<br />
<br />ss.
<br />Loran L. Cresbv and .3udith K. Crosby, husband and wife, being First duly sworn,
<br />jointly and severally, depose and say:
<br />'That they are the identical parties who executed and delivered that certain deed
<br />to Therirst National Bank of Grand Island, Grand tsiand, Nebraska, dated the
<br />24th day of September, i4h2, ccmveying ttte following-described property, to-wit:
<br />All of i.at Four (4} and the Easterly 31Ka Feet ("'') of Lot
<br />Three (3}, in Blcx k Three (3} in Stewart Place Subdivision,
<br />being a part of the Northwest t~;arter of the Northeast Quar-
<br />ter (NWtzNE'~) of Section Tt~nty-Nine (24), Tcawnship Eleven
<br />(li) N~=rth, Range Nine (y), West of the &th i'.M„ in Hall
<br />G'Rtnty, Nebraska.
<br />That the aforesaid Deed was sn absolute ccx:veyante 14f the title to said premises
<br />to the Grantee named therein in e*fect, as well as in fotr,~, and was not and is not
<br />now intended as a T~?rtFage, frost ::ettveyance, or security of any kind, and that
<br />aossession ct. said pr:~ri.s<.xs has iteen surrendered .~ "he said Grantee- that the
<br />consideration ir. rite aforesaid Deed tK<3s and is the release of personal liability
<br />in the sttm of $iK,ly:.ifi as of September 24, 19n2, receipt nor which is hereby
<br />aekrcowledged, existittl; under 3:td by t~.rtue ~=i the totems of a certain Nate executed
<br />by them, dated the 3rd date ,>f Jecanb~~r, lta;4; and the release of personal liability
<br />in the Stan cf $1y,5':.ir'+, receipC i,*r w"rtich is hereby acknowledged, existing tutder
<br />and by virtue rkf the tents c,r a certain Note exect+teci by t11rlm, dated the 1sC day
<br />of <?ctober, lq$0.
<br />That the aforesaid Je..d ctnt>;evance •,Kas ~nacie by then as the result of their request
<br />that the Grantee ac.:eut sut:tt .~~d and was their frc~n and ~~luntary act, that at the
<br />tune of making. said Deed then felt acrd still tieel that theutdebteduess atx~ve men-
<br />tiorted represent:n;; prirtc.p:ti. in*.e:crest ;ttte. au~•ancrys cinder rite tt:rtns t?E tltc. Note
<br />atx~ve referenced, repre?se.tted a :air val+x: ... ttte prt=perty so deedr.~ti; [itat said
<br />Deed was not given as a greterettce against an}• ~.f t=then creditors; that at the time
<br />it was given eitere was nc* other ~rs~ ,:r~rscais, ixms ar rt?r~txations, :;then
<br />than the %zantee therein n~,d, .ntert-steel, either dirc~tly c=r tndirertly, in said
<br />pranises; that. :..hey are solvent and hive= ac= ether ~redit.`~rs wiac}se rights would be
<br />pre;udiced by such ccanveyancN> and float ttxv are et~+t ~~t=ti~ated upon any bend c=r
<br />ether mortgage witerehy any t left ilas ?teest c ~e~atz°v :.. exists against the prtirises
<br />described ut said Deed; ..ad that ut stlierit s'-xi?C1ste fire acs=resold lid to
<br />the Grantee therein, cued in t~xecuti;t~; sa:rx~, ittr'~' were zx;t :actint; under any misap-
<br />prehension ss tc the effect there~i>f, ,xtr under an}~ duress, :undue influence, or
<br />misrepresertaticat by the Crautt~ ;?r tit>; agent s=r attt~ntev t?t the GrattteE: in said
<br />Dom, and that it :Kos tt;eir .ntettti.:~t a4 t:r.uttors in >aid Deed to ccntve}° and by
<br />said Deed did e.xtvey tv rite t:rartc~ ti~rr•ttt all. tix:ir right, title acrd tctterest
<br />absolutely in and to the premises in said rrc~i.
<br />This Affidavit is wade ar ttte pre=te:ti~.xt :tnd tNtteiit :~t tYte aforesaid Grantee in
<br />said Deed, its suecess~?rs and assigns, aril all ~•tlter ~rties hereafter dealing with
<br />or who may acquire an interest in the property described therein, and shall bind
<br />the heirs, executors, administrau>rs and aasi.gtts of the undersi~ntee~,,;~
<br />~, 1~ ~..
<br />l~~ratt 1,. " ros v
<br />~..
<br />udtt t ~M. Gr.~sbv
<br />___ _
<br />• s__
<br />~ ssxAra ~
<br />tke this 2etMay of S~ptemkter l~ti:', hefc>re one, as N+?tary E'tibl iG in and :ur
<br />said C.otzs3Cy and State, per~~~~ stnia~~~a~p~red f,~ran L. i:r~?sbv and .lnditit *1. t:rosby, lx+s-
<br />bamS and wefe, to me knower to be the l~rscxts rtamt1cl in and wltc= executed the ti?regctittl;
<br />instrement, aml aeicetowiecigeri haC they ex~~.~ted the :ac;n~ <,~~ ° rc;.. ..:i:.,etar}° =te:t Wnd
<br />deed, ,
<br />My cesnti.ssirxt axpires: _.~'.`~'.~'_.~.~._
<br />s y 3I d',
<br />