<br />82--x) Ci 4 35'7
<br />Uctober 7, 1982
<br />Lien claimed by: Against:
<br />Speltrr Schultz Lumbex Co. of Gland Island Larry E and Karen M. Carlson, and
<br />824 South Webb Road Lori 8. Alexander and Michael E. Erickson
<br />P.O. BOR 1447
<br />trend Island, Nebraska 68$02
<br />The record title owners are Larry E. and Karen M. Carlson, as owners of fee title;
<br />and Lori B. Alexander and Michael C. Ericksan, as owners of equitable interest.
<br />See Exhibit A attached t"or itemized statement
<br />1 ss
<br />Affiant, .lahn »'. Schultz, Jr., President, Sprits-Schultz Lumber Ca. of Grand
<br />Island being fizst duly sworn, an his ~~ath sacs that the foregoing itemized account
<br />of lahar, materials, and improvements as =''uurher described on the attached invoices
<br />and delivery tickets, incorporated herein by reference, is trap and correct;
<br />that same were done and perzarmed and furnished by the undersiKned under an oral
<br />contract for the improvements on the fallovittq lac, puce, ar ,~arcei of land viz:
<br />Lot Eighteen (I8), EaKlewood Acres Subdiisien, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Thar claimant contracted herein with Larr}• E. Garison, ZD23 Sees t. i4th Street,
<br />Grand lsi.,nd, Nebraska 68861.
<br />that at the lima ,;.led e.catract ::<ea made .~:ld tat?or .end materials furnished
<br />and delivered therr.undar, Larry E. and Kann Vii. Cur?son, c?wners .~f fee title; and
<br />Lori B. Alexander and ?fichatl C. Ericksan, owners ~?z equitable interest, were the
<br />contracting awners ~'>f safd ;,rs.a+ises. :'hat 'aatzri,vls were furnished Larry E. Carlson
<br />as cnntractar acting for the osmers.
<br />'that the date of *. he ii.rst item isrni.shed and deiiverrci was 4arch 3l, 1482
<br />arni the dale at` iYie is&t >_tua was August :, 1482.
<br />Affi.ant further states tiwt said materials mere furnished :or, delivered eet,
<br />and used in said lmpreuetaents an and 't.ctveen the dates specified.
<br />That the gricas i:llargnd thareior ..r<: i<,ir and cease=nab lc, .and that Chore is now
<br />due an said account the s:att c.?f I'vrttsausand ~snrhuzl~3red fiitu-six and 83fiDD Dailars
<br />(S2,i5b.83), that said Sprits-Scltu;iz Lumber ;:o. of i;r:snd Island claims a lien on
<br />the Said premises far the Evil amount ,,t acid .lecaune, te? wit: The Sum of $2,iSb.Bl
<br />together with interest thera„n :,t the ega! rate, from the 5th day of August, 1482.
<br />Sprits-Schultz Lumber Co. of uracld Island
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<br />si. ..-~•~ ~ ~
<br />ti !f ,/ f;
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<br />A- " ° ` _ -' a ~%. Schultz, Jr. , Prey
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<br />,- ~Ui9Si:Y lbad in GiY pre'ad't1C:e and SwU CtI Ct?
<br />,. before me this ?th clay of .).^.tober, 1482.
<br />`~
<br />~33 ~,?/ /~
<br />ie. irl~r ~' Publ.c
<br />