is ~?.~o_€i~
<br />am, wnno/t c9mana. anau b@ Immodiat9ly sue ann b Yable ny Trusor anr, Snau
<br />Dear Irtarest at me ma%.m/n- allowame legs. rat@~ dad n sal at me
<br />OptiOR of BengliCiary Cr TNStee. such sums may by adtlatl to the gdnclGal balance
<br />of any indeble0ness s red h raby antl sha:i b r ',he s s sucn
<br />intlabtedneBS antl snail Ga paya Dla ratably Over the remaining termlthergo' a
<br />_ 10. Aealpnmertt Of ReMa. B9nDiicidry seal! nave. Me right, OGw@r antl aVIHOfily'
<br />oaring the 1 ce jo}ihi3 TNS1D di Oil Gt'he rents 15SU 5 C. '.1 t
<br />the Propg ly a Gi ny personal grope ty i c led Inaregn wi1R o t o l t kl q
<br />posses f ,Heprooerty affected h .by tl Trustor hereby h y an0
<br />_ ncbntlltiq ally assigns all such rents. ue5 antl Dm!'is t0 Bon Bf iclary.
<br />9enBficlary, however, hereby con5en:s t0 to@Trustor's collection antl retention OI
<br />- such rents issuesantl Drofits a3 (hey ac CrUe antl D me paya Die so cng a
<br />Trustor is net, et Sucn times. n dplauti wi*,h ;gspecr 'o payment e7 any
<br />inneotedngss saturetl hereby cr ±nl ine perfOrmanc6 DI a v agreement hereunder.
<br />tiDOn any.svch def null, Benali Clary may at any ;Ime. eitnRrsn person, by agent. or Cy
<br />a raG@IY@r t0 ba aDDOfntea by d nOUrt, w+thOU} rLtlce 9nd wfMCUt repdftl t0 Ma
<br />adequacy of any security IOr :henpeptedneSS r. p!obV secureC, ;a`.nter uppn an0
<br />lake p099B3giOn O}ine PrCperry Or any part t.'-are01, antl in i15 O
<br />- oinerwise collect such rams. issues and brohts. 1 Cludlnp !ngsa upastsaueoand
<br />unpaid, artq appN Me soma. less Casts and ezoense5 of pGeraT:on antl cdiletlibn.
<br />inCtuding ra890naD18 attorney lees. '~ inCebtadness 9eC.:rBC h rgCV, and in
<br />Sucn order as Ben0liClary may Cat 4101 D ac(s of ^Bpatr n
<br />protection as may De necB53ary or proper tp cause^+@ the.:a ue U :rte Preper•y. [c.
<br />18898 the same Of any part thereof for Sucn rental, ".e CntlitiOn9
<br />s its judgement may amtata. Umess Trus!or anq 9e f. - rv agree omarwse n
<br />writing, any apDtication of rRnis, issues cr proms :p any n CemeUness se urea
<br />nemby Snau net @nena or pgsman@ me d/e date bf MB o-stanmam p-aymBnls as
<br />provid96 in said prpmlS9Pry note Or cnanpe the am0un1 0l such rnstallmanls, Tno
<br />entering upon arq fakirp posses5cn OI ;ha PrOpgr'y ^-oils^_tion n! suc^ r»nts.
<br />issues and profits, and MO aOPIlcdtipn. tnaregt as afarg5a!d, snail not waive qr cure
<br />any default or notice o• default ''9reu tl validate any act done :~u•5~ort to
<br />sucn notice. Trustor also assigns b saner a uriry +c
<br />pBrtOrmBnc@ Of •ha Ob' potions 9g ~. .d nere0f, a'""' P on19 ' 031.
<br />wnicn may nova been or may novae rte De deopaite,0 n ;
<br />Of Ise Prppflny, t0 SBCUre Lne Cey .ault n
<br />performanCBOt any pl the Drovis ohs h ustD ' q eels
<br />antl aeposllS to ana 8engf story. Oe1 lee o ~;hb 3 _t.craev's
<br />n! the rig!it6 pranteC nor@•q saw
<br />Oe 9uttlCient 10 repairs 5810 ~Bnant ib pay saw ran, ,o 0 9enet:c a +.,nf i tu..n=r
<br />notice.
<br />iT. LaaNn Prorebq. Wllnln 10 Cays after tlamar^ ~ to Rail . I T t 0
<br />a 6Cheaul8 cartlped :q M ;r setting fOnR act a space -.. the ~ ast
<br />WOperty Man in eftBCt, inciU0lnp, t ecn c ,Sheen s Of ine lgnen;s anq
<br />oeGUIIanta, d deaf:iptiOn Ot tR9 space oCCUp Md Dy sucn anent dnp OctUpant, .n9
<br />rental payable fp sucn space and sucH abler intormatr>n antl CoGUments wl?n
<br />roepeCt t0 ouch IBa9eg antl tanarttro9 a3 the T!usYBB may reduesl.
<br />Without the prior wrtiten ertt. Of T ustae, tot 9n nqt, CireCYry c
<br />Irwirecfiy, whn respect toany IBeSa Ot spacB in the d -cribe0 PremisBS. wh9inar
<br />auCn boas 1] now q nerBnitBr In a%ISSenCa; ;a) atftlpi ar permit eny ~fepdymani,
<br />dtapovn[ W atlvangg rent payable Ihereun0er, iD) Cancel or tarminata ine sam9, Or
<br />aegeotany uncellapon, tarminaugn or 9mrenrief tRe n .v a
<br />ur which would entitle Melasses to antler to t» t or an a e(,.7
<br />emend or mo011y me same so as to red ca fna farm hereot,~tne .amat peyabte
<br />iMreUntler; Ot ib changB.any rBnBwal prWiSlDns to BI O i :natl. C et e y
<br />aehul[ tnereuntlar or breach tnereo}' i9} phe any ,.o sent. w „r .approval
<br />iflMeuntler or taKe enyotRer ac[tOn !n Gprtnattion Sherawnh o w13h a lessee
<br />1Mreubner, which wouw nave the effect of Impdirinp the value Ot . g inlerP,st
<br />ttferwntlsr, bn Inn Property subledf thereto, cr of impalatip 1no
<br />o! ten TNBIee or Beneticlary; or 1fl sail, assign. Piaape, mortgage qr Oiherwiab
<br />glapoae W: tx encumber, IPS rnter@at In any gu<n Ipa99 or any rents, Issutle or pro}its
<br />isauinp or arising tnareunder.
<br />/2. Carltletanetlan. It title toany Pnn olcng Ptoperry snarl De taken .n condemnation
<br />prrxestlinge, by tight. o} gmineM dom I :r simt4ar act on, 8r shall bn Ltow utwer
<br />tMN of conaemnatbrt, all awards tlam pBa-antl prpta8tla arB hereby aaslpnea
<br />and. shell be gala t0 eenefldlary wng Snail abptyaucn awar09., aamagBS and
<br />prxnsdaTdtM eum988CUted by ine Trust Dean, with the eaGe]3: it any., paw to the
<br />TNalor.'Ttualor wifi profsDtly, arM. with due anipente ;90a1r, alter and restore cng
<br />MmelMnp Part o{ IDs Trust Prpperry. to its IOmMr COnaltlOn aVD9t8nhally to Stn
<br />nKIMt tent the Same meV be IBDelbin and a0 a] ip COn9[!tUi9 8 OSMipiBi9 ann u]ab!@
<br />unfl.
<br />/3. FrrUKe I,tlaewne. Upon reavest otTNatw. Beneficiary, at eenane;ary'a opton,
<br />pnOr t0 reCOnwyanc.9 of ine Properly t 0 rUSiGr, may mane tutu 0 cea to
<br />LM Truntgr. SUCK fDNreeaYBHGea.'wnh to B9t tM Ben enact LM a8G ea y Rig
<br />Trust Deed wean aywenced Dy'pro. s y .o.eb is npthat tl of s are
<br />aeCUroa nBroDy;pfOVwetl Ynat at n0 me anon tf» abCUrNO o C 1 Utufe
<br />etlraneea, not tncludinp auma aara ed io ,;rateGt fire nee
<br />nUrwfb percent 1100%) Of IM Onpmei print+pal emDUniS aBGUreO HBrpby
<br />11. AarrraAlea Currnl4tlw-All rnmedi99 provtdea rn this Trust Obeo arocutanCt ono
<br />cumutetWn Io any bthst LIpnL or romsny rwnr MIS'Tr. ~gt DBed ar aftorgetl Dy law or
<br />spUlty, antl may beekHa aetl CpnCUrre tly.. +ntlepgnOnniiyIX BUCtBB]Weiy
<br />ii ~MnM01~ AwrrWlee; Sala. ilpdn OetaU!t by Trustor .n fna payment Ot any
<br />Ilwwtatlpeae aaqurotl herepy or in the pertgmance o} any agreement hereunder,
<br />Banafielary rtuy MCiern ell same aeaurea herepy imme0istety due arA payable by
<br />dNWery 20 TNe/N df w.atron deelaratlOn. W C8}aUit. iM TMtee attan. Rave ine
<br />power aiaeN O}.tM Pmixrty eM It Benefigiary aegire] tM Properly iq. be 90w, iI
<br />Mlall tlapostt wttrt TNStee tnls That Deed an0 611 promissory noroa erw tlowmenis
<br />erWancMp eKpsrwitproe 9eaUred hereby, and shah Callver. So TNStee.. a watten
<br />nbtlCn of tlifautt antl eYKtwn to cause the Property t Dg now. and the Trvetee fn
<br />cum eMllpropYlree elmll t Notice In ine form required Dy law; whichahail: fro auYy
<br />f11W for recoM by Trmtee:
<br />(V AttN LM tepee of eucRtima may t» regiilretl dy law 40liowinq tRa recortl~.
<br />elbti dt saw no[SCe bt tlelauit. antl ndt+be of aeieWYerw notice dt Sere Having
<br />DNn:ytvan aw repuiretl oY' law, TN.atHe, without Demand an Trustor; shall sots
<br />tM Property on the tlate and ai. the time and Ciece naalpnatatl ;n Sara no:IGa of
<br />ale, at DuDItC:auG4ton SotPN hlgheat Didtler, Shepurchasa price Deyable In
<br />Ie~tul rrroney of the Unttetl States of the lime o2 sate. Tna parson corwuCling
<br />SM oaks mq, foranycauaehe peemg B%podlent, paalPOne iha sale from tine
<br />to time until If shall De pompietedamf, !n evory ]ucti case, notice cf Foatpone~
<br />mMtsnall ba given py public aeGiaro[tOn tnBretl!. Dy ouch oar50n ai ine GmB
<br />asp often teat apDOlnteO fofineaaie; prpvwad, St Ma sebISpostlwne0 tot
<br />Mnpar tn.n ro dny oeyona me any tleaipnat9a In the notice q+ aa9. nbbge
<br />Mef.q(]bau beglrgn in ehesame manner a3 me original netts of ]ale.
<br />TNSIM shallazacute arw deliver IO the. porcnaaer Ms 0eea conveylnp the
<br />Property sOIQ Dut witnoutany COVanant w. warranty. exDresa a implied. Tne
<br />ree141a In ine Dead of any matters ar fact] snail be conclusiveoroot of tea
<br />tntthfutneaa IherapL Any person, Includ!np P,enefic:3ry, may purtnea9 at Me
<br />]ate.
<br />(D). When TNStee setts puraua trio powers herein, trio irestae 9nait apply ine
<br />proeestla Of SM 31Ia i0 Deyment Of the CgBt9 flea 8%Uenaes OI eaBlClsinp the
<br />pOtWr. of sets ana of the Salb, iryGiuWng Me payment o! the TN9!eBe Faes
<br />actually Incurred, not to ezcaed ... ~_.___..: °, of Me sale price, ana Men to
<br />the Irome In aubparapraph;c) in Me order there. slated.
<br />(py After baying the Items specftled in oubparepraph (DI11 Me sale is Dy Trustee, or
<br />the proper court and Othercost9 of torecloaur@ and sera if Ma salels pursuant
<br />" tOfudlClet loreelos/re, the drocaBda of sals snail t>s appked in the orsar stated
<br />SO Ina payment pi:
<br />(ij (`gat of eny evidence of title procures In connaCtlon with such sale ana o!
<br />any revenue stamps;
<br />(Il) Ali sum9ihenseGUred hereby:
<br />pnl TRa rema+ndar, r;any, sing aernon iagahy ennead ;neraip.
<br />__ ._
<br />ts. Dmtea ana odugeuon a tea. r.. 9 d D+panon9 a' TNStBg
<br />shall Ga tlaiBlmned so »'Y P.' h nl.,ns 0~. t- sf 0090 antl TNeta9
<br />shall nut be I:db>a a%ceot for Ise Parlnrm&nc8 al suM tluuas ana obligations as a
<br />9peoi;icanr set Inrtn herein, and e mp1t8C c ants o oatlpatiOns shall Ga
<br />m VOSHd upon iruslea; ibl Yo p ;his' uslnDe.Bd shell repulre Trustee t0
<br />Dxpenq ~; •isk his C unOS. ;, Yctn9rw~isg In arty financial oC11Ga110n in Ih6
<br />pBn DrmFnCg Of any CI I.tS Ou11e9 he'+Unp»r Or In t^e a%flfc'S9 dt dny 01 119 Ylpnl0r
<br />p If n seal have d d ~ I p n n p y e t s h f d
<br />ago ate I de It ape 9 - k D l! So bl as d t IL ( )
<br />t nm I+wln I R s g d In a0i f u
<br />oOUnsgi snatf t 11 ana o ale,0 av. horl,a,:on and proteciion 'n the respeCrsl
<br />dny aetlon taken or suffered Gy' it hereunder In pool faith antl valiance :nBreon~ Itl)
<br />Tr/9t@g SR8 n01. bB lie^_I9 tar an} action taken Cy elm In geed felts and
<br />believed by hm u na r'wnhln the tllscretidn or rlpnl3 Of powers.
<br />gpnlarrea upon If by thls'Trust Deed. _~
<br />1'. Addliianat Seeudtr lnatrumenta. Tru3lar. at its 9%p3nse,wilt execute antl Ogllver
<br />O tr~9 T:u9tge, promptly upon dOmdnq. SUCH 56GUfITy In8lNmgnL3 a may. 00' '
<br />tequirao byrroSteB.'.n farm, antl SUbs;ance satisfactory to Trustee, covering any bt
<br />;n@ PrbpBlry c '+eyaq tv :his : usi (}aeq; w curtly :nsirumenis 9neli be'
<br />addrtonai security ipr TnJ3iDf'S faltntUl parf0.•manrCe 01 all of ihBRdfm3, cOVaneM6
<br />ana cpntlitlans pf Mls Trust Deod. ;n nary notes secumtl h9ra0y, ana env -
<br />other 3a n9 u .~Rnts flxeCV.tetl 'n acnOn wnR :n19 transHCtion. Sucn
<br />Insirumen,s . a. n0 _cvrCBC Or +'I94 anq rte fecOLCea antl '8!1180, at TNStOYb
<br />t8. Mlapilaneotre.
<br />In the avant any one cr mO:e O! ine Crovlslons Conialne0 In this Trust Deed ar
<br />Nmie90N note ar any [tear Securtyinstr/mant given in connnttlOn vrl(h
<br />tniso transacilon snail to any raespn ae. held to DB inva110, iilegai p
<br />9mprceaalaln a espaet.s Yatiany, mepauty,a rrenedNgaeuny
<br />nail,. et m9 option :r Bengfclary, at site[; a'ry OHn@r proY!glOn o2 this TrVSi
<br />D9ed h. t ibis Trust Deed snail Ge cpnslNed asl• Sucn tnva110, !negal, ar
<br />,ngnt rcBaole prn~ sip, Rac never near comametl herein ortngreld
<br />{b? TRIS Tfu9i Useq malt DR COngkNaa dcCOrtlinp i0 [rte laws Of Ina$tata of
<br />49braska.
<br />(c7 TRl9 Trust ?]eed ShBU i antl Olnn fna Hairs. :epatess. CevISBB9.
<br />administrators, bxecciprs succassars and assigns of me patties hereto.
<br />itl) ~'uitpr 9ReIl pay a, to%bs rBY:aC OOn tRls TN9t DBgtl feDt 9BCUfgtl
<br />erepy, :'>patner wiM ants wnicn. may be ?evle0
<br />against the'nistao cr Benei-Oary cr t1e~IgpalB.r!OICer of sa:0promissory note
<br />,. ccpun;OfS^s intleateCnas3 n•:".encea ;nareby.
<br />-, ':4henpv9r /sea :^ .hP 5ingvlgr number 9Hdll Include Infl plural. the
<br />stnputar; t^.P U5B c:d9nY gBnaer sRalt bs appncBCie to au p9ntlBrs. antl MB tam,
<br />"BBR@t.Ckary" Sndli.I ry payee Ot tn2~InOBpiedne99 nernDY 38CUr9a Or
<br />.er 7g.ep ns, nr tY OOgration ot;aw or otnarwise
<br />19. SuCOaaanr T+uaGa. f3angli0e'ym Mato t'ma sU0511tutflaaucCfl]BOr or
<br />: tc arty rusta@ nemetl nasal mA^_[ ng hBteV nCBr to a.etu HB Mis Trust
<br />D98d. JDOn 9uCh aCDOlntmai`t NHC. witnbut GOnvayanCe tq the succe9901 TI/etBe.
<br />Me latter seat, :>e estaa wlih au IillD, powers, antl aullas ronierrsd upOneny
<br />'ru92ea naroln n men O! act+hq narevnai each sarcn epppimmgnt and.
<br />suDadtutbnSnaN aDe matle oy wnttan tnelrumehlDy Bedeficlary, contalnlhp
<br />reference 10 This Tr/9t Deatl an0ils.{ace O' rBCOrd, wnlChwnBn r@cOrtlan lntna
<br />office of MD flaglaia! DI Dee05 c} 1ha county oY COUnile9 in which saw t)FOpBrty lE
<br />siluatea Snail t>e conclusive prod of proper eppolntment Ot the auctaneor Trualea.
<br />.7218 forapolnp Dower qt bst:hfion and fna Droontlure-theretorosRell r,CR L«_
<br />9%LiU91Ye OI in9 pOWB[ andprOCBdufe pfOVldbtl fat DY 18W for tnD.9UbeilluliOn 018
<br />rr/eteemTn+smes io tr.a place qr Lne Trrutee.
<br />:.t),FOtDaaronG dy 8enet{Clary otTNatw Nm eWBlrer. 'Any. torebaarenca Oy
<br />9ane11GAry Or Truste9:-t a%eN19lnp any right a emBtly harBUntler, b[ gtnerwlx
<br />af}Ortf@d by eo011Cable law, snail not tR a waiver of or preciUtle The eirorciae of any.
<br />rlpnt M remeay hereunder H.Ikewisa,ihewalver.0y 9enenclary a TNBtee of any
<br />default Of T(Uala( ~1rw8r tRls T(V91 Dana SHBi n0( DB dBem9d tq De a walVa( of gay
<br />,ti5ef tlr similar aerNU1198VDSe0Uarrf ty ocCUrrtnp,.
<br />21. TMtMNOt AeNaead lenston tlt Ina (Ime fpr peymenr Or mOtliilcallan O
<br />am OrtlEatidnOf lea lams SBCVrBO t.~y tRie T•~,fs1DBBq granted Uy BenBtlciBry t0 shy
<br />aaor in interest ct r afar sna11 hat ooarata tp. release; b any manner,sne
<br />saauify al the ertpinal Tr. stor or -rusmr s supres9orin interest: BenaLiclary sham
<br />notbe IggUlrea ra mmenCe Gfx@edlnpg apeingt sUGn euCCBABO 'or .'etUed t0
<br />A%tena t'met r payment motll/Y amonlxatlonot the sumssecuieaby.
<br />MIS Trust L9eU Dy'BaaOn f any Cpmand mea9 by cng O'Iplnel.: NstOr and Tru9iar's
<br />auCGBaaCr9 ,n rntdrtlst.
<br />22 ~eroult :f there shell b e defeat! under this DBea of trust Gr und9t any pdOr
<br />rt50npeg9, LhP. Benbf C::ei mNy . a'u Ch 0918uit, and inB am0/nl9,
<br />sea O1hBr Costa antl P,%den393 ai Ma bBngIlCiBty !n G/flnQ 9UCn defeUll, Wlth
<br />lntere]I BrMa dalarlll rata COnrdfned In tha.NOta seCUt@d hereby from theilhie Or
<br />Ine9avenC9e Or ptym9nis anal! LM.atla9d 10 the InOBbfBtlne]9 9aCUf6a Dy Ih19 T•U9t-
<br />Daeaand may Dg Conactadngre/naer ar any time after inenms al s/cn advances
<br />'x payments an0 short beaoemgd to besacuraO Hereby. '
<br />23: Otrtfdt b ForKiwe. Updn ine oCCUrance of xny dg/a UY.n BreunOer, 9eneflclary
<br />anaN nave the option. SD LM9CIgye this TrV$t Oaea mina mannerprovltletl DY Paw:for
<br />!tM 10roCi09ur@ot.rnortpapae On reel PrapBrty.
<br />2a. TMtaYfR4yhta, Absent pefault Jnn' eny datauh ~ .Leg ,^.eYmanf Ot
<br />!nge0te0nB]s M1eroby 59curetl Orvnlil the breacnbf any covenant R9rain !»nlatnM,.
<br />[he Tr vslor +t89ucca9scrg and assigns.snali po3se3sano Delay cng prppBny,And
<br />va the rants ana pNhts therefrom. Upon payment of all sums secured Dy t2:!s.
<br />i Nat Dead. 99neflClary snail request "Crueteg 20. rgwnvayt!te property antl shall
<br />rrendar fnEg Trust Deed and sit netaa evidencfng inaebtetlness Secured Gy tnte
<br />usl + a t0 :rizsibe T uetag.-SHailrriCOnvay t"B property wIMOUI warranty 8ntl
<br />wirnOUt serge r0 mb '~er90n8 '9pahy gntlt!sd thereto ^te C'iranl9a In any
<br />rawnveyance may u» da rpetl as "Sneparaon ur p^greons Onlilletl NeretD," ann
<br />2nar8clla13 Intlro{n a dny me!tera c .acts snack ag CbnC{U91vB prppl. Of Ma
<br />1!u MlUinBa9 th9rBOt, $Ud Or per, Ons shah pay ail Cost] Ot'ecOfding, irAny,
<br />25. Arxalentbn in iM Event Of Trarafer .n tfie avant ih t;t+e to saw reel e]taib :s
<br />tron3lerred, Or COntraCled ip bB INnylgrraC. 'rOm the under Signed for eny reason Or
<br />try any meMpd wnataaever_:na entire principdisum 8ntl eccruga Inreresl shall. at
<br />uecome dJa and pay a at'he BiB ...hut the Be f1 iary- rsllurn to exercise
<br />thin oDLan Oacause a! tra r:sler n+ tiffs es obeys slated :n one mrstanresnall .sot
<br />n9litule a waf~ar pl the r!pR2 !OBxgrCl9e the SAmtl In inB even! ct eny SUbSayUehi
<br />trens}Br-
<br />26: TRia tleaa or cruet la iun:ar td one data __i~~,____,.__;,_,~__„
<br />executed oy TNator is __-. _...._. _.______._ _._ irUeten,
<br />aecurin¢ a plinclpel .'rote to __._..._-.____._____~..._....__. _..-_._.._ _.___-___
<br />DoUe(n and tllea for recOrrl with thD'r.Bgintar o? Dgada and lOentllkxl ea tOllowa:
<br />