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<br />~. ,_~._ _r.. __ )r.
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<br />4.2 $~ """ fl V ~ 3 S 1 Nutfinen an0 lelton d Walt. Walton. Ne- 68461
<br />DAIS J, l~BINEZT and IRIS L. ROBINEIT, Husband afld i•7ife, each in lus and her own right
<br />atr3 as spptsse of each other .Grantor, whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of F"IFPP-k'OUR 'SI3O[7SAND NII~ fx'TI'`IDREG t'~ID NOj100~15-- DOLLARS
<br />-f554,9flU.0fl)-- ,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to
<br />Ji3tg~ P. J%X)BSSEd9 and WAilftEPlt R. JlC19S.5EN, husband and 6~7ife .Grantees.
<br />as joust tenants and not as tenants in common, the following described real estate (as defined
<br />in Neb. Rev. Siat, d 7S-2o1) in Elal1 County, Nebraska:
<br />l~at ,~ (lU) , z.^. R 5 3 Sutxiirision,
<br />Ball Cotult~r, 'ieraska. STATc`AENT ATTACHt:Q
<br />L3CT I ?~~?
<br />BY
<br />Grantor couenants tlnsntly and severally, if more than anal with the Grantees that Grantor=
<br />{ }) ib lawfully sassed of such real estate and that :: is free from encumbrances e~et7tpt
<br />~°•~-•~^zs atxi restr:c*_i.ons cis ~~c:ord;
<br />{ 2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the dame;
<br />(3) warrants and wall defend the title to the real estate against the iawtui claims of all persona.
<br />Esecuted: ....::~#r:'::~ `:.~...,.•f.~ ............. ly at
<br />'~
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<br />ll~E J, ao~btt .Ll2S tiO~2i'lE?.Ct:
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<br />Stott of Nobraska
<br />County of .......1.3a3:1 ............. ~ t
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<br />by ....~~'. 3s. ~ii">€~e`~.~'..,?~~.~n~~,4'~`'.a. z?t13,',kx931n~'u'u Srlfe ,,..,.,~ ................
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<br />C ot ................................ Iq, 13~p~'"~
<br />lttZtaei tar rsearct and entered in Ntsmerecal Ysx}ox on ..............................................
<br />at .,.., o'cLtxit ,....M,. acrd racordai :n heed Hea;ord .......... .............. Page ..............,...
<br />liy .. ... . ..... .....................
<br />i=ounty or i7eputy t~cwniy t )ark
<br />- lte~ister of lids c r tHputy Itet;trter ej! Uetrda
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