~ Q r-~
<br />82 ~"` j r~ '~i ~ t ii
<br />~ - l4. That the Mortgagor aryl] keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br />upon said land,.nm• suer the said premises to he used for any unlawful purpose.
<br />11. That if the premises, nr any part thtreof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />ust, the damages awarded, the pracetds far the taking ot, ar the consideration for such requisition. to the exttnt of the full
<br />'' - amount of iadebttdnrs upon this mortgage srtd the Hatt which it is given to secwt remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the
<br />Mortgagor to the Mongaget, and shall be paid forthwith ut said Mortgagee ro be applied by the latter on account of the next
<br />~ ~ maturing ittstailments of such indthtednrss.
<br />'p:- !2. The Mortgagor further egrets -that should this mot•t_gage and the note secured hereby net t+e eligible for in-
<br />suraotx undtr the Nahanal Housing Act within 60 days from the date hereof Iwntten statement of any of5cer
<br />of the tkpartment of Hansing and Urban t3evelopmrnt ar authoriaed agent of the `ecretary of Housing and Urban
<br />- Devc~pmtnt dated subsequent to the 60 days time from the date of this mortgage, declining to insure said
<br />- ~ note and this mortgage, bring dremed conctustve proof of such ineligibility), the Mortgagte or haldee of the note
<br />tsar, at its uptkin, declare ati sums srcurrrd Frrehy ^tmrdiatety due and payaE+le.
<br />1{, Tltat if the Mortgagor fails to tnakr any payments of money when the same hecorne due, or fails to wnform to and
<br />comply with any of the conditions ar agretmrnts contained in this mortgage. er the Hate which it secures, then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and a«naed interest shat! at once kxeome due and payable. at the election of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage may
<br />thtreupan frc foreclosed immediately far the whole of said money. interest. monthly p,•tyments, costs, ground rrnts, taxes and
<br />the cast u# extending tttr abstract of title from the dart of this bran nt the tome of commencing such farcclesure suit, and a tea-
<br />. sonat:k atiarnry't fce, all of which shall be included in the decree of Aoreelacure: and the contract embodied en this mongagt
<br />and the Hate srcurcd hereby, shat{ in all respects 1>e gevemrd, construed and adjudged by the taws of Nebraska, where the
<br />same is malt.
<br />_ The covenants herein contained shall hind, grad Ehe benefits and advantages shall insurt to, the respective heirs, executers,
<br />- admirdsiratats, succtssars and assigns of the parties hereto. W'henrver used. the ittgular number shall include the plural, the
<br />- plural the sinSVlar, and Fhr use of any gerrdtr chaff hr applicable to all genders
<br />The foregang cunditians, aU and stttgutar, being performed according to their natural :md Irgal imgan, this conveyance.
<br />- shalt tie void and said premises released at the rxpenu of the \fongagor: otherwise ro he and remain in full farce and e$tct.
<br />1N ~4tTA'FSS 1L'HEREt?!=, rice Mort{ragaxist ha ve trreunro art their handtsl the der and year first
<br />attnvr writttn-
<br />[n presersce o#'
<br />..E.a r' «.~ ~
<br />F~ (SEALi
<br />Thomas C. Wetzel
<br />i SF.AI. ;
<br />h { ~~~~ ~lri.4l~ i sEAt.. l
<br />leer t~ x. ~ „-~, y""--'
<br />1'TATE.i)f'*i{=BItAStiA.
<br />t'iDts`NT5'C3F~ HALT. ~ ss
<br />for uses 30th day aJ Segiember A t). t`{ tt? . br#urr mr, fi~tirtey t; . Adatvs
<br />a xotal'y Ptt#rlic to acrd ftiwr wed f',~rwrry. personat{y cams
<br />TlS L. t+FSTZEL, A SIlYGI.E Pt;1LS'QI•t AND icttIa'TI f. SHARP, A iiSNGi.Ir PERSt3N
<br />sr,~t.
<br />i SF.A~ i
<br />- penunally to me known
<br />to ttr the wfentrc:d person s vrhou name s ::eve inert adixed [o tht ahtivr and fnrt~
<br />Rn+nlt iFwrumem ns Manpagsx, aar# they gore ,..cknawiedgtd the saW irrsttumrnt and the
<br />cxcattran ehn'raaf to be t.21~ir ticdunwy act and decd, t:+r the Purpu.rs therein expressed.
<br />fn irstrsxc!n> ahtrrul,l hear hrrcunta .tt +ttp :ssod a-xt at+~xrd by _ '
<br />s~tatial =eat Island, "tehzaska
<br />tint iltr day mld date ]dxt aiM=tC N'FMEEt1.
<br />~+~~ ~ ti~ ti{ttdtS'f'ttbftC
<br />i?rrDk1EY4 +10#tYR Sydney <;
<br />~i~i€~RlIR2iSlIR "ty C~.issi.on Exgizss:
<br />s-TAr~f~~vzwHeA~tcA ,ti septetttber la, 19taa,
<br />F1&a int record thin day czf
<br />ar .~"cktsk
<br />rrteiedsd in fi~ook
<br />A.p.ty
<br />\t., and emceed m Numencal Index, and
<br />of Martgattcs. an
<br />A8`!'L'k Rt#It7lI 1tH4~IR10 `kt?t
<br />~t kici3ssr3, ~s31 ~'a~utY
<br />7965 "L' gtttatpk
<br />` ~ai.t+s 310
<br />[#r,, f7sts 'r~sttat t.,81"_*'7
<br />ix S. t~_ Ad#ttbt
<br />FHA r_AS1C ti6. 423-^690581-~R3
<br />Rcgrstrr id t?reds
<br />,K§i=tii~f4~tr1 {W i.,Zi
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