<br />$2_.1)04334
<br />TRUTH-IN-LENDING DISCLOSURES Dat2'~Jr'.. ' _ . , 19~~ ......
<br />,tn this Hate, Ina words .. me, mine, and my means each and ail of those who sign this rote. The words you. yaur, and
<br />yours mean Pa-Ly ;realty & insurance It;c., uBP. Da-Ly Insurance 3 Fir:ance, 2~1=+
<br />g rn, t h ~ ,~ ,~ + ----- ----
<br />(Licensee's name and address)
<br />REPAYMENT: To repay myloan. I promise to Ray You :Lh.^ee. Istouaaxt.d. Jo.l.l.at~y ancl- naLLe.nY.s-. -
<br />_.._ - - ..
<br />............
<br />at youroniceaat 251.?r...S._ Ltzucst -~t...,._.~:rand_.Islaad.,- :~ebcasi~a- 688Q.1 ._ _.__....
<br />with Interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of 2Q ..8~ _.. ..... % Rer annum from 4L17.e_ -1-, - 1.88.1 ....._ _._.._._... .
<br />interest is computed deity on the unpaid pnneipai balance. The unpaid princtpa and accrued interest shall be pay-
<br />able in .t`~. installments of $ ~~-_83 each due an the ;sS.. day of each month
<br />commencing - J.UL.Y . S_ .- -- . t 9. 8 7--- _
<br />1. $ -.. 3., {1i°1C1._t~C...... Casa advances disbursed to or for borrower{s).
<br />2. $ ..... -.~?- _ _ . _ Amount applied to any prior accent. The FINANCE CHARGE is computed an my
<br />3. $.-__....ri7-.-. ._ Singtecreditlifeinsurancepremium. Lean at the agreedrateof29opermonth(21~
<br />1. $ -~I- Joint credit Cite insurance premium per years on the unpaid principal balance
<br />5- $ ._ -~- .. -. _ Credit disabUiry insurance premium which is not in excess of $1,000.00, 1'::%per
<br />ii 5 ri- Properr nsurance premwm month !18%per year) on that part of the un-
<br />~ ' paid pnncipai baiartce exceeding $1,000.00
<br />?- $ ' , QG;~ . Q4 .Amount financed ;add t through 6)- but not in excess of $5.000.00, i .% per
<br />8- 5 . C 4 v . o'v FINANCE CHARGE. month { ~5%per years on that part of the un-
<br />paid balance exceeding $5,0.00 but not in
<br />'y $ ~-. ~ ~ . ~ C~ 7ctat Raymenis (add T and 9i excess of 57.600.00.
<br />ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE .. 2:~.._"i;. .,
<br />The totat of my payments, the torsi amount bf the FINANCE CHARGE and the total numoer at my payments are tigured on the basis
<br />tt±at) wtft make regular payments according to the repayment schedUis oascr:bed m the hrsi section of this note. However. if i don't
<br />foitaw that payment xnedu+e. tttert i understand that this could cause Ina toter of my payment the total amount of the FINANCE
<br />CHARGE, and the total number of my payments to oe more than as described aiwve :f t delay ~~ making payments and kiss than
<br />desenbad afl0ve is I am early in making payments
<br />PREPAYMENT: Even though t nesdn'z say more roan Iris fixes! .nsrtlments. t have fns ngr:t to Rrepay thewhate outstartdmg
<br />amount of this Note at any time.
<br />DEFAULT AND RIGHT TO CURE: :wilt be in c~efaWt ;i !don't pay an mstaument an t.me.
<br />If a full rnstalirnent is more than hvedays m defauR- a charge maybe made equal to the FINANCE CHARGE applicable to the final
<br />installment period and a similar charge may be made for each succ~ding t,u morsM suer, installment +s unpaid.
<br />If i am in deteutt axordrng to the terms and candrtrons of my Noie. you may enforce your rights accardmg to Nebraska law. When
<br />~ dafnuft CpriatstS only Ot failure to make a raqutred payment, you may W nh nnr ce antl attar my !ar lure to Cure the default, declare
<br />the balance of ttte Noie immedratcuy due and payable and at yaur optwn, you may take Rasssss+on of the security Rtedggeed. 1
<br />urtderstand Mat t am only entitled to one nonce of my ngnt to Curs?rka detau7t fcx faclu.e to make a raquued payment. tt I fault
<br />agatrt, you Wean not send me another notice and can declare the entire balance due and Rayab~ arm enforce your rights under
<br />t+lebraska taw
<br />IRREGULAR PAYMENTS: ?'au can accent =ate paymenu or partial payments- suers tneugn,-narked payment in toll', without
<br />losing any of your ngt+ts Under finis Note
<br />COMAKERS: of I'm stgnin-y^ Mrs Note as a camaker :agree zo Ire squatty respans+oie w=:r. the borrower veu don, t have to no:ity
<br />me Mat MI5 Note nasn' peen paW- yot, nave 2ner~gt•.t tc cnax~e Me terms of payment Ind rt+rease any security without nonfymg or
<br />refeasrttg me tram *esponrbiiay cn tnrs toots
<br />D1STRl8UT10N OF PROCEEDS: -rot; are na+opY a•rtftatrzed to give Me proceeds of this Note to
<br />CAEDITLIFEatdtorDISABlLITYINSURANCE: Nattt~CreegtL:ter,orG1#saantyrnsurancearerequiradofinetoobtatnth:s
<br />Klan and Mat the purcttaee ct such rnsurartes M m® ~s wnaey vatuntary t writ Hat be prpvtded with this creWt insurance unless i
<br />indicate Mat I want such ~nsurartca oy checking the appr~lrrate bdx iwkaw and then s,gning and dating my request
<br />(a Credit Life fpr first borrower The premium is $
<br />^ Ctisdrt Life and (?!sapttity for first torrower 'tkt pti3mium rs $
<br />RCredit Life h3r both barrowars. he preirtium s $
<br />^Crigrt Ufa tar both bprrowers arW UrsatT+ldY tar hnt 'wrtower c?rly T~ Rremrum ~s S
<br />i
<br />f~xtWe) do no/t w Cted~e,ar C+sabtiritiy :rsc:ranc~e
<br />First BorroweK,,~z Ic~.= r«:,r'~s..r'd "Gatei`.~,' f'-•`,l Secor,et6nr.cwap~.~;'L~= ='~L,~-,.,~:''~ta%=F ' i°" ~
<br />SECUAIT'Y: To protect you ,t r aetau+t on Mrs deot give rou what ,s known i5~~a securrtY :ntersst ~n ttta foltowmg
<br />proyerty. tdtsf separatetyl
<br />.wv~~I i ~u.a
<br />A6RfEi41ENT i:DR ITS
<br />~~ "kfS PAPER. 3 YDU
<br />N4Ti~ Sate attar sWe to rmtxor'tant inform aMUr'
<br />THE VNDEf2SItsNEC2,A~KNOYVL!~OGEiB} gEi'J<SPT ti;F ,'~ t.GMPt.ETEIV Fill E*z-!N t.~l_nPV ~F THIS Nth?'E
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