<br />S2-+~ C} 4 3 ~~j
<br />Gender's written agreement or apphcaMe law. Borrawer shall pay the amount-of art mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner pibvided under paragraph 2 bercof.
<br />Anp amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />ineiebtedtxss of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender ro Barrauer requesting payment thermf, and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the tare payable from time- to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />it{tertst st such rate would fx rnntrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />ptxmitiabte under appiiealik law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />arty actitm.lrereusder.
<br />& hsppeetiar. Lendv may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upa?n and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Harrower nafice prier to any such insptctlan specifying reasanabie cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />intetpt in the Property.
<br />A G~atealitea. Tht procexldx of any award or dnim ter damages, direct er consequential, in connection with any
<br />condtattnatian ar other taking.of the Property. or part thereof, or far canveyane:e in lieu of condemnation, are hetehy assigned
<br />and shah t?e paid to C.rnder.
<br />to the want of a fatal taking of the lsrapeny, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this. Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if arty. paid to Borrower. Tn the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Aarmwer and Lender
<br />atherwisa agree in writing, iltert shalt Ue applied to the sums secured hr this Mortgage s;tch proportion of the proceeds
<br />ns is equal to that proportion which the amount of the aorta .gored by this `atangage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair mazket vahte of the Pmperre• immediately prior to the date of taking, with the halance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Bormtxtr.
<br />tf the Property is alrattdcttscd by Horrosver, ar if, aher na[icr by Lender !a Barrcnser that the eondemnor offers to make
<br />an-award ar serik a claim for rlarnages, Hanover faits to rrapand a* 1_et:dsr w+thin ttt days after the date such native is
<br />mailed. Lrnda is atrttr~ized to collect acid apply the pra~teds. at Lender's +?ptian. either m restoration ar repair of the
<br />Property or m the auras starred by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless Gender and Borrower rxherwise agree rn writing, sac such appfrcatian of proCredc to orincipat shall nut extend
<br />or p[sstpoat the dtte date of the monthly installments rot-rrrrd u, in nara¢raphs ?and : hereof ar change the amount of
<br />stKh instaltmetrts.
<br />i& •assowet ?Vol Rtieaaed. Extensran ai thr timr car paynuni .?r modificanon v+f amortization of the sums secured
<br />by that AAss[tgage granted by Lender to any sm~ces~u+r sn interest o[" Borrawer chat! net operate m release. in any manner,
<br />the liability of the orittinal Borrawer and Barrc+wrr`s str<-ccsw n =n snrerest. Txmier -hall Hier ?,e regnired tc cotnmenet
<br />proceedings agairrst scab axcoscu ar rettrse m extend timr tar pavmrnt ar e.thrrwrse mcvdify amortization of the sutras
<br />ctcurad by [hire Wattgage by [tasem of an}° demand made Dy' the arigtnal B:>[rc,w'er` and H.,rrosvt~s strces_snrs in interest.
<br />12, Fea4tlesstee by Gender Nat a Walsrer. Any fart+rarance by Y-crnkt in csrrr+.ina am right ar remedy hereunder. a[
<br />o~ aBatded by ai,;-s}sk 4aw, slsal4 net kx a w-aavcr oC >_~* prexltrde the c~rreisr ,_,t_ ans~ ytch right or remedy.
<br />llse proeurcstaen[ rrf iiuuranee w tilt payrtttnt of taxes nr other hens ~u chatrtrs by I ender chaN not he a waivrr nF Lendei s
<br />ngM to acrskrata nc~ rmeturity of the mdthtedrtess +rcuecd h rhs htarxgags-
<br />iL Msntiiu CtiasnYtlte. All remtalres prtn'tded :n thts It crt¢agr arc isonct and atmuiative to env other right ar
<br />emedv ursstiv t#t€s Aifartgagt or aifcwdtsl M tau .,r rqudy..~nd mzt- 4+s a+trcrcei! .murrrntly. rn~.ftptndenth' or successively.
<br />13, $nteeataas tai Aaeigtp Horndt lent and $ereraF IiahiNty: Capafona. tyre ;orrnants and agreements herein
<br />cantarnsd-shag !*imf. and the rights iierar:idtr shalt emrrc !o. tf+r rrcpecove .cscccv-~°r+ and avssttrn ,?f C.endcr and Borrawer,
<br />subject to the prt*vislum of paragraph t" harp?f :all c~?venants noel aptrrmerttc ,*+ Horrnwrr shall 1?e is„rat umi several.
<br />lire captions acid headings of {let paragraphs .it this ~t<?rrgagr err :,.r ..=nvrttteth`e .u?tv ar.d are ;xx to Isr .card to
<br />mttrprtt rx delint the pmvtsiotts fxttc?t.
<br />10. ?tistkn E.xt.eept fc*r any reatw=e required under appficatrk few a., Ar 2.c's•n .n areawher matrrttr, =a? arey notice ko
<br />Borrower prov±ded tc;r :n t±ris 4lcutga~ d+atf bt q,varrt ?rv ;»xifina such ;tz,u:r w ,ennded mmf addressed ra Borrower rat
<br />the isr:?petty Address ,?r at srKA cn.hsr ask#ress as B:a-mwtr- rosy ;icvgnate bs: !~ rile to t.endtr as p-awitkd htrtin, and
<br />ti?) ens' ricuiar to Grader slwB F±e ,given by c~cmfkii ;na,i, serurn rt-c-espr rryciesteat. tr ! rndtr'e adiiscas statrd herrin ar to
<br />sueh att#rer addten. ~ C.rndtr may dtsrgnatt n. cw+rrre rx= !fa[>s,wtr at P€a>v stied t?rrtto ens notice pn?vrded far in rbfs
<br />Maxegagc shaft ist deemed co hest barn R yen to &xnswrr er t trader wPren $sven to iltt manner designated tiereirr.
<br />15. LttsKsvw !Mea#pge; Ggstrtain{ Lary: Sessraf>iHtr. ' [*:s four, ,?r m.+rttcaat >_+tnt+rrm cmrform :tvtnants far naiianal
<br />ctx and non-uniform a:v~rarats whit fituittd caratten> ba a4-3wf~Eisvn t+, :c`astxtaat x umfurm securely irrst€unxnt covering
<br />t>=al p4-aptr•,y '??tis Morzgags shelf t~ guvtr<=:cd t`+- ~ law .. ftr ;;zn,d,:uast :n khtcfi the Proprrty e+ icxated, to the
<br />a+teaf that any prmvaon cvt .laver .rf ittts viartgage .r Pre i:aht ?ntllk.ia +.eti? afst~naLsk a+= s + Si andicr shag n:rt affect
<br />cuher pre?v,aiorts of this Moxtgagt or the `!vr wh«th cxu ear .;,yen ctiect wtihr?rn the ccmrtictintt praryician. and to tfint
<br />e:rrti the provisiRns of ttre Mattgage acrd the ~.±re art ~~latrti to fie vrverteltit
<br />ter. itNwewer'a Crq~. Hnan;.war shall err #:eFnrsitaxi a :=,ttth,micd ttip!f ,sf ti+t tiotr and c+f ±Aia Licutgage at kht {tme
<br />cd ttectrHgr cx after tecerdatlner A~ant~f.
<br />1T, TeateMar itt doe Pea~astg; Attttwtr0eiaa. L' off .+r an} pnrz of the Pn±prm° or ~{n ,ntttari ibtrein a w€d +.rt transfttrtd
<br />by $mrawser svitMtet lxttder'a prax w:,nrn ~.+nsant. es.t±,ding eat rise :r€atiaa .?f a #itn ax trerurubraen.'t wtarniinaia tt.
<br />then AtcutgaYe. tL?i [fie creatrsxa of n purchase mEynty ,ra'ttrirY ,nicrnt fc+tr h:vsefstyld appliatmete, ts:i a transfer by deyge,
<br />dsatsat or by apttatntn sv# law upon the alealli s?i a vent truant ,x tell the grant c # any laattehoid interest of [Arts years rx ~
<br />itrx csxrtainiag. art asptitrrt w pttnthttat. Ltneier may. as Leiteier's t?pt?art, dtciatx alt the stertls seaurcx! by this '.Mortgage to be
<br />imttrddiately titre anal payable. Lmdar shall have wasvtai sa€d? optnw tie axrierats if. prior to the stele ?r trttaafu. t~mkr
<br />amt the pargaet n? vrlrWt tars Ftoptm'ty is tar irr xvki ax trrnst+trred rrarefr agrttznets: in wfetittg the[ ihs credit ad s{xh pssstm
<br />is aC1ta1' W t Crtsler and that the interest payatde eve iht sums xvure:d by atria Martgags chaff hr at svch ram as Lander
<br />shag tet;ettat, it i.mder hen waived tfre optix>,r to xceicrate prosniaei in rhea txtragratrh l7, acct i[ Bortawtr's sta:eeax?r in
<br />»ttareat bas eaetneed a wnctsa agreentettt as^cepitd in writstig by f.tndsz, Ltndtr s1raA release Horrower from ail
<br />t+llgiyaEitats under the tNottgaga aed tfu Neree-
<br />tf Lastder exarciaea welt option to asxtttrau, tender ~,ltaN mail &mcwer mrtax of accsAeratia€t in accuniam:e with
<br />l6 hesao#_ Such nersrsa shall prz?vid~ x persati of not teas than 3t1 days frtwn the daft the txrtir.•t is mailed within
<br />which Hattrfwra^ ratty pay [Are sutttt detlared due Sf BotTttwet tads *i+ pay stezh slims prn?r tr the cspitatrun of attih psria+d,
<br />t.eadet quay, wittlout further trotxe :ir Vts &xna>vcct. ,nom d,s an} re[nedies prrmutad Ery taratCraPh t8 hereof'.
<br />llbttaF~RM C-.wt,t+At+rs Harrosrer and t,.enskr funbrz roysstam and agree ae 15flasrs:
<br />1{i. ~fC M +a i~*i ~ C7 heater, rgtow 6arnturer"s Aae~aeh of aoY eeYennM et
<br />-t3{ !~ bs Ufa ~a> tares. ej, ~ aass,mrtu. !e gni< wktn clear arey aurae serval by tldtr 'rlorlpR+s+
<br />laertrliE gtdtre 4 ~ r9ti4 aartl + r fere+asar as ptsvilel to pxrrktap)r t4 hataaf trpsrNfyhrtt~ + f t tM hssaieht
<br />to atn- atalfatt aarlrl~l a cts. a.dit 6nneMt ill : lean .w tear #iMS Ju ergs trwtr the date rite awtite # yea,- to iorrawer.
<br />b srYkli w+dti ttQtardrtttra#Mi crna~: anti taA [tat tttYwra to trre ~ ireatY ae or lefvn- aka ANe spaeiiird to the entice
<br />sraNt,strstifirr~etf lira swats ,asvtrsit b ~ ~ • 6y prarsed&t anti wMe etE d+a Prapap~.
<br />7fialrtiTgrt;glgYiskfttittattl tas+rrtrar at Nre ririrt w rahtaatla atria ir~s+riarMipet sal [fie tight ra watt (n ttbe fataclotntsa
<br />~sast~a~Mr~of • lslttttt r aq w~tor datt+araa t.f Iforra+rae fa actdaw ad taaselawrt. >t ttte bnaeit
<br />ii.aN ~rrii ar ar lafrant i1!a ttrspt gtMCfihai Aa dao aortae. C.enier tl ?i.enlat"~ aPii>rn rarlY detiara aq a1 Mae stesart zrcaaci ht
<br />tYa brit bs ~ 4 srA/ ps~AM wlunrtse teMfeta laaaaal sal [way fnretiawa M7 lulk'~1 pracsof~alg. Gensler
<br />teiMlM lfa taiMMad N arMacR lb etci gemaeo>WiR ai} a*w*w rat tvaciaerra„ i ba! net 9ntttal #t. voraa of doctutaapsy
<br />~~~~
<br />lAts ~M~relAS~tlt ~ to ~. *+cxiwttlaaartdr,y t.trtrier's •ti:~itrrWi?H ,<?i tics stuns aec.rrM by thief !rtartgagt,
<br />t-tttttta alte r.t 73asca any Qtur'neritapi t?ejptn era f.eadsr te= ert#cx;.,t thus Misriiattt ditwuxstrm;ed at ar:t t!mt
<br />