f - __ _-__~..
<br />_._ ~... ,
<br />- Retrorded xt.~ ___.._... _.,____n'etoek_... ,_.,3t ._._,...._ .. ___._.__.. _.. _,_.... .._.._._... .__ f,, -
<br />t
<br />. - Brreptinn tia..__:_.._u__~.`__ __,._. ___..._.___.-__._ _._.._._._ _____ .-..-. Recorder. '
<br />- -,,,, ~:.. _ ..... FIL[Nf, STY NP
<br />8~'~L#f! 4 ~~a
<br />l -_ ;~ TRISDEED, lfadechia l,$t dayef October -
<br />1 ' Lflliaa &, Ste1Y'easan, SFanawaY, W>tls7i. G
<br />f8~ .l,etween At9+ene 14. Horgstadt, Lakavood, Colorado
<br />~tdtar L. FFyde, Boelus, Nebraska
<br />of the Catnty af- and State ref
<br />- - -j,' ,nf--the first pan, and ~$lliaw ~j, dndenrath - _
<br />. ~ uhosr ;ega1 address Ix 808 South 4~I1a S~tleet•; Grand Island, Nebraska fsBBQl -
<br />Nabras&a
<br />- ,.fthr. ('+tnniy trf ~$11 andState of Gl®E:i~t. of the srrond port:.
<br />WIT\ESSETR_ That the sxiei part;,, t+i tae first peter. for and in c•arssxlrrauon of the sum +tf -
<br />- tea L20} dollars and other good eoasideratioa Dat:LaRS.
<br />_ to tZ:e sxtd party of the first part in bond pxrd by the +aid }arts of the ur~uexi part, the receipt wfiereof is hereby
<br />- .=nnt8ased and acknnwirdged, itas tFtantrd, bargurned, sold atad c=on veyc-ci. and try cfieae presents daea grant, bargain, _
<br />- - .rlL Coxcry and .confirm. un;t ihr said part}' of Cftr .4rona par[. his hetrx. and assigns forever, a!1 ihr following
<br />- ~ ,ir:':rrtbed tvt op~u~r~par.~rt uf''.an i. sifuatr, Iti•sng and LrinY!n Zhe -. _~
<br />.'+xUhTV Lrf 6811 J, and 4talF +St r.l. tu~zz"ti' - --
<br />_ ;<#ebraaka
<br />1,6t "afb \c )r Bloek :`.Ai (<\
<br />Clausaan Country Viett ~bdivision
<br />aF,rt itnewn a,w air««x an.f taurnhrr ~ SouLh ~~.flQ -.7'1'S'BRt, li3`erid 191ai1d r Nabraa~Ca. ~{~. - -
<br />TI,H:ETH$R 'rrxk ai! anxi *ac;guixr chrv t,r rrd:t xrx=rvr=:.s .: rr.i sup-:r-.=nrnr:r.: hem., t,rt.,nrtng. er in anywrnr. npprr-
<br />.a+nnsx. and t.hr rerrran,n Rea :~.~. rr -+..n.. ern ~r-d«r anti ns:av,de r. :rt+?.+. +±•urn and pr.,ftty ihrrrtf; ttnd at! the -
<br />rr[at«,rtyr}Lt,t;iir,teat«r«+i.:-ra:n:an:i•ta maetd x!ta:,.v^;er ti:i?h«+a:dl;er GS„r ehr fir+t part, rtiftrr in law nr ryuity, of. ~ _ -
<br />_ ~n ai;d tethr ai;...~r hxrgat -.-•t :..r,..,. ., .i,-:. i _ warn -~;t, ttr.t - Ff - -.:°axsr.,~,•x.
<br />7Y3}L-1'fl,1'tiUT(ItH)1.11cn.;a....rl preen;,..-.nt<,a-.-r~srga.rr3 an~i dr,.rr:ta«v.u-atlr tha akput'tenxnres. ytat+ihr said
<br />_ _ - parte <~=f thv ~a ccrs~t part, 'exs ~sr: -nu xr~3icn. r'.,rvsrr 3rr=; *wc .xr.f teat t: •rf trw C:r<i part. Erie hrmeeit. hea heirs. - _ -
<br />«,arrtriora. artd sin :n:_.u ..- ,.f+..ra ~-. ,. t:ant, grant, i=arp-wsn-'er..t xgr r at,d a~,th ihr said pxrt~ <•f tha.erund part.
<br />#xta beers and aasytr. a. that at t};e ter.,:• •,f t};,. .~x:..•w.i•rt; -.rsv i t.a. - h'~:..^ presents. Fsr is Lrni3 srtatvl of ?hr prrtniaret _ -
<br />atx:- .•:.n~r>ri asp+f g.~:v .,xe ,x~-r r... xt.-as:...-xr. a,.i ,td 9rrr.ts.a: rztai=:,.t srahrrstana~v, rn ;aw, :n ier .~?'tmplr, and has - - -
<br />gntod rrxht, inti aware .. i ; 3 s i - rttx =-+• arrant c*ax,ta-t+, =r . 1 -:...r y tt;e ~.:.hre :n matrnrt and torte na
<br />afnrrxaid. arnf tha[ ihr .a rwr ara dr<r ..r,.i .,. ar :r.=:t-: +.. ..xr tnrt :..sd ~=t 3:rr .rants, irnrYnrnx. +airtt, !tree. tsars. -
<br />- assrt:amrntx and rrxa^utnlranc«. +rf `w tyatr~~r! ktn.Y ;~: red ic:rr x++r~,ee-
<br />_~ atsd the atwred itxf[atrta,! }.rrattar.~ u< v}tr :;=.:;rk attd qua: e~ar.ir }>•xr:~a:!.ret of ihr .std pnri,y of ihr srrend patR, his --
<br />hrtra and asnaKna apatna[ a. , ar d ev n^ ere-.=r -t t rx«re is ia~y-c,a=tnsnk'r~r to Minim The arhr•Ir or any' pert therti+nf, -,
<br />Strr wnf party «f the ftrxr !tat? ~i;a.i and ~a,i: w':i##;1\'T .iii? F'fiRF\'ER U€l t:titJ. The sutgufar number ,•tinli -
<br />r~iw4.?t2er pfvrat.. the A3vra'h«.a~.a>;srw:3+:t+r=+4`xxt;t«ndr: aSxail =:r apphcahie 3u u3t Ynndrn-
<br />1;~1VtY".r>fi.'iS Wt(BRRtiF•, the a.d pxrtti =~f iha ssr~t par; t;an itrrrunut Het hi.a !rand and .seat the .lay and J^wrt tirxt
<br />shore prtitex. '/` '? -
<br />~ a w9.
<br />,, w.
<br />i ~ ~~.Q. . ~ _. ti.
<br />'~tiz-tareY+5.7ttY?aetrnra.r»t+~rar. arknuw.-i«da,'rJ F.e-(x~'r mr<.b+,• r'J'°~~~ ,ta}'<r'. ,. dttlMlt'r•~,,,,.
<br />i#,catcnxwa+nsfi sapu+rv '^,r~.4~r9T~,~LJ L. ~`~4fJ ,i~l~vltM'alncpa rnq i*ana and „tftrtai »rai.
<br />-- -T~,"~#il.~ wetnk•.r+pp~p s-;. #~o-:,s.+a ro~+ n..;.,,.,t a..ac.a,r+a-uaa-~+tr a:+«., t..k +•ow.t. t'O,p. ..ern ?.sr.aarv.. n: at _~:
<br />