<br />,, 163-B-SURVIVORSNfP WARRANTY DEED ~.y ~ _ 't ,~ i' +) t~` Huffman end Fellon & R'oli, SNaltnn. Ne 68461 ~,
<br />KNO~,v ALL biEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Nadene Stull, Guardian and Conservator of
<br />Anna L. Evans, an incapacitated and protected person,
<br />herein called the grantor wheiher one or mere;
<br />in consideration of Thirty-five Tha~sand Nine Hundred & no/100ths Dollars {S35,9(10.00)
<br />received from graniees, does grant, bargain, sail convey and confirm nut, Richard B. Svolfe and
<br />Carla A. Niolfe, husband and wife,
<br />{
<br />as joint tenants kith right of survivornhin; and not as tenants in common, the f611otviuo described real propertf in i,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska ~
<br />Lot Thirty-0ne (31), in Block One (1), ir. Morris Addition to the City ar Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />STAMP TA?(
<br />STATEMENT R~ ~ _ SEP ~} ~ ~9BZ
<br />g-3~~ ~
<br />To have and to holtt the above descrs`bed lzremises together frith alI tenements; heredi#amerts andappur-
<br />tenanees ttz~reto belonging unto the grantees anti to their atiiwns. +7r tri the heirs and assig^s of t:he-survivor of
<br />them. forever.
<br />3:n13 grantor does hereby covenaezt with the grsenleex andwith their assirnsanti r,~it.h iha Heirs and a~sign~
<br />of ±ha survivor oY tbenl that grantor is la~cfallr seised of ,aid ,premise..; that the}• aretree rom t~ucuniliranea
<br />except easementsard restrictions of record
<br />that ~~razuor lixsgo ~~: ri;!ht +and Inw-ful authority t,o eoz~zcec t ~e same: and that ~rautor ,arrauirand will defend
<br />` t,hetitle trrsaid r-~•~.i~~-, araiust the latii•ful claims oP ;lll }3c•rsr,ns t4~homsower.
<br />It ig it ~ ,lion o2'atl partiesheretn that- iaz thr r~rrnt rif s:G~ +icath <,, ;zither of the ~;;rantr,es: z.he entire
<br />i tee vinzl)lr title r., ,t`~~ r'e'al estate ,hall rest in ;he aurviringgrantee.
<br />Dated ...~y'[f p ~-~ .2.' .~ ~ I5~ ~i
<br />/ ~
<br />'adene 11
<br />.. . .: .................... ... . .... ~' Stu ~ ~~ /y~,~y~ y ^ vy ;~
<br />~'?'' . , ,
<br />..... .
<br />:.. ...... Nebraska . _ .. ..~ ...... ~"l .l , r r..,~.. ~.._. ... :. :. :..
<br />,- ~ r
<br />~Tri' F_ OF ..,_ ~)n trtcs.__ .,.~ r. S . -.-FC ~4 _. ,. IV ~.K Fe~nre
<br />ss.
<br />r
<br />._.. ___,_.~7-__ __ Monnty ~ me, Phe rn~tl~rszgned n ~Ir,YnY1' F'eablu, ~?aily easaamrssvo~red ern? q;4alzpul ~ar
<br />~ - - Nadene Stull Guazdian and Conserva-j
<br />~ zn s.:ad county; personally tame...-..... _. ~... _. _.. .._ . -
<br />tor of Anna L. Evans, an incapacitated and protected
<br />person,
<br />j to ante lanoxzrn to bethe idantical personvr ~*rsons zohose na»zd is .r n¢~rc, are
<br />(SEAL} nixed to the ,fm-egoing instrument end acknou•?etJrted 3jtr rx:cii~tzon :dirrenf trz he '
<br />tiffs, 7zer or Their voluntary act¢nd dEed.
<br />eeut~ ~rw,~M~
<br />^~~ Lpz~ N!itness my hand and :Jo al peal the i~t' end g~ye~^{as/~ a~bo e rat.43t.
<br />j Mrl Cum,. ex0..Apnl2 1 ~f ° C +~~~
<br />i . 3: ~. ~.t~~~'.r~~taY1' f 1l ~JZll
<br />^y a - i
<br />lly Connaeission cx¢iYes the_~~',,.~...dat~ o,_~~z~.L..... _._, +y~
<br />k STATE OF :.............................t ~~
<br />i County .................................~ss.
<br />t Entered on numerical .index. and filed for record in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />f ..'...........day of ...................... 19..... ,, at...........o'cloek and...........zninut.es ...........I4E. '
<br />€ and recorded in Book ....................of....................at page.......-..........
<br />A ................................................
<br />lteg. of Deeds
<br />By ................ ..... .. ........... Deputy
<br />