<br />82-~r1.s~?~3?~.
<br />MORTGAGE See L 23,588
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN SYO. , L 24 ~ 052
<br />KNOW'ALLAi£NBYTFiiiSEPRFSENTS:Ttrat Thtxttas 0. Landels and Delores L. Landels, each in his
<br />and Leer CAat1 right -and as spouse OS each outer, Mortgagor, wHettter one or.more, inco¢mideration of the sum of
<br />Two Thousand One Hundres and no~i00--__~_~_ __ ~~~
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Egr.itablr Building and Luan Association of f:rand tstand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 21 shazes of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L24,052 , do hereby grant, convey and rwrigage unto the said,BSSOC.SATION thefoHovnng
<br />described real estate, atuated in Hall County, Neb::ask:.:
<br />Lot Thirteen (13), in Ross Heights Subdivisicn,
<br />ir. Hail County, isebraska
<br />toge[hersrith allthe tenements, hereditamenis and appurtenances [hereunto Helonging.mcluding attacHedfioor eroverings, ailwindow screens,-
<br />window shades, blinds, storm wietdows,.awnings, heating, air eandiiibning, and plumbing. and water equipment and accessories thereto; pumps, stoves,
<br />- refeigerators, acrd outer fixtures and egtupmeni now or hereafter attacHedao or used id connect~onwirh. said real estate.
<br />Andwhereas thesa[d mortgagor has agreed anddoesHerebyagree that tnemarigagot shailandwill pay all taxesandassessments levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon. tHis mortgage xrd the Saondsecrued thereby hefirre the. same. shall become delinquent; tofurnish approved
<br />insurance uponthe buildings nn said premises situated in rhesvmai $2,.100.00 payable fosaid ASSOCIA'flON and..io deHvet to said: '.
<br />ASSO('dA710N the policies far said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste on of about said premises:,
<br />Sn i~sc of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this tttorf ;age or the lxind secured. Hereby, the mortga6:°. sHa6,.
<br />underhand, tie emitSedto..imrttediate possession of the mongaged'premises'and. the nwrigagur hereby assigns; transfers andsetsaver to the
<br />mortgagee alt the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises dtr>•..ing such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain.
<br />unpaid: and the Cnongagee~hall have the prnver to appoihtanyagentor ageru it may des7re for thepurpose•ot'repairing said premisesandrenting
<br />the same and txtlfectingtite rr:nts,revenuesand income,and it tray payout u1 sand inoomea6 expenses ofrepairingsaid pcemisesand necessary
<br />commissions and :expenses incurred in terting end managing thesame and of ,.• .-ctirg rentals. therefrom; the .balance retraining; if any, to t,e.
<br />applied toward the discharge o(said mortgageindebtedness; these rrghis of the mortgagee may he exercisedat any time duiingthe existence of such:.
<br />default, irrespective o(eny temporary waives of the same
<br />These Presents, however, areupunihr Canditian; That if the said Mortgagor shall arpay said. loan on or Heforethe maturity of said sftares'oy
<br />payrnent:.{ray monthly ro said.~.tiSO('IATION of thewm specdledin the Bond secured hereby as interest. and principal unsaid loan,on or before
<br />tht.Twentteth Jay of each and every rrwntH, until via loan is fatly paid: pay all taxcsand assessments Sevied. against satd. premises and on this Mortgage:.
<br />and the Brind .secured rhereby, Hefore detinyuency: f urnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon inthe sumof $ 2 ,100.00. payable
<br />tosaid ASSOC1ATtQ\; repay to said AS50CIATlQN upon. demand ell rttoney Hv it paid..forsucH taxes, assessments and insurance with interestat.
<br />.the-maximum legal late thereon from date of payment allot which Mortgagor hereby agrees ropey; permit no waste on said premises.; keep and comply:
<br />with aki the agreements and conditions of the Bond f or 5 2,10.0. 00 this flay given Hg the. said Mortgagor to card ASSO(:iA'I70N; and comply
<br />with all'thc rcqufremen[s of the Constitution and $y-haws of said ASSOC'IAT[ON: then these presents shall. become .null and wed, otherwise .they
<br />shaBrcrruin in fu$ forte and .may.. be farectasedat the bptiunof the said ASSpCIA'I70N after failure for three mon the to make any of said
<br />payments [rr be. three months in arrears in. malting said monthly payments, or. to keep and. comply with thx agreements and wnditions of said Bond,
<br />and \iortgagar agrees to have a rectivcr appointed forthwithiasvch foreclosure praceedirrys..
<br />I( thereisany change in owriershipof the realesta[emor[gaged Herein,:by sale or u[lterwise, t:ten t}te entire reptaining indebtedness hereby
<br />secured. shall, at. theupttan of TheE.qui[abk Building and Lean Association of t:randlstand,Nebraska, Hecomeimmediate7y dueand payable without
<br />furthernotice:,and tttearnaunt remaining due under.said'bond. acrd anygttter Hondfor any additional advances madctheteundet,shall,tramthe-
<br />Jateaf excreisc of saidoptun, bear interest at the maxirnttm legal rate, and this mortgage may thrr be-foreclosed to satisfy .the amount due on said
<br />Swnd,andany Uther. iwnd for additioraladvances; together with all sums paidby said. The Egtntabie Btriiding: and Laan Association of Grand Island;
<br />Nebraska for insurance; taxes and assessments, and. abstractingextertsiun charges, with interest. thereon, from date of payment at the maximum.
<br />legal rare.
<br />1sprovidedin the Bund secured Hereby, white ihismortgageremains in effect the m~rtgageecnayheteafter advanceadditiunal sums to +we
<br />makersof said Band, their assigns arsucassars iu intrrest,wHicH runts shaft be within the security of tHis mortgage [he same: as the funds originally
<br />secured thereby, the totalamarmtof principal debt nirt toezceed at any time the originalamount o f this m~rtgage-
<br />1?atnd t~~ 29th ear of September A. n-. l9 82
<br />`--- ~~' 7 -.r- ~ _ ~ 9
<br />.----
<br />Thr,~G I}.. I.an~ls_
<br />• t odes L. Landels
<br />SI'.1TE OF' N)$RASKA, ss On this 29th day of September 1`38"2 ,before me,
<br />the undersigned, a Notary Public in andfor said CounTy.,. personally Caine
<br />Thattas D. Lande2s and Delores L. Landels, each in his and 'ner owe w~ogrlt and a~ sYtal! mown to
<br />each other, are r~"
<br />me to He tlx:. identical parson. 5 wtwsename S aYB affixed to ire above instrument aS mortgagor S and they severally
<br />acknowledged the said instrnmentimix: th21r voluntary act zed [teed, "` -l
<br />r
<br />wiTNl-~S ray hand and Notarial Seal th*. date afcsresazd_ ~ ~'
<br />,- r; i
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<br />My (<rrao,LadorECL lM~U~ ~' d `~,~ ~~~~~ :~Tl .;•, `:,_ - ~~~ .:~ ~~biir -...
<br />+a~tsz+r ur
<br />Ml Cgela EW. tUY. tk i1w
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