<br />titp t;naWashsa a,aptes ..~ _" s
<br />,`raigf t `
<br />__
<br />1
<br />