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This farm t, used in cunncc- <br />tun with mortgages tnsnrPd <br />M(JRTGAGE u~d ~ the one- to four fam ]v <br />ptnvtsions of the N.attonal <br />Aousing.Act. <br />82~,~{~,z~?4~ <br />THIS Mt)RTG:AGE. made and ezecutzd this 30th day: of Septemlaer ,A.1~, <br />iy 82 . by and between Daniel F. Stroi-tl and Sally ~. Strnhl, husband and wife <br />of the i'aunty of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter caked <br />ttie A4ongagec and Supsior Mortgage., Inc . , <br />a corporation organized and existing un<'.u the laws of Nebraska <br />partgafthe second part. hereinafter called the Mortgagee. <br />W3TNESSETH: Thar the said "wiortgaeor, fir and in consideratiorrof [he sum of Forty-six Thousand ~ Two Hundred <br />Fifty and No/100ths-------------_--.-------_ - Dalkrrs (5 46, 250.00----1, paid by the 11ort- <br />gagee. the receipf of which is hereh~~ acknowiedeed, has Granted and fold 'end by Chew presents dues Grant, .Bar- <br />gain. Sett Q:nvey and Qmhrm Na*q the ~tortg::gee, its successors .md assigns, forever, the iq@owing-described <br />rent estate, situated in the Ceuniy~ of Hall .andStare <br />of Nebraska, to wit. <br />Part of hats Twenty-six (25) and Twenty Five. (25), of Geer 8ubdivisior.tnore particularly <br />described as follows Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot Twenty Five {25); thence." <br />running 'southerly along and upor. the east line of said lot fora distahce oP One hundred <br />seventy-five and _our tenths feet (175.4') to the actual poin~ of begirtring; thence <br />continuing southerly far a distance of one hundred ninety ore anal four ten±hs feet {19L 4') <br />to the Northerly boundary Line of 20th street rum~ing thence: westerly along 'and upon. the <br />northerly botmdary fine of 20th street for a aistazce of si;cty-nine feet (59'), thence <br />running northerly parallel to the westerly boundary. line of hot Tcsenty-five , for a dis- <br />fence of one hundred ainett~ one and Pots tenths feet (191.4') thence easterly parallel <br />to the north. boundary line of Lots twenty six and twenty five (26 & 25} fora distance of <br />sixty nine feet {69'} to the place of beginning, Ha1L Cotutty, Nebras;ca. <br />of the yisthPnncrpaf \laridian,.ont;;ining mall ecra. according to Ciovern• <br />menawr+ev <br />ICl HAVE .~VD TO NGILt) the premiie~ chore d«arihed.sath ,,11 ih~ aprlurtemmcc thereuntt '«etencing anil indudine <br />ahheating, plumbing and!igfiting fixiurt~s and tquipmeni no++~crr hen after a[tacherixr or nstd in connc;.tion with said real estate <br />unto *.heMortr!agee-and to its suc.e~urrs and aisigm. forever. The ~fori,~.:rgirr tcpresenls tar. and crrvcnunts with..the 'S1ortga- <br />gee; that the Mortgagor hargcwdn>:ht toseR aad convey ,.aid premise; that ihey~ are fier fromenntmbrance: and that: the <br />Mortgagorwiiiwarrant and defend the.ame agasnst the tawfral claims of aflpersnns whomsoever,undthe. said ~1ain±agor here- <br />by r~iinquishcs all rights of homestead. and all martiaFdgnt>, eisher m :aw urin equrtc~, and ail other contingent mtertly:a ut the, <br />,Liortgagor in andF+> [he abos'e-tiescrihed premises. the Satenuun being to aonr esherehy an ahsohne tit':e, m tea simple. inctud- <br />ingsilirights of homestead, acid rrther rights,rndintcrest, as afore,uid. <br />PRfYJID66 ALWAY"_S'; aad the,e tresents arc execnted and deiivcreditpon the fullcrwinc camditions. to wet: <br />The ~fortgaeor agrees to pay to the Vlartgagce- or i>rder, the pnncipa? snm of Forty-Six Thousand Two Hundred- <br />Fifty and No~l00ths---- ---------------- f)oi3urs tS46, 250..00------------------- ~• <br />wrth interest from irate at fife rate of Fourteen-- - per centuin 1 -i4- °.") er annum pn <br />the unpaid halanue until paid. The ;ard principal and intere,t shall t!e payable at the office of Superior 5rtgage, Inc . <br />in Grand Island; NE , or at such other let r as the holder of <br />the note may designate,tn writing, in monthly instalimems of Five Httndred Forty-eight and No/100ths------ <br />- Doilarti(5:598.00------------- };commencing an the first day of. <br />November . 1982 . and on the first day, of each month thereafter until the principal andin- <br />terest are fully paid, except that the final payment of nrincipab and irrierest, if nirt sooner paid. shall' be> due and <br />payableon the first day of October, 2012 :all according to the termsof acertain promis- <br />sory pgte ofeven date herewith executed by tfie said Mortgagor. <br />The ~tortgagnr in order more fully. to protect the security of this Mortgage. agrees: <br />i. That he will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. i'riviiege is reserved to pay the debt in whose, or in an <br />amount equaitoone or more monthly payments nn the principal that. nrp next due en the note:.on the 0rsidayof anymonth <br />prior to maturity: Provided. however. That wrtten notice of a^ intention. to eXercite such privilege is };ivenaL feast thirty f30} <br />days prior to prepay inert. <br />'_. That, togethetwith,arndinadditionto, the monihly payments of principal andinti;restpayatile under theierms of the <br />nine secutedherehy-the Mortgagorwiilpaytoche iViortgagee- on the fl•st day' of each month until the said note is Fully paid: the <br />feilowing sums <br />{a) 9rnowttsuftieicnt 1o ptt:videtPtc holder hereof with r"ands to pay fire next mortgage insuranceprcrnium if this <br />in5trumeat and the note secured htreby are insured, or a manihiy cht¢ge /fife ?leer of .n nurrt~age Htsurauce prc- <br />rreiumJ if they arc held by the 5ecretarq of HcrusZn~ and Cuban i)evelonnrent, as follows: <br />{;!) if and soiong as slid note of even vote and tirzs insr.rum ~n~ .;re insured yr are reiostn~ed ceder Elie pn`~- <br />visions of rrhe Natix~nai. I~lousing Act, err amtrunt suffcicnt ur,necurnuiate !~n thn hands of the holder or, a• <br />ne~;taces PHA-2ta3M vrVricn rtmy bc• used unr~i supply ~s exnaesteA ti']' V'1`E: tTF' ~F,f3R.-1r1(i# <br />r+Leo-9>rn fire f4~r9i <br />