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<br /> <br />REAL ESTATE MORTG.~GE <br />KNOW AL1~ MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That L. KENT COEN and i$. JEAN COEN of Hall. County, and State <br />of Nebraska, in consideration of the. sum of Ninety Seven Thousand <br />Dollars (:$97,-0A0.00) in hand paid, do hereby sell and c6r_vey undo' <br />NORMAN B. 3AFiR of Hall County, State of Nebraska, the following <br />dPSeribed premises situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska, <br />to-wit: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter.{SE l/4 NE 1;~4) <br />of Section Twenty Seven.{27), Township Eleven (11} <br />North, Ranae Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall <br />County,. Ne'~raska, more particularly described as <br />follow=: <br />Beginning'at the .outheast corner of said North- <br />east Quarter (NE 1; 4} ; thence 4desterly along the <br />South line of said Northeast Quarter {NE 1i'4}, <br />a distance of Eight Hundred 'Tcaenty Fcur and Six <br />Tenths. (824..6} Feet; thence deflecting right 90° <br />00' and running Northerly, a distance of One Hun- <br />dred ~7inety Six and Seventy Five Hundredths (196'.75} <br />Feet;. thence deflecting right 57°56'22" and sunning <br />Northeasterly, a distance of Nine Hundred Fifty <br />Five and. Thirty Nine Hundredths (955'.39} root to <br />the East line of said. Section Twenty Seven (27);, <br />thence, SoutheriY: along the. East line of said <br />Secton:.T-,aenty Seven (27}, a distance of Seven <br />Hundred Three and Ninety Two. Hundredths (703.92} <br />Feet o the .place. a£ beginning and containing 8..490 <br />acres more or less. <br />The ir7tention being to convey hereby an`absolute title in fee <br />simple, including all the rights of'homesteac~ and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all <br />the ~gpurtenances thereunto belonging un a the said Norman B. <br />Bahr and to his heirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and <br />these. presents are upon. the. express conditions that if the: said' <br />L. Kent Coen and M_ Jean Coen heirs, executcsrs, administrators <br />or assigns shall pay or cause to be paid ta'the said 2dorman B. <br />Bahr heirs„ executors, adr.~nistrators ar assic,*ns, the sum of <br />$97,000.00, payable with interest thereon according to-ts~ terms <br />of conditions of a,certain purchase agreement dated the first day <br />of August I982,`by and betweEn Norman B: Bahr and Louise W. 3ahr, <br />as sellers, and h. Kent Coen and M Jean, Coen, as-buyers, all <br />accordingn`o the tenor and effect'of a promissory note bearing <br />date cf ~Tll~~rsr ~s> 1982, and. shai nay all taxes and as- <br />sessments levied upor. said real estate before the same become <br />delinquent, and_keep the buildings on said premises insured fore <br />the sum of $97,OQO.OA loss, if any, payable to the said mortgagee, <br />then these presents to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full <br />force. Principal and interest ppayable at Grand Island, Nebraska., <br />payable on or before .7uiy 1, 2004-. <br />IT IS k'URTHER AGREED: <br />i. That if the. said mortgagor shall fail to pay .such taxes <br />or procure such insurance, the said mortgagee may pay such taxes <br />and procure such insurance; and the. sum so advanced, with interest <br />L at sixteen percent (16 a) per annum shah: be repaid by said most- <br />gagor, and. this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. <br />2. It i stipulated and agreed that in case of any default <br />