70bB-BURVIVflRSMtP WARHAIVTY OEEG ~2"""~~ Ll• ~ t3 S. t7 Huffman and feltat8 Wolt. WaIL^n. Ne 58451
<br />KtiC)VP ALL ~fE~I BY TI3~8?1 P2iESE.'tTB, That JANET A SIMMONS, A Single Person, in Her own
<br />right and as spouse of each other
<br />i
<br />t
<br />,herein called the. grantor whether one or more,
<br />ineunsiderationof S~q_THgEE ~pUSANp~ FLUE HUNDRED AND 101100 {$6J,S00.00) DOLLARS
<br />i
<br />received from grantees, deco grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br />RAYMOND B. ANTONIAR and DONNA J. AIi'FONLAR, Husband and Wife
<br />as joint tenanttt with right of survivorship, aad not xs ien:tnts in common, She foIlowiag described real property in
<br />Ha11 f'ounty, Nebraska
<br />LOT ZHREE i:l) WEST SPl:LTS-Ss:1t1iLIZ 1DDiTli}N 'O THE %1T'.' OF f;RAND
<br />OF THE SOUTHEAST i,l+:IR.ER (~+iSE`t3 :}F ~ECTLON '1'tJE~1T'.'(2O), Tt>~tNSHIP
<br />ELi~:itEZI 1121 NOhTH, RA.xiCE NINE f~i, «'EST uF THE tsTH P.?i. 1N HALL
<br />Subjecc-ta the unpaid balance at a first ~iartsyage iaaa in the original amount of $50,000.010 in
<br />-favor of the Equitable Buiidin and i.aan Asaaciation of Grand Island, Nebraska, as recordeid
<br />in document Na. 79-0012Gb of the records <rf HaII CauatY, Nebraska, c+hich the grantees agrtme
<br />sesame aid
<br />- ~ `Pa Snde~aud to hnid the auuse dr9rr:brcl prentrs.- !t>srrthrr with ati trnements. hrreditamenta sad appnr- -.
<br />tensarea Siierrtu helon¢tn¢ ante the ¢rsntera and ~,. ±}tt•tr :.xatnttr. or zr, the i#rtrt and a::xaigtra of the sttraivor of
<br />them iurerer.
<br />:1rtd grantor dnr~s hrre'zry etsvenart :rite thr ;;ra=r,~•,•e earl -rtt':.hrsr axxr¢tu and frith thr hrin snd assigns
<br />c>f the surrirur cif xtsent that yrsutar ~ lau-='nil}• ertred ~.: aa..l ;trrnttsrr thst tisrr nre free frnra eorumbraner
<br />except easements aad rest, ict lane :,* recc?rYI
<br />that ¢rantur has ¢+xnl rs¢ht and iatct~tl aetthcrritf• to ,-:,:;c.•=' tl;e :amr, sod that .cantor trarrttnta and will defend
<br />- the Sitie to stcid prrtrnsr~ a¢nrn>~t zire lau Earl ciattas .,t all .rr,yr.ny •••hutnauever. _ -
<br />tt rk the intrntiun sf ail futrtir+ ksrrrt.:, that to Sit« ,>v°rsrt +.f thr .Jrnth of rtiher *.~f thr Rrstuees, the entire
<br />- fee simpir tiSie to thr rrai raeatr ~i:alt rat io thn snr.tcsn¢ c;rnntre.
<br />- - _ : -r .~4-,,._ -
<br />Llstrd
<br />., Janet"A.-J'I~OBa -.. -•. .. - .-
<br />j-'
<br />.~T.~TE J1' °./ t?n arcs ~ sat a, _.. _., . .. ~, , ;,r.' ° ,before
<br />?sa.
<br />.,, jr.~.. ~:.a.,.... - . .. .. C trusty i roe, tAr uMi.rr~r~etd s -~`~tsrx~ I'ahlu ..intp• :,trameaf+rard grad ~wrliiied inr i
<br />Y fa s:srd i<wxtY, rrrsr>wtiV t'+fast
<br />Janet i, Simmons, A single pecton
<br />..: l
<br />~, tV __
<br />_ - 'u ~ ~ ~ j'~'
<br />_.' ;a x.,r kwnw r4x et tJrr edrrtaetul ~nsa~a ur pers.~at re•kr:re aarar is ar a,ttshs era
<br />C,
<br />t ,~~ ~ :. ~ .r~i.rtrd to t!u ;~'nee~oisag utsirrtaasE a»rii urtaunt.dyrd rhr a.rs'rutirra 'narauj to na
<br />'• ~ rdli. Rs7 rte tlifii t~>{iial0/'} jiff sNifi d3taY.
<br />.. ... - - It'itarx3 strp fsawd sssd A'vtarial SAai thr dot .cad YET. fa.tt ub~r :rnttra.
<br />i
<br />- ...G, ~:
<br />_3a'~ ti: uawatiuseaw atprrti fhr -_ . - aaj~ of y ~-~ tie
<br />ra.
<br />touaty ,..,- j
<br />~„ Btataaad oaf numarsaai itsdea tlwi fit+Ni tw r+roord is the ReKatrt ui 1)aeds t?{ties of acid i'autrty the
<br />°.; ~ 02. , IN.. , , ., at. , u'cdoek aad.. , sntuutar dl.,
<br />G a+xi rfi+~d fat Baetk.... :sf . nit pax, .
<br />_ .. ....
<br />.. lice- atf i}eeaia
<br />Ify I~etistt„r
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