<br />~: i :, ~ MORTGAGE
<br />82-1104305
<br />This' mortgage made and entcr~l inro [Nis _ 1st day of _ October
<br />49 92 :by-and batweert Earl J. & Linda A. Hardy, husband and wife
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor)-and Commercial National Sank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />martgagec}, who tnaiufains an office and place of Nosiness at 424 West 3rd street in Grand Island,
<br />Hall Connry, Nebraska.
<br />WerNESSEitt, that for-the ctxztsideratian hereirtafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, sett, gent, assign, and convey unto the mortgages, its sutxxssors and assigns, all of the fol-
<br />lowing deserihcxS property situated and being in the Conroy oC Hal l
<br />State of !Nebraska.
<br />Lot Thirteen (I3}, in Hlor_k One (1), in Capital Heights Subdivision, being
<br />a past of t_he Southeast Quarter of the Sou±)twast quarter {SE4SW#} of Section
<br />Two (2}, Township Eleven ilI}, north, Range Ten (10), t4est of the bth P.M.,
<br />in Hall County, Aebraslw
<br />together with aU the tenements amt at>twncnanr;+ cNeme Nckstrging„ ati =.hc rents, isxurs and profits thcrrot', and all
<br />~, rights, royalties, mirKral, oil and gas rights and proCtas„ water, water rights, arul water stock, and including
<br />all heating, ptumNing, rcfrigeratian, lighting, eGuipertrnt and ail Siuurex at evrrv dcssTirtion Netanging to the
<br />mangagar tsow ar hcrrattcr attacNrd :hereto or ax12 ;n ,~~nnestis~ts ssitN tt,t premises heron dtxzthed and in addition
<br />thexcsa the I'otMwing de~nhad prcznvties hhtzh arc arsi malt be dctxncd so he fLSSUres arni a lout of the [catty, and
<br />arc a ponion of the s~vrity far [hc irtdrrbecdness herein statni. tff rtanc, state "ntmc") tacsne
<br />Fa have atnt to hold the same unto the Mongsgec, ax Neresn prtnidcd'
<br />Tet mattgagor is tawfugy shred caul possessed at and has tNe right :o stll atW .amcy said property; that khe
<br />saw is free from all s~tmbrances rtaefu as hereitustra+e rttitctt; asui that 4fortgagor cosmants u+ warrant and
<br />defend the. title aforesaid theme atut every part thereof agauau tM claitns of all ;setsons wNomsococz.
<br />This i~trumett is given tv stcure the payment at a ~amusary+ rtote detect Ot: tobex 1, 1482
<br />in the prituypai wen of S bI.S~.,,_....oQ ~_ ~.,. 4ignni by Bail J. i, L_inein R. tiacdy*'_.__._-
<br />in behalf of _._- cheauael~a .,...._...__._. ____- ~_..._____a_~_..~._.......__.~._._._._____.-_
<br />aMa, as sate r~ or ttnRea t~ frost tirtte to time be ratrdifted, rctteweef ar extetxted in writing.
<br />fs the evep! tee title to said real aseate u 2ra~ferrcd, of ~ttattraated to be trartsfared, from the utxittsigncd far any
<br />rwot ar by say mesdard ~. ttte ware peitrcipa) stun at:Ei acttucd interest shall at twee became due and
<br />at tee deetfoo of the harder hereof. Failure to eurcix this Ctptian ttecause of 2raznfer of titM as atwvt stated
<br />is a~ itf~asra ses{I tsar aesstitute s waiver of the to eaer+e6se the sesame in efse evgtt of arty subsrvuent transfer.
<br />t. Tie tg>~ covre>wtts sad agrcea :y foifa+vs:
<br />t4 Te+ prc~epd~ pliy tee ~ evident^ed by uric! prastissary luxe at the times and in thr nwnne.
<br />teem pprmtiaied,
<br />be Ta pay alt realm, atae^stitttents, water rates, and ether psrvrrztmcntal cx tttcrnki(.a~ .~. tn1c., y,.
<br />impa~, td which pravitsion hex ,xr been mtude her~inbtface. and will twammprly dtliver st. ~..;;ial r~ c~t,t.
<br />therefos tai the real tnattr,a~e,
<br />c. Ca pay such ~ and [ee> a++ua> be ittcttrrtd in 21tc f?rsttkctt.m end rnaintrnatne ,,t ,aSct I*+,+~r;s,
<br />i~l~ng t~ teed ~ 2nty attcxrrty t~,ted icy t}rr naxtgatyre fray the atlt#eri+vn of am ;,r ytl ,f =tre t±xtebtcdn~s
<br />hE~rt.v -~'~feti~, tkr ffSrK~NrC t!y ru~t4t+k's SttiS, ur ~twrt tYt i1C~E~di'!k~s~ c1e Z dnt „~~r ,r!7pst, ~~#t air t~'~~.irtiisszg
<br />a/fes:2xrxg x~tid Ptataarri°
<br />