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<br />g~= go4~9a <br />ORDINANCE NO. 6841 <br />An artiinance creating Street Improvement Mstriet No. 1023; defining the boundaries <br />of the district; providing for the improvement of a street within the district by paving, <br />guttering, and all incidental work in connection therewith; and providing the effeeti:ce date-. <br />of Chia ordinance. <br />g£ IT ORDAINED $Y THE MAYOR AND COL`NCIL OF THE CZTY OF GRAND ISI.AEtD, NEBRASKA: <br />SECTION 1. Street Improvement Oistricc No. 1023 in the City of Crand Island, Nebraska, <br />is hereby created. - <br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows: - - <br />Seginniag ac a point forty +40; feet North of the Southwest corner of Section - --- - <br />Twanty-one 1217, Township Pleven tli! North, Range Nine t41 Nest of the Sixth - <br />P.N., in the City of Grand lsiand, Hall County, \ebra!,ka, said point al .ti being - <br />the Southwest corner ai Lit Dne :1}, Park Gardens Subdivision; thence prpCeeding -_. <br />sari heriy along the l+e sc line of Park Gardens Subdivision fora distance of - <br />498 fee[ ca the Norcheasc corner of Park Gardens Subdivision; chance deflecting <br />right slang the March tine a£ Park Gardens Subdivision for a-distance of 422.2 <br />fart to rho Norcheasc corner of Park Cardens Subdivision; thence deflecting <br />rtght along the East line of Park Gardens Subdivision t`or a distance of 49$.3 <br />fret to the Southeast corner of Park Cardens Subdiv[sian; thence deflecting <br />right along the South line of Park Gardens Subdivision for a distance of 422.2 <br />fret to the paint of begisming, ail as shown an the plat marktd Exhibit "A"' <br />attached hereto and incarparated herein by reference. <br />SECTION ~. The iailawing street in [he district shall br improved by paving, curbing-, - <br />guttrring, and ali incidental wank in connection therewith: <br />S[olley Park Circle from Stalley Park Road to the etW of the col-ds-sac. <br />Said improvements shall be made in accardanee with pions and spec iflcacions prepared <br />by the Engineer tar the Cicy and approved by the !tavar and Council. <br />SECTION 4, The improvements shall be neade ae public cast. but the cost thereof, <br />excluding intersections, shall be assessed upon the Lacs and lands in Lhe district specially <br />benefited thereby, as gzovidrd by iaw. <br />SECTION 5. 'Thin acdinance shad be in force and cake effect Exam and after Its <br />passage, approval, and publication, without Che plat, as provided by law. <br />SECTION E,. Thin ordinance, with the plat, is hereby directed to br filed In the <br />office of the Register of Deeds, !loll County, Nebraska. <br />SECTION T. After passage, approval, ens! publication of this ordinance, notice of <br />the creation o€ said district shall be published in the Grand Island Daily Independent, <br />a legal newspaper published and o£ gesnral circulation in said City, as provided Dy iaw. <br />Enrcted Z11 SScf"'t ~,,, <br />a r r z, yor <br />A3TBST~ ~ A!'IIWYEIIASTfliOiW j <br />y er ~ ~ S£P Y 019&.1 1!( <br />1 <br />LEQ![t. GEPARTtr6~lt <br />_ ~ <br />C <br />