<br />~. -__..
<br />' Q2~ECONO REAL. E8TATE MORT4A4E-With Yosx Cfaup 'Tao r.utlw.a 6enerrl Suppk7 xoner. Lfa<mn. Nebr. ~ `
<br />.arrow ~. err By ~E PxESi~rrs: $2 --~ 4 4 3 3 3
<br />I`IdRTIo-YVE, FERRY L. SUMMERS and SllZANNE E. SUMMERS, husband and wife and spouse
<br />of each other,
<br />~ HALL Cattnty and State of NEBRASKA , in coxuideratian of the sum of
<br />THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS and NO/100 CENTS {$3,000.00) DoLLriRS
<br />ix irtzn,i dfx herrb SELL and CgsV&'EY onto DA-LY REALTY & INSURANCE TNC. DBA DA-LY
<br />. (rnartgrtgee},
<br />of HALL County. and State of NEBRASKA , the fallatviny described premises
<br />sitteated in HALL Lo»xty, awd State of NEBRASKA to-.x+t:
<br />The Southerly Sixty-Six and five Tenths Feet (S 66.5') of Lot Five {5), Brock
<br />One Hundred Four {I04) in Koenig and Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />The intnetian t•rie? :.; .genre}• krr;b=; an ahsuirur Cit:r +n re staeeis iwrltuii»~t :=t+ thr riykts i•1 hosnrrzrati Inc! datvrr.
<br />7'C1 tfrtG'~ ,{:~;? TU zl(t [) tkr pretsisrs .riae•r detnibsd, uitk ~ rkr ,tpparfnwnrss !krrrt:nta beto»oxnq xxua
<br />tks said awrtgagte .xr etearfgeE.;rrr .tn+i tcx ixu, irr or zkrxr gars aad ,~~ :, tvrar•rr. fratxdrd aitxxars. and fh.rs Ares-
<br />etiss err rpuxt ikr rapt:^as ,'arutitias that i~ tlu srwd +mrtQagur ar rnartgayars, kit, keer ur tiztir krrs. ess,-WOrs, ad+nita
<br />utratars ar aarians stxatl pay >~ tense to 6r pelt! fa tka szid »:ftrt;jar~re c.r nwrizJagatr trnd tv +tis, aa•r tar tksir lairs, ex-
<br />adetwairt+v{ars ar assigees. tke sxsxw of THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS and Nflr' i~ CENTS,
<br />e`~Of~3, DDfl.f;fJ ~Gxrs, pett~abEr cs foliates, za-tcsF:
<br />Under Mortgage Installment loan, note xiL-R-0052, beginning an July I, 2481, the
<br />soul of ~a80,B3 each month, due on the first day and on each following first day of
<br />the mt>nth thereafter, far a total of Sixty fiD) nsatiths> at 2D.8D~ interest, accruing
<br />on the unpaid balance, No pre-payment penalty.
<br />trick iwtrrat tkrno+e a120 • ~ per teat pair atwnegte, FaY~+ tnori tltl y ~ aerardiny to Eke ttfear and r(f sat a j
<br />ttpattacht:d pro.tt:ar•Y Hoar xaittt ituenrst canyrxws attccltsd a[ said .4fvrtguyora. l~saring .!few dots cesth !hear pres-
<br />nW, owd axiati poy aU tams aced asY adtrsst an, x ts«ernriug etarat7sNewts of priwtipat, date on att7r prior xwrtgtiye aced
<br />acatsn_ irlrWi truiei rpaw .at+d real rr~te and ,slt auuisr !asst. ;sz+ss slit{ asssat~irsxts dsc~tad ,rpaa tfds mrsrt~r ar the
<br />twit prink tJat wartgsya it ,~tvan to sactirr, brfort tiu ,wntr bscatras dstiwgxtnz vid harp ika bnildingx os said
<br />psttxeiiss iaisttrxid for f$e stir! j 30,D00 . fors. ~ any, pu7atxte to sack first nsortaaesrs cr rkiz nwrtgagrr, yr Z~t~zk.
<br />thew !hest pvrsents bar txaid, atkarstate to 'as .swd rraunw ire. farco
<br />IT IS FURTHER ,4GREEU ! r, That of flea said warAgityv~ sl+aiil fail fo neck Wsrx and stark eatnx•sst an.
<br />sr tstatprit~ fixeaeits e# pri~eipa[, dsis nw taey print t+wzrrmrd prfficwre-seek uxstrcancr, tkeu skit »wrtgagrr .tiny
<br />pay strefx tests awd sick interest as, ar nrstrn~ ixswllixesrtt of priwcipel, dnr ate sneh prior eaortgagr and procure
<br />!arch iwteutstecr; gad zkr s>ren sa ,idtstrswrd mif6 xnterast :xt weir pr rrttt sled! br paid by said xnart~ar, and tkir rwert-
<br />~e ttrrti umd as ssv-ttrifY fw ikr save. (3J I'kp a failenar p par step xr~SAid »tanrq> xritrier px•:nripat ar i~Hrrrst ~n
<br />Gtss tar a+rsi prier rtxxrtig~s. trtitei the sinus brcorps ~ ar a faibiri to a:axnply astk any aj the farrgainy agrsrtttstets.
<br />akxU ttwp tip t~ente saw of weanry ktiraate ssr,rrsd p becotne date med roiiertabte at anrr at eke apimn t'f iks xrart•
<br />tr•
<br />IT ,fiS ELrRTHER riutZ~ft That reef xwr#gmti~, p+~~9 furariaayerr of this tnartyags a»,s ~ ~isrrrr axed
<br />pattd+rg ~" tttasxrte ~ ayfsot tsiarfrari asni !B ink aj prretuus irm'tgagxrd. TMpY f"~ stack t<~. :»d. eaatrring
<br />iutesastt m +utMiriteR ~ of prenriyat, an gttior +uortgoyrs. prarwr stub ixtstttantr and a-r:r< ,awes rkrtU br
<br />cidtkd to the auareet dtw axe dasr'sr aced wpow rvajeruiiott'aiu of tote :e^t the raarf ardrrrd t:tivtu cent ;'1 prarrrds of nste;
<br />ar ~ ritFretetsd ttttrfleyt a¢psal ar so~_ xtesk tzxhosrGr shalt br rci;rrzad t&i sa»ar cr tkawRk at nrrr a Pan ::i trait
<br />~.
<br />~~,~' a t11Mlrl~•/ , t~ ~ -
<br />Jxt 1" -r a3 ~ ~•
<br />,,,_ ,.
<br />G.;
<br />Tway L.;~umaiers
<br />
<br />