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<br />82---~)(1~?R4 <br />Lender`s written agirxtnent or applicable law. AorTOIMC( shall pay the amount of ail mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Rny amounts disbursed by Lender puauant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become additional <br />indebtedness of Aorrower u.cured by this Morgage- Unless Aorrower ;md Linder agree m other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Aarrnwer requesting payment thereof, and xhali hear interest fmm the <br />date of disbnrurnent at the rate payable from time rn time on ovtstandin¢ principal under the Vote unless payment of <br />interest at such raft-would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall freer interest at [he highest rate <br />permisaibk under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />anv_ action hereunder, <br />ft. Gfaptrtioa. Lender may make or cause to he made rcasnnaMr ontries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />- that Lender xhatl give Sortower tmtice Deane to :tray such inspection specifying reasanahle cause therefor refaced to Lender's <br />mte,-esi in the Propery. <br />9. Cawdetttttattow. The pracceds of any award ire claim for damaces. direct ire eonsequentiah in connection with any <br />condemnation or rnher taking of the f'ropeny, nr part thereof, nr for conveyance in lira of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and xhall be paid to Lender. <br />to the even of a total taking of ?he Pmpzrty, the prexeeds shah he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with ihr excess, if any. paid to Bnrrawer in the cvem of a partial ,alone of the Property. ^niecs Rnrrower and Lender <br />axhcrwixr agrtt in writing. there shall he applied to the sums xeatred by this Mortgage each pmportian of the proceeds <br />a3 is equal to that pmpottion which the amount of the coma cecurati be this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking hears in the fair market calve of the Pratxrtv imme:tiatrly prior ro the sate of taking, with the balanec of the proceeds <br />paid to Aorrower. <br />If the Property is ahandotte:f by Rorrawer. or iF. after notice by Lender ray Barmwer that the rnndemnor offers to make <br />_ ap award nr settle a claim ter damages. Rarrnwer fails to respond c;, Lender within 3Q days after the date such natece is <br />- ma:ied, [.ender is aanhotized to collect and apply the pr nerds. ac Crndera opting. either to restocatean nr repair of the <br />Pmpem~ or h~ the sums secured hr chi, Mortgage <br />C`nless tender and Borrower otherwise: agree in wri[i»g, anv such anphcation of proceeds fro principal shall oat ascend <br />ar peruporte the due date of ±hc mo»thly itast:iltmcnts rricrrrd to in paragraphs ? and '_ hereof or change the amount of <br />such tnstallttuna. <br />iB. t)artnrrer Vet Released. I=...:tense}n ?# the rune snr pa;~meret ~r msdifia:aeion of amortizatran of the cams secured <br />by thts Mortgage granted Icy Lender to any cucceyaor :n i;vcrest .'t Bortowrr .halt »nt operate to releau. in any manner, <br />the ti.aMiity trf t!tt ,.rrigmat Ron-rawer and Borrrwrr's xn:c.essa~rc ut irate:est I.rt;!er ,hafE rant hr rryuired tc cammenee <br />prexcedirgx agamsl „xh xttrcees~r ;,r rrtux t;= ;; scrod tame f;,r pas mint ,,a :+thtrw i,r m:+dity anti: rterarian of the sums <br />serurrd by chi; Mangage by reaum of atn• drmard made he the ±ngtna? 13orrantrr and R.+rrnw'rrs svccesum in interest. <br />1 t. Farbearaoet by t.rnder Natt a Wafter. 4:•s tr+rhraran~e !+o :.ender in eterc:;sng anc right au remra9y hereunder, or <br />otherwtxr atTnrded by applicable taw. shai! rat `:+e :x wearer ~^r _,. ,^-rcz:ittde the rxrretse rat anv such right or remedy, <br />lire procureptrm of insurance or the ;tayrttcrtt of t:tvrs .,r :+thrr *~rns ,t ,;barges "^. t-ender shalt n(u he a watvrr of !.endrrz <br />right zo seer{orate the mart;rity .rf the :nclrhtrd»r.; ,rct,rn± ha th,s \lortyagc. <br />i.. Remr~es C,tmaulalire. Aii mmtdirt pm,~rdra --rz tM, \9arsg,tgr "xr ,ii+?ins and :umtdatire h anv mhrr right nr <br />rcmeay undee t#us Mortgage ,+r atfcrrdcd he !.tw ,^r rat.v?~ an.4 ,pas fv^ +rr, rsrd ;,,nc±:rrently, utairprnatentiv nr xurcessively. <br />I1. Sacctysars and Ast~ws Bttuad; Joint artd Set-teal Liability; t'apiious, fha- :atz»ants .t»d aps ~entcnts herein <br />eontatned shalt tried, and the rights hrti under the,! ;note t=l r'>c -~~prartt t,ert-cs.•rti sod sc ~igne e?f 1 enact and Rorrttwtr. <br />subjeay to t?tc provisams of :±a¢agraph I' hen,.•t Ott t +ram: ar,d a arrenrn3. of &trrawer shalt he loin{ And several <br />osr. <br />The capttuas stn! tteadtnas .tt the paragrapns .,, this \ii•rtar:r are r. ~ ..-a=rtrrre,crn~e ,,»ic .:n>t etc not to t+e used la <br />tntrrprN or tfrfine the txas:stons natter <br />ii. Notice. Except fur ang~ nottc-r crwr;trc,± ;, r.-#er a, {,{ to^A *~,• !xx- ~:+-; .- .`? anot>•tr manner. ;a? anv notice to <br />Borrower pnavra9ed ,ru rn the Mnt't¢rpr ra!i t+e ., *w r,a.?,nr .:,<h r to e tix <cn,tthf m;ui addressed to 6orntwer at <br />the PtapenY .4ddrew; ~'+r :u urctt saber addrr>s .a R,nrn-wc- eta, +fea~;rnate hr at<<tcr tc~ [ ender sa prz+vi;lyd herein, anti <br />!h7 any notice ?a Linder shall '+e -xt+cn irv arsrrfirci rna,s. =c•t.+r:; .... , - +equcstrd. let ! a°nari . address stated herein or to <br />sac9e rnhtr address .i5 Leader mat dr>tgnatx bs noa!ce rn R,rtr.,w rr ax ^rx?v;,}aw: '+crr+.t _\ne n Vi;~e provtdeJ for Sn this <br />- ;\•tc,rtgagt shalt !>e c-firmed a:? ':s, :' ^ccrs g.,r:: t.= E3.,; r==u:r ,•t t ~•n,#c= ':--.. v:a`sn t^ the :naxtrtcr :9exianatni iterrin. <br />t5. Unitwrm WortpKr: C:o+rrnittX 1,aw: lererabRity. ^-. •:-e ~„ rn:>restar _,^anh:na-s ,rn,ferm :c+venantc f<*r nahona4 <br />use and Hatt."uniform :v+cnanr> ,si?h iimtra°:i -attar ?~,- -.-,.. c - r-t. •f.,c -r ~.n;t'c,rnr , :rs: h' instrument ~ovtnng <br />rca(p n~+r[ip°. 7ttte ldortgape shall hr g,*s.rarai t, ihr ' +he --uks. r=a,r_ a._ s6tr;'h the Fra~rtv „ t~atrd In the <br />event the, anv prnt~eon .,r i a..r..c . , th~. *d r:>ra~r - _#-r L. _E -..a'•e: -e r,5 . ~ -r..hia.:,-,w ,zh :.,*tttlt.t -.h.t#t ras.t :t{fret <br />stirrer pritvrsntns ,+f chit MOngaga' ~ r tax \otr :+h:..: _..[. ~r ~ :•?9s, -. , +,. 'hr :a.nde,.r:,rg S'-:t,isnae, ant{ to this <br />end the ttros-tsSxrmnx .~f the M+etttdain' a»d :ire \atr .;rr .x°. `.;rd t;+ ^c arse htc <br />f6. Bottawers Copy. l~rrr.+w-rr ;haf! +•r,e,.!:c-.4 .: ,,*m~! ..,iss ,jt ?hc `,+:r xes,f rt th:; \ i;agr :n the time <br />of Cxet'utiawt .,t slier re ardauo» trcrru# <br />17. Trtutatir at the PtvponY: Assumption. !~ a?i ..~r :.r< ,,,:,* :^{ :t:r Yr.~tx:r, :,t r» ~ntrrrst tttrtrur ri .ntd or tranxferttd <br />by Bornrwcr wrthaut Lender. greet •"te.t-a ~. ,;,ray-? :u;#:n =:'tr rin„ta ;, .. xe,:.•r rttl xamltrancc ,uk+nima[r to <br />thtx M.rttgagr. ih) t!?€ . rcatr:.t .+t ., rx„ , ,a. , t. ., _, _., ~ tF.. .. .,,sr,s:na.=,. aRl'#• t»«rs ., a transfer r„ ctavisr. <br />3esctnt or by atprsattan n# law the xatr.:~..x ..a»; ` , ,,.. -#rr t t eras ~eatrho#a .+rtortst e,# ihira t .., ,,r ic;t <br />urn :.tmtaimng art spiiat to. purrhau, t en:ere +n,ne it t : ;der , .~ptx..ex ;ia°. !.+re .,E'i •.h; .arts .e.. crcd h.' thtz \ic~rtKa~; to t+c <br />:mttxdrateiv dtrc attd {ta)at,ir Lrnetrt' +}rail a.e w~,v-c•.f e:,.- „tot.,,ee t. ,sairtate :' ;+r±c,r ter the ,ak .,•r uatriftr t radea <br />x[d tht pCrx=. to whwst the Prr=putt r. to h s.,h: ,•r ±rnn,tz?t-ed 'ea.'? .zzx orrice rt : w.~r,ns that ttte rtrtltt s,t +e .at rat[<atn <br />ix satL4`ackrry to Lender anti that the inns c,t parab<e : n too scene, xaerc'v3 ris +'n. 4t+rrtgagc ahs19 tx ~,ti such rate a,. t.rndee <br />shaft rtyurst, tf t.rnatrx hay wa,val rite :,fx;;•n :n ,., r?t•ra:e ;-• ,,,.irai ~ t+u+ -i,:iragrtph t? .md 'f &,rrawrr\ ,unrrss<=t in <br />interest hex rtacantxl a written assumpttam agretnarnt as:e, tcd fo s,a;te=,y is i : n.ier, t otnier =halt rrtraw Rarrow-cr from aR <br />xdt9iyatrcxts utn9rr ihrs Mattgage aced the '.aistte <br />If Lemter tsrrctx~s .u:h .•ptaisu . ~ xc:-rittarr f r<~ x: ,.,., rst.,ri R+-^+=„err ,te,t=.r ;,t au€#erawxt :a .a ar<ianrc wah <br />paragraph t+i htrr._f Etcht .a....hait c:oxade <, ;*. t .,tn. s eta€•.-?e>. ?-,,.•r rr,r ,3atr ha ~aticc i; srnaatvl ~;,ttrtt <br />- whicft Brun+wrr rosy pay ttrt ..tens ;fc.+ar__# d?n= 4 Ra',rre•,s r; r :::, ^.e .,s. ;.. ,:;,r--~ f+; ,,'t t:. ;>4 ,•spirat;a?t..=t >u.h ;ar:.x?, <br />L.trtdet tea)', withcttt Firnhrr o mac a~ rr .irtttaru9 .•=, Rsr*,we; ar••1.t aa+ rerao^eiir. g+rt en,tred Rt pat graph ;ti hu*COf. <br />- Ht?1a-L wttMyd, fovrvagts Rt*rn wee axe: t rr~ea serthct ,. ~.r,?a:at -err.; agreti a, ra.ii<rwx- <br />t& Aecdetattea: Rratedkx Fsaept m ptou°6ted #w ptaatttrapb t7 betnt9, ague Bcaretwer'e 6reaeh ut aa) cxtvergat ar <br />rttteeateat td lwrwwer in titi> 4ixrtgtatt, iartnd9xtu the r.»rttaaa to par whru dae aa. same .toured fir this ltortggtr. <br />:,tAdai ' ~ a~ss!as3Gtva ate au€9r~€ ;s cAxattossts as ~a=idtd tt p--rs~rir! t3 trtstt! e{ftiityintt: t!t the hrsarb; <br />t~ t4t sciioe to i:a3s web txeac9S; s.rt a dot, sew hs> tl~ W dsrs ft'otu tier dart tttr tealix-e is ma:t;~=: tax Hrtrrowtt, <br />tr•IBeh trleh (tm#rtt naasY At ftlrtd: abd rat tbr! taihur tU curt *ocb Attach rap or Arbor tEtt daft .pr :rt ibt twtirr <br />aM1T raUak is aecektaiiare of the 4atwc sex ttrtsl be this tt~a~rt, furrci4sort tts ~esdkial pr+u^rtdttyt and >a#c .:t the Mmperty, <br />'11e tt~et WR iwihrtr ituiar~ aq t6c tittle to rt#tgtatt ants arrtltrWktu aad the rgtM w >rn ut tar tarrs'losurr <br />;lttr4ceeliGtt tAe ttata+ttirtoract of r dltrluNp w ram +rther detrrtse +r! lkan»wrr to stccritrat&tn and fom~tsxanrr. it the breach <br />is cwt t'ttrad aw m be9tete Bta grtt~taf at eta rotis't. E radtr rt L.r+Mtr's optistr mar dtrlart all e,t t!a wt~ wcratd try <br />Hda't4tta~¢tre 4a t!a 9arrttt4 dal acrd payatt~ wWM.tu Fanhtr detwattd and ttwr ft>rrs•ktx by iadfrial prtsrtrdlaa. I ttaltr <br />dt>aB ftt e>lad fa e,abrst ht cant pnrrtedialt rte rsprtt>trr :d tartxEtwatrt, inciatibtg, creel Hatt ibugtd tit, costs •ti dewutmtdtur <br />avidtnure, ttlawnsm surd Iiga rtffwfi. <br />t!~ R4ttgNrF'- ItIBiN m RuielYtaM. '`#r^Iw u9sansrslutq 1 cnsltr'-, v,rFrratran ; : the suns _reun:i t•v '+ St.•Yr7~a,+hr. <br />Bi+rrscrtt stta{I have ttlt i9~t i.? hxsr act ;+r,~°ctit:r-4. ~,e.t,s -, :. ,:k' _.t:,-:-t :-,,. \,,.,ru ,a t,rrtc~ <br />