<br />` cotzRECTEn
<br />~ ~.~ ~ MORTGAGE s2 --ca r ~ ~. ~ ~
<br />#~~= t~ci434~
<br />This mortgag€ made and entered into this . 24th day of ~ September
<br />13 82 : by and between Bender, Inc.
<br />{hereittatter reform! to as mortgagor}and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referrer! to as
<br />mortgagee), wfio maintains an office and plac€ of business at 4?4 West 3rd street in Grand Island,
<br />Flat! County, Nebraska.
<br />WistvESSETH, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledgai, the mortgagor
<br />dues herby motYgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fol-
<br />towirt~ iie~ritxd property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />North Eighty Feet (N80') of ;,at '?our (4), and the North Eighty
<br />Feet {N80`Zaf the West Sixteen Feet (Wlo') of Lot Three (3}
<br />81ock One Hundred Ttrenty-Eight {138), in anion Pacific Railway
<br />Company's Second (2nd) Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hail County. Nebraska
<br />tog€ther-with aU th€ tenements and appurtenanecs thereto txiongtng, at- the rents, ixsues and profits tfiercof, and art
<br />easeatatts, rights, royartia, mitxral, oil end gas rights attd profits, water, w'atir rights, and water stock, and including
<br />ail heating, plttmMtttt, rrfrigeratit>n, lighting, equipment end ail ti~wres of every zi€scriptiwt belonging to the
<br />mongagnz ttow nr hereafter attacitsd thcrno or used in .onntr-sttxt with the prctrtix€s herein described and in addition
<br />irs€r~o the €ttilcsw~ng drseribed properties which are attd shar4 ,`x dermed en t}r iixturex and a part of rite reatty, and
<br />are a portion of the securitF foi thr ittdcbtedtxsx h€r€in xtated_ t tf nwtr, state "none") Norte
<br />To bane atffi to tint ttte same unto the Mortgagee, as hc€€in provrded:
<br />77tt tuorttgagor is tawf'ully seitcd and possessed of attd has the right to self arsd convey said property; that the
<br />sata€ is free fttxn all eacumbratrees exeept as hcrcinabax~ retsteti; ami that Motigagar cavcnants to warrant and
<br />defend she tills aforesaid thereto attd Query part rtmt€of against the claims of all p€tsons whomsoever,
<br />thh irutroatestt is gives to saute ttu paytacm of a prortrissory note dated September 24, 1982
<br />in rite priatipaf stmt of # 70.0.00 . sr`gned bi+ _ Edtward C. Bender: t?rssadent
<br />im heitaif of tdersder. Irtc.
<br />sLm, sa ~ hotter troy front time to tithe 6e modifmtt, retterred or etttcttdcd in writing.
<br />ttt the crtta tiro titre to said real estate is trttasterted, or caattacted to be transferred, from Ills uttdetxigtted Cor any
<br />tt~" ~ try arty taa~ad ~, the etttitr prittdptt sttm sad acautd iatttest shall at once become due and
<br />payable at rim ekctitan of the harder itcreaf. Failure ta eacrcise this option because of trarufer nC title as althea stated
<br />im ode l>~attce siat9 tart styastittttt a waiv€r of rite right to eAereise tlx seam in ~ cvrnt of snp subssqucnt transfer.
<br />;, ~ prate putt' the ~ tvidateed by aid proazsi~my nntc at the nttus aaci itt th€ nwnner
<br />r~ prorided,
<br />b Ter . -alt tatnss: its, water rates, Aral other gtrvtrttmentat of tnuntcipar charges, flues, ;tc
<br />itts#tosutitt~, ttt[ tehicte ~rotcirkat has nt}t tts+tat tnadc httn3ttbeftm, sad wiN frtmtptty deriver the official rrceipt•
<br />ti~tttr to lira sty„
<br />Ca-`t'ta ittN?. frteh-tom and te€n a5 tt6aC be itutrrred in rite prorct±icht anti mRint€nan;;s taf paid t+rnper't~~.
<br />-tht`f~ trt artyratfartrt~s ~ by tir€ ~ flat tilt edticdtipn cFf anti or alt Erf the inti~tednryt
<br />~'~'"km tt't't€ntef, err tarecktwra by tntertgagtc's sad, c=t-c~ttrt pro.~ditr~tc. +~r ;n acts other lr~reatr,yn ~~s t~r~vect~irfc;
<br />alrmroa .piQ peapcrty-
<br />