<br />82---~)~~326
<br />NOTICE is hereby y^iven by Schuppan Farms, Inc., as Sellers
<br />and Charles A. Staab and Lana D. Staab, Husband and Wife, as joint
<br />tenants, as Buyers, that .the following described zeal estate has
<br />been sold under a wr'tten Agr~mett*_yfor Sale and Purchase of Real
<br />Estate dated the ~ ~ day of ~<=c~3~-r 1982. The property sold
<br />under said contract is described as follows:
<br />A parcel of J.and located in the Northwest Quarter o` the North-
<br />eastQuarter (NW~,NE'~} of Section Thirty Three {33), Township
<br />Ten (IQ), North, Range Nine {9), West of the 6th P.:~t., xall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as fellows:
<br />Beginning at the :.iorthwes*_ corner or said ^~"Id~,NE„ Section
<br />Thirty Three (33), Township Ten t1C), North, Range Nine (9),
<br />thence East along the North line of said VSdZNE% Six Hundred
<br />Fifteen (613. C1 Feet, thr~ncp South nar.allE.l to the West line
<br />of said NW4*dE?~ Two Hundred Forty Sever. (24?. H) Peet, thence
<br />West parallel to *_he iJOrt:, line of saic9 NW~NE: Six Hundred
<br />Fifteen (615. d} Feet ~~ ~ p.~._.~ on the West Brae of said
<br />NWic2vEi5, thence tiorth aiang ti;e t*~est line of said NW~tNE~3
<br />Two hundred Fcrt= Sever, ,247.;.1 PFet to the point of begin-
<br />ninr?. Said parcel contains l.-~9 ucras, ^ore ar _ess of
<br />which x.47 acre, mere <~r i.ess, is county road _ight-of-way.
<br />T?te Sellers have executed, ack;cwledgec-2, ,and Delivered a deed con-
<br />veying the renal property herein, •.ahic'r. deed is held in escrow by
<br />the escrow agent, :'he 3aric of ~or.~phar., e;ursuant to the sale con-
<br />tract which^ravi;ies t2tat the S;~.llers .etain ,, __rst lien on the
<br />real property to securu ayme.r:t ~_> the Uoatract terms by the
<br />Buyez-s. T?;e '~uyers are entitled to posse=sion of the real estate
<br />from ::end aftf_r rJetober ., i982. Furt':er ...formatie^ as to tY:e
<br />terms and conditiars cf said install tent sale contract will be
<br />available to c~ersons with lrgiimate ?nc;a~~~ _rom wither the
<br />Buyers, }he Seliors, ar the :sue-e-yow agent,
<br />DATED th1_ j=if ~iay t. ~_ ~$f,r;_ _?82.
<br />~t_Sj~f7~'K.~ '_r.~~fl M~J• ~F~
<br />
<br />i ?xarles A. stash
<br />~.anaw. Staab
<br />STATE OF NEBR.AStir'1, C:~k'1'Y VF :?ALZ.1 SS.
<br />Tie,-foregoing ins~gxne~n~
<br />, was acicnowiedged before mz by
<br />.
<br />~~ira1 ~ ,N.
<br />r t.::_ w of Sc:23UPpa3: Farms . Inc. , «n
<br />_
<br />behalf of~ai3 c~c~rpor tier., ~ n %,,~„, _.~^~~;` i982.
<br /> . .~;~ {
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<br />~i'Ai"~.. #~~ '~ai~ivi pis, i. vi`.v ~"' x, iisi.r $:i.
<br />~'he fc~x'eguir,y instrument was aetur:oaiedaed before ire i
<br />C ies ~ 'ttaab and Tana ~i. ~'taab, Fiusbar:d and Wife, on
<br />C _ t~+82.
<br />.
<br /> ~ {r
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