<br />82-OD4305
<br />(. In the event said preperry is sold at a judicial fore:.losure sate ar pursuant to the power of a sale hereinabove
<br />granted, and the proceeds are not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc-
<br />ed by said promissory note, the- mortgagee wilt be entitled to a deficiency judgement for the amount. of the
<br />daJtc~rtcy svithaur rY,Eiard to uppraisernertt.
<br />7. [n the event the mangagor fails to pay any federal, state, or local tax assesment, income tax or other tax lien
<br />charge, fee or other cxprnse charged against the property the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay
<br />thcsame. Any sums so paid by the mortgagce shall be added to and become a part of the principal amount of tfie
<br />indebtedness evidenced by said note, subject to the same terms and cottditions. f f the mortgagor shat! pay and
<br />disctmrge the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory natr, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all
<br />taxes and liens and the casts, tees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then this
<br />mortgage shall be cancelled and surrendered.
<br />8. 'f'lu Cevettatits herein contained shall hind and the. bcaef3ts and adranta$es ;hall inure to the respecnvc successors
<br />and ac:'~ of the partits hcrate~ ~1'hrneeer used, the singtlar number shall inelude the plural, the plural the
<br />singular, and the use of any grnder shat!snctude alt genders.
<br />9. No waiver of any covenant herein or itt` the obligation set-ured hereby shall at any time thereafter be held to tx a
<br />waiver o€ tht terms hereof or ai the note sectircd hereby.
<br />IEI. A judi~tial dates, arrl~, or judgement holding anv provision ar portion of this instrument invalid ar unenfarce-
<br />ab:e shall not in any u°ay impair ar pralude the enforeemrnt of the remaining provisions or portions of this
<br />imtrument,
<br />f L Any wrtuen notice to tx issartt to [ha mart agar pursuant to the procisitrtu cif thts inciruntent shag be addressed
<br />to the mortgagor at __y91E3 circles urive,_ ,z.and Snlan "d£ 68801 _
<br />___m._.__._ .__._~...___..~ ~_~~_. _ and any wnttrn ntxtce to be issued to the mortgagre shat!
<br />tx addresuvt to the martgattce at._.~24 mat ;rdi_~O. ~x~006._ errand LsLand~ taE 68802 __,-~
<br />!tr` W"[TME'SS t?exE86t)F. the mongagar has cxe.:uted this tnstrumrnt oral u~ :nongat7,ce hss accepted delivery of
<br />this instrttmrnt as of thr slay and year ai"arsatd. ,
<br />i' }
<br />.: ~k;arl .t. ttet~dy
<br />t.i.~nrl~ x. t~a~•ay'
<br />Executed attd ddit.-ercd to the prrasm°t of the fallawiettt wttrtesscs-
<br />tAdd Appropriate Ariit>ar~rlgemeattl
<br />S'P'ATE t7lF tVESRASICA ~ Beface rne, a tfetattificd ~itteaty t~'ttt:lis. perxorully appeared ____..m.__......__.
<br />ss. _~Earl _a._y tierd.,y14and, t.inslu _R~H±u_dy........___r_.__.,_.a..__._.__...._~_...._
<br />cc~ct~rnr ox ~~i ~ ~~_ _ ~-..~...wa~~. - ~.~e
<br />knAtie~pt to rqc ro be itienawl parson or ptxxotrs who +igned the Core sing tttstrtttnaatt anti aclttwwladgesi the etecution
<br />tbetsgf let be . et~i.r votuttrary ~ aml decd.
<br />Witness mJr tuned aaA :rKatatial Sral oa ~csrttter,_Y _.~,.. 14 ~ 8l .
<br />~rMMA.tAW+4 ~-'
<br />.,... _. .z.z,. _ ___._ ~...._, ...
<br />tlttrMea~-Mit Votary Public
<br />S'O~'t:'€t3x, i~ ~ fdef ~ a s~ualit`xfi, `:arary Pttt~, pesutsaUy atspr~r~.t _ .............
<br />C#~1,ft1'fY t~ :....__~....,_.~_4.~ ~ Faeaideat si' _.~. .._...~,__ .„_..°- - -e_._ . - _. _ ._ ...~..._... -__. _ .
<br />tt:~, ktwwo to trte tv be the FMCSiiidit mtd itiatti ptxwn ..Ito +itltted the farcgwttg in,trvtntetu, attd
<br />~ the ~ts#ttta~a tbeccttf~fa tae Eris s'~ acK srait~d ~ sw~h aft"utit oral the vc>luntar ,std dint of
<br />arts tl~# iTS tutr#tixuc >`as as'f"txcd titcttttt by us autttwtty.
<br />Wutzcee mlr hattti attd *lutartel S~ un.... .._._,._n. ....._.... .,....., 14,_..._.,--.-
<br />teary Puiriic
<br />
<br />