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<br />~y5 °i" r ~fO OP Mt?ATGR^° rW ~-- LT2 "" 1 } i i [~ ~ E'j ~ Huffman and Felton R Wnit, Walton, Ne. 68461 ~
<br />_~_
<br />i
<br />IN GQNSIDERATIDh` of the payment of tka debt named tkcrein, the c;VF. POINTS RANK
<br />hereby releases the mortgage mach- to
<br />i
<br />FTVE P<?INTS BANK by ,lames ;.. h'andr~~ aa~d Kar'ta Sue Fandry, Husba~d -
<br />E and W:fr ~
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<br />f ow the fotloeuiag drst+f7+ad rtd estate, to-nvt:
<br />Southeril° -evant_c ~ ~ .1 Feet e£ l.e~ E~. ~ _% tt B'?xk Stevan (11I
<br />in Kollins' ~ddt...'~n ;a ~hr _ttv ~E C,rand tsTat.,., Hail 'ount.Y, `7ebraska ~
<br />I
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<br />of '~sct»w is Tatxxship Raug€ °{ ig~ j _ti.,~ • ., 1 P. ~f., tta t 1 ?
<br />[pyatyy ~$`i~1r-.Qf ~etarasics mkich it rrrordtd in4i}E:c . ~ of I~e~ Estate 3fortgages, page ~
<br />R ':, ej;#ht rrser#s exj,rsid t:ox>zty.
<br />''IN 2'SSTfY()NY iftHEREt:F, tke raid fF'rx +`:,d1~ ~A<K kas ceased
<br />~ t<Atats fsstests to bt ererrrttd br its prrsidrnt and ett ,'nrpnr:tr ~€al t atf+xrd hereto thu iYM 7ch ~
<br />. a ~CE'Ltt#Rr pg B.:
<br />k t~ ~'- - "ivr E tats atrk
<br />urn x - ,z ..._ ..,.
<br />'_ t 1~~7~ ,:~.~4:..te~ ~~: ~-..., .. f',1' 1 ~~ .1.... G~'~Q1., ........ _, PFa31df1[t ~
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<br />~ ., , _ - ~' .. l askur, Serrttdr'y i
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<br />~~~ Qa~....,.- ..a}E.GL1 S6.d. - ~ _ . _~R."ii.21?H.l; .. - ,, 19~1~~
<br />r _,_. tlxcs . r ., ,day of. __.. ,.,..
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<br />i _.__...._...__.._.Ha~~' ............. ._ ....._.~.._.Caunty ~~ tiefos+e tree, the undersigned, n Notary Public in and far
<br />i
<br />t cams ,. :. ~.:
<br />acid-C~atuttg, Y _ _ .. ' t. -'t` s _._ .. ._.. a _?t is~c' v. `.~.`. Pteaidant of the
<br />„NT' =3A~^tK, t anu ;~. z ,tt, .. - .. .._. _.__...
<br />i ...... _. __._...._ .
<br />krxtwn co be the President and tdenucal raon w 3 ~~ a Corporation
<br />to ras petsoxw~iy pe hose name ~ a8i:ed to the above release and
<br />~ the e:ecutitan there to F+e his cftluntary act attd decd as reach c>t£cer. and the voluntary act and
<br />'dead of soul (;orpatatian, and flat ita corporate seal wsa thereto atfued by tta authotitt.
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Smi at . ' "z :<"' • ~"` """" . in txaid County the day and year i
<br />:last abovs strittten. ? ,
<br />' ~ ~ -_ i
<br />-r 19 ''~' ... ~ >..., ,..' ~ >r.._... ., tiotary Public
<br />... _.,
<br />~t>lait # lid M~ ~M
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