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<br />3:1-IIAitRANTY D6Et) <br />Gelhn f~ Wo1F Company, Uncoln, Nebr. <br />VfIARRANTY DEED ~~"" ~~~4359 <br />William H. Lighthill and Shirley L. L.ighthill, as husband and wife, each in his <br />and- her own right as spouse of the other ,herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br />in aenaideration of '1Stirty-three thousand dollars and no1100-------------------------- <br />received k'om graatae, does gran:, bargain, sell, ~envey and c+.?nfirm unto Rheodore N. Aldrich, <br />a single person <br />herein ealleal the rrantae whether cne ar ~nnre, the, fr~lln~ring cinsribed real property in <br />..........~_.....&,.._.........__ ............._.._-.... County, ;`iehraska: <br />A tract of Land cotnprisinq a part of ±he Southwest Quarter {SW4) of Section One (1), Rbvnship <br />&leven (11}, North, Range Ten {101, West of the 6th F.dt., in Pall County, Nebraska, described <br />as follows Beginning at a paint on tY:e West line of said Southwest Quarter (SW>z} Said glint <br />being One Hundred (100.01 feet South of the Northwest C'nrner of said Southwest Quarter (SWblt- <br />thence running southerly along the west Line zsf said Southwest Quarter (54T~1 a distance of <br />One Hundred Twenty-'lftree and YhrtZr-ei?ht ;~~:.drev't?-s €I"3.391 feet; thence running easterly <br />and parallel to the North line of said :rJUtnwest Quarter (SWFt1 a distance bf One Hundred <br />Ninety-give 1195.01 feet; thence running northerly and parallel to the west line of said <br />Sourhwest Quarter [S9d'a`t a distance of ":`arc: 3lundred 'I1ren*t'-r-hree and ",°:irtg-eiclht Rundredths <br />(223.39} feat to a point .gin the north line of said vouthwast quarter {SW~r}; thence running <br />westerly along the north line of said snuthw~t quarter :SW6} a distance of Sixty-two (62.01 <br />€eet; iltence runnin*~ southerly ~~ azalle. tc t,~te west iine of said southwest quarter (SWh}, <br />a distance of use hundred (100.01 ..°eet; ~~tence westerly and parallel to the north line of said <br />southwest quarter a distance z~f one kundred Thirty-three: 1133.6} feet to paint of beginning. <br />{This is a corrective ;seed r.c, =.°arrect rhr de.rci grevlcusl}~ :i'ted czn al~?.3-H 3urvivnrship <br />Warranty [)eel. } <br />To have aad to A.,Id the abovr. dr>+:rkl>e.i pretai~t wttether with ail [enemants, Aczaiiitatnents <br />aad appartenancex thetaw beloagietg unio the ttrsntea and to grantee'+ ae.ra anti aaxat;ns fot~ver. <br />?-nd the grantor dose herelsy cacenant with tee erantr-r an+i ~itA crnnt<~e'. iccirs amt v~Sigas <br />that grantor is law#ultp saiasd c~# aacd prars+isei: that +~r,• are ^~ #rom Coe-=:zmlara:x=e <br />exs'~pt easements aad restric±~ans ai rcyc:.ard <br />that grantor has good rtght aad Saw#ui authority to c,ati~:'1 the saxes; and that granter warrsaLa $ad will <br />defend the title to said praosiaes agaiteat the Iavft;l t•tnuns of all panwaa ahomaoevet. <br />Tested October 1 =~ ~= <br />~~ OOCt7M11RaVTARY <br />STAMP TAX <br />.. ,...._ <br />OCT ~ 982 <br />'* f{r ~ ~ ~ <br />F <br />3'£aT8 t>l~ x`'3i1R11~AS~ie„ C~atxnty of ..__._~laelt.,_...,....... ._.._........_.... _ <br />ESe.Yore sae, a n~.ty public queLifiad ttvr said c.~ant;°, rer~wuaiir° tams <br />Wt11La>a [i, Lighthill a:xi Shirley L. l..iyhttxill, ax: i:usband and. wifr., <br />east in iris and her swrta right ss spmuse y€ she -ether <br />!totters to anx as the identiesl penty~ sr 1eer~xt~F who a~gyrd the f+~rageing iastruute-ut aed a~iknou'lrtige+l <br />tAre aUteaxtti+~ tlterrw!' to be #ssi ha or their voluntary ors aad dsad, <br />®5'i- btWd an3-t}atsrial i as ...-F- ~ ~ ~~^~%k r~, - 3°} .. ~... <br />~.. "^. , <br />.. ,. <br />- _ ~~. ^~ iasioA-eslzzras ,.-N ..,.rr,.. .. .w.....:. ~.. - t:t... ~-,_~. <br />