<br />- - T, C~isrsdamnation. Fn Cheaventthe Property, ur any pant thereof, shall be taken try eminent domain, the Mortgagee
<br />isampoweredtocoilactandreceire aU compeasafion which may be paid for any property taken or for damages to property
<br />not iaksa, and Mortgagee shall apply suds compert~tion, at its option, either to a reduction of the indebtedness secured
<br />he~raRy or to repair and restate iAe property so datneged.
<br />8. Petformanee by Maigagee. Mortgagee may, Aut shill have no obligation, to do any act whidt the Mortgagor
<br />hoc agreed bnt fails w ~, rail Mortgripe may also do any act it deems necessary to grotect the Tien hereof. Mortgagor
<br />agrees tp repay, upon demand, any sums so expended by the Mortgagee Por the above purp~es, acrd say sums so expended.
<br />~. by, the Morte sh~l be added LO the indebtedrtesa secstred hereby and became subject to the lien hereot. Mortgagee
<br />shall not tucur my personal liabUity tseeatrse of anything it may do or omik to do hereunder.
<br />9, f?e[arttt; Aarianrneat o[ Reis. '15me is of the essence hereof, and upon Mortgagor's default in any eoveaant
<br />oragxeement of this!dostgege, induditrg wvastants Eo. pay wAen due-the arms secured.hy this Nlsxtgage, the Mortgagee shalt
<br />6e entitled, at its sole option and +sitAout aatice. W declare a!I sums secured by this Mortgage to tx immediately due and
<br />ptyatsle acrd may sx~nmence fotedasua of this Mortgage by judicsal pnreeedlags; and, provided further, that upon such
<br />- det:nlt ibe M~iaRe'e. or~ a receiver appoincrd by a rnurt, may at tta option acrd vrithout regard to the a~gsraxy of the
<br />srcarity, enter upon and take poea+.saion of the Property and co{lact the rents, issues and proQts tltereProm and apply them
<br />Rest to the coat rrf cattaetioa mad operatinn of the Properly and then upon the indebtedness secured t+Y this Mortgagee;
<br />said yenta, isaasas sad proftts tseinf aatigned !e the yiort®rgee as further seeariLY for the payment o[ the indebtedness
<br />aaauted tserahy.
<br />I$, 'iYanslat of Property. It alt ar any part of the Property rs sold ur tzsnsferred without the express written con-
<br />sent of tfre 4farigagae, \lartga~ee irtaY at its Buie vpsion, declare ill sums sac-ured by Chu tiongage to be immed'uteiy due
<br />rmd pay°abie,
<br />ll. t•`aosar Adraares. i'pon request of ldvrtga8tu„dortgager may make additional and futon advances to
<br />,rlartgr.:saeA ad~x~s, ~stA mta~s~e therecm, l LR sr,-~tsted Ry tRis Mnttgage why rvideaeed Ry perratesaary natea
<br />attt€ng chat wd ocxta^a err sresared hereby .1t ao ti¢~ shalt tAa prmctpai amount of the indehtedneas secured by this
<br />Alort¢ar}e. out ~ndudrn8 rums adeaucad to pctttect tAr wruaty o{ tRes Aortgage. exceed the ntiBirral Note.
<br />13. Mpcaitarsa+aas Provtaioar~
<br />fa} Atrp fsuebeuaax•.e :a ~xerrissng any npht iu remedy xhail »cN tae s waiver therevt.
<br />tRr iii rrrnadirs pranded Rereia ace dtstinci sad rumutatiee to arsY other right affacthvt by law or equity,
<br />and snay tra tserrnad ~vmeurrently, fttdapertdently ar <saccxr~rseir.
<br />ic} 'Elra eve@aaatw and a8re«meata cantaraad harem xhati bind, amt the nghta inure tu, the raspacpva
<br />,ucxrsaara and assigns of the Murtga8ar and ttM NwtYaitea.
<br />td! .411 cXtir•nants and agrarmersts of tRe Mortg~w ar: loink sad sevand_
<br />in Aradsapa u€ tRr paragraphs vF tAts St,>rt{~rgr are for roarensantr only and shat! nut be used to inter
<br />prax c» detiae tA+r prusq.txa iternsf.
<br />13, fteiaaae. L'paa papamnx u€ ail sums xaxsurcd Ry t_hic '~, Mortgageee atui3 discharge tRis Alort~a~e rnd
<br />rs<cs^uta sad de};trr a aaristxwa.~~ reirsae therrfor_
<br />1N1£T'f`4F'~'i181!tvT-li.P.f?Y'.'MortuRasaxa~utvdt.Ria!Cfort.Bager~atRr_:3..dayaf ~.s~rn h..r._....,24..3~ .
<br />{3ctu~~~~J. c3rieri -- -. ee.rw.er
<br />(~~raldir,~- ii, y'.,rter} avow."
<br />3tata of ~tehraai- __.._..._10sYk_.:.._._',.= i::.:. ._ _ County tiA.
<br />tlu :his ..__..~.... day' .?f ._ c='~'rgmfrs,r _....____, ly ~... , *srfora me, thr uadersr;ned, a Nutaey Public
<br />duly !'osnrn&auonrd and quxliR+rd far sari raatrtty, persusraily carne .---_~'-~ ~-.5__~Pyrt.~..:tttrt ::rzr s j ~; i o,u..,
<br />__Js;,...~'a~Ct3it......__,.._.....~.~~...~.~._....,_-~--._..___...__.___.r._.__.._~_.__,-----...__.~_.., so me ksrown to lra tRe
<br />tdtatiSat peramtsfi rhrasa name(ar are autarenA~rd sa ally tsxe8usre8 iaatrasrxcei sad acitnarrkdgrd the exewtsan ttserevf
<br />to ba .ti. ths#r .__._ ~ raiastaay set arxd deed-
<br />Wrtax~ mr hand and natarird scat a _._,. _.. _.... s:L':tiaat_..i~.i~nut;...:i£__. , ..._. _. ..........._......... is seed cuunsy, tRa
<br />der afaraaaid
<br />idY t,iafl e1 .~..~- ~ -, - ~ '
<br />yarn rangy
<br />~ ~, ~, rat"
<br />~~° ~~;~ asefa~e!
<br />`. r
<br />*MlE a . ~~ ,~ ~ ~ .,,
<br />~ ~ w ~'_
<br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~:
<br />c ~
<br />.. ,,,,
<br />. - ~ ~ `,~~
<br />~~ .aa«ta~t~r ~
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