<br />203/x-RELEASE OF MORTGAGE--CorporeYion ~~'j~~ _ ~~~ ~ ~ r-8 Huffman and Felton &4VOlf. Walton. Ne. 5e461
<br />__
<br />IN GONSIhER_ATION of the payment of tJae debt named therein, the Cemmercial National Bank &
<br />Trust: Co. , Grand Island, Nebraska ,':ereby releases the mortgaoe made to
<br />Commercial National Sank & Trust Co. U„ A & T Yard Co. by A. E. Bachman and Tom'Wie_k
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />on the. folloarixg descrsUed re¢l estate, to-u~it: A tract of land comprising a part cf Lot Eight (8}
<br />Bachtean and Lesters Subdivision in the city of urand Island, Hall Ccunty, Nebraska, more
<br />particultrly described below:
<br />of Seciiox in Toumsl.ip Renge of the P. ;'1:., Hal'
<br />County, State o! Nebraska zvnicyt is rzcorded in F3aok o,t Ree! Estate 34orto¢ges; pagz
<br />of the records aj said Coxnd±~. Documant »8C-007409
<br />],~,' TESTI.YIO:UY et t-IERE(?F, the said Coreaercial National Bank & Trust Co. has cowsed ,
<br />these presents to be exectt.ted Ul its president an¢ sts Corpor,ac Seal to be a jfixed ktreta ibis 23rd
<br />day of September m 82.
<br />omnerc a1 National Bank k _ us Co
<br />t3 :tMUSS ~ .
<br />;'t ~ ~r ~ t~' r ~e t. t..-- _........._ `3r :-....' ~ `-a`'' "`~ ~'. ~.: ice .. 1'reszdcnt..
<br />...f ~ ~
<br />~ ~ ~ t;"; .
<br />._, :: ~ _ .fittest t---a(;:~.G7L~ :~,.-~~.~r.L-.'`~asitier, Secreirr;
<br />>.
<br />Neb aska ...._........ ' f
<br />STATE ©F On thts 23.rq : day of ...S~ptem:.er _... 19 .32...
<br />ss.
<br />._ . __ a ,". ; _ 23a1s_ r ....., ' .-.......County before ;ne, the undersigned; a \otary Public in and fore
<br />v ice ,president o' the
<br />said Cvunty,.pet5ottallv came..._David R. Boehla -_ ... t
<br /><s
<br />Com>Yt_~ci,~1.R1az~.o~aZ ~d°nk...&..Tra~Z.CO.....Gxanc..ZsJ.~rid,...~7ehraska ..._... ..:.:...:..:.a Corporation
<br />to ttie peispnally knovm >;c+'be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to 'he <gba~~e a•elease and
<br />acknowtedge~'t6n ex~snlion thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntan' act and
<br />deed of said ~ot4inr'~~on, and that its corporate seal was Thereto affia-ed by its authority.
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at...Grand Isian'i,,_,,1 bxaska,, , in said Counts the day and year
<br />~... ,
<br />last above writien.
<br />My raimmiasion eap' ... zil . ~i*, ._. _.„< ..... ........ ..... :... .Notary Public
<br />Beginning at the Northeast cprner`a :said. Lot =~cht ,8}:; t}ience Sci:itherly clang the F.:as*
<br />line ;;f sad Lot Eight (8},,a distance of Two 9undred Eighty Three and Three Tenths
<br />(283.3} feet to the 5outiieast corner of said Lot Eight (c3);,thence Westerly along the-
<br />South line of said Lat Eicht (8), a distance of ninety Eight and Seventy Five Hundredts
<br />(98.75) feet; thence deflecting right 9Co02'S8" and running Northerly, a distance of Two
<br />Hundred, Twenty Seven and Eighty Twc.HUndredths ;'27>827 feet to the Northwesterly line;:
<br />of 'said Lot Eight ;81; thence Northeasterly clang the Northwesterly line. of said Lot
<br />Eight (8i, a, distance of One Hundred Thirteen and Fifteen Hundredths (113. i5) feet to
<br />the place of beginning. and certaining 25,234 Square Feet ar 0.779 acres ir~ore'<;,r less.
<br />n
<br />:~
<br />
<br />