<br />PARTIAL ' A '~ ~~ ~l
<br />' 303?/x-RELEASE OF MORSGAG£-Corporation ~~~- -~+ i ~ ;.,, ;,, Hut'man anG Felton b.',votf. Walton, Ye 58G6:
<br />UV CONSIi~ERRTION of tlae pct'+reent of the debt nansed therein, the Commercial National Bank &
<br />Trust Co. , Grand Island, Nebraska hereby releases t7te mortgage made tv "..
<br />Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. by A ~ T Yard Co., by A. E. 3ac':iman and Tom taieck
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />on tlie-fvlloxuing described read estate, to-zuit: A tract of land comprising a part of Lot Eight (S)
<br />Bachman and Lesters Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more.
<br />particularly described below:
<br />of Section in Tva~nrhip Range of the p. ivf., Hall
<br />County, State of Nebraska .which is recorded in ,3ook 16d ,~~ rata; Estate 1lortgages, page i96
<br />of the records of said County.
<br />L\' TESTIMU:\'i' t3'1I RE/;~ !ler scid Com'nercial vational San;: s Trust Co. 7xas caused
<br />' these presents to be executed b}' its president ¢rad its C arhnr;atc Seal ±v i+° al;txed izzreta t1:is 23rd
<br />day of September r9 8~
<br />Nlitpess ;. Ccmial".27at oral Bank S Trust o .,..,...
<br />/ f ~ i~ t t~ 7 :, 1
<br />y J
<br />11 / ~`~' ~-- fL.~.:~_t.Cx..r-:...._ .. z..>:^=~4 f~~ ._.,-s. ,4ice.. President
<br />.Y i__.-a~' W._. ... _ ... kl ~
<br />tt,st .. ...G~ .,_~ ..~!r~.C~~'r.' Y'~usn er, Secretary,`
<br />STA'1'~,OF...Nebraska I 2S ~ Seat tuber 82
<br />~~. On this__.._ _._...~}~ of.. .. .... ....., 19.......
<br />~' FTa7.1 ' __._.Souniy ' before me, the. undersigned, a Notary Puolic in and frr
<br />..: _.f.r ...... .. .._--- ..
<br />., ~ Vice
<br />said bounty, personally cam0...._.. ..... David., x. 5oerie ..,. _, President of the
<br />Coutmerc~.a~. =33aCzonak Bank & Trust ~o. , Grand Islan3, Vebraska oration
<br />....r... a Corp
<br />to qe piersonally'known,to-be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and
<br />acknoirle3~ed,~e•execvtSon thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntar}- act and:
<br />deed of `saidtGo[tp~e`t~oh, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its auihoxity.
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at..~xand sl3nd,...Nebraska~:._:, ., in said Counic the day and year
<br />last above written:' ~,~~pun-a~~••a
<br />My commission expi ._ B -;~~'~.'..'7 .. ....._... ,Notary Public
<br />' ~ '
<br />._- . _, .,
<br />,,,.._
<br />Beginning at the Nor+£Yeast Darner of said Lot .Eight ,b} , ,.'r:cnce Sou~.`aerly along _he Easu.
<br />line of said S,ot Eig'tit (8) , a dis~ance of 'lbrci Eiuhdr~a .i~.nt~ Three and `ihiee '~enti':s
<br />(283.3} feet to the 5out:ieast •:orrier of said ~.,;t Hiyht (8) ; thence ;desterly along the
<br />.South line of said Lot Eight i8), a distance of Ninety Eight and Seventy Five Hundredths
<br />(98..15) feet; thence aeflectiiig right 90~32'S8" and running Northerly, a distance'of 'I~so
<br />Hundred 'Twenty seven and Eighty Two HundredCrs r227.8?} feet to the Northwesterly line
<br />of said Lot Eight (8); thence Northeasterly along the Nortnwestr_rly line of Baia Uot
<br />Eight (8), a distance of One Hundred Thirteen and I''ifteeh Hundredths (L13.1~) fee*_ ~~ the
<br />place of beginning. and containing 25,234 Square Feet or U.579 acres ;'Wore or less.
<br />
<br />
<br />