<br />$2"'"t,r~" ~.~~
<br />,,,
<br />antl, wllnouf defnari0, sna!I be Immediately due and payable by Tru Sr Jr and mall
<br />Dear lntarast st the maximum allPwanle lagaV mte' peavideC, hOw¢vat, foal al the
<br />option pt BMettCiary Or Trust50 ouch sums may De adtled !0 iRO Rdncipal balanco
<br />of arty Intlebtsdnass secured hareDV and snal~ twat ma sa cnlara.gt as sucR
<br />indebtedn64s and snail be payaD{e retools OVer.ha ~amainingt ~m lnOraPl.
<br />10. Assignment of Rents: Beneficiary snail nave the riOM, power antl aulhoriVy
<br />0 I.gtne ti elof nl Tus/Deaf i Eton I _ dP Ift Cf
<br />tRe P' operty C 1' y pe a I proparty ..rte n I k'ng
<br />p0 salon t Ih p Opo ly nectatl he eDy d Trvs .eDy aD i telY ' ntl
<br />unCOntlitlonalfy a5aign5 all suGn rents, 'slues and DrDllts to 8enshciary.
<br />Benenciery, .Owever, hereby COnbonts to ihe'rvstor's cCllect;pn and ratant~on of
<br />such rents, rseueaand protitsas they accrue and become payable so long a
<br />T:uator le no[, al such !Imes. in 3eiauh win respect ! ant of any
<br />indebtedness secured hereby or in ins pertormance pi 2ny agreement nereun0ar.
<br />Upon any such default: 8eneiic!ary mny a; any t!me, either in person, Dy agent, or 6y
<br />a recelv@l SO:bd appOlntetl Dy d pOUn, wnthOUl nOh Oe and w1lhpUt regard i0 the
<br />atle0uaty of any security tot me indebtedness nerebY secures, tai enter open and
<br />take po38ession of !rte Property of ar..y pan tRa~opl, and Gn It5 qwn , amesue for or
<br />Ptnerwise collact'sucR reni5. Issues antl profits. including !h alt due and
<br />unpatd. antl apply the same. IzSS costs antl expensesof Opera[br and touec[ron,
<br />Indudfnp reesonaDla attorney fae5. upon any n0ab:edn ss seCUr:atl hereby, and in
<br />such omeras$eneficlary may detormrne: ;bl perform. w..h acts o! ragair n
<br />P(OSaCnOn as may DB netessary Or grope/ ;o conservq iRp value Of the P:eperty: ;CI
<br />19a9e me Same or any oar' tneraol br such rental., torn and upon svc'+ conditions
<br />as hsJudgement may: d+ctate: UnIMS Trustor anC Beneficiary ag,?¢ a;narw se n
<br />writing, any pppllCdtiOn Of rMtS, !b5ua4 Or profits !o dry indebledneSS secured
<br />Mreby shall notexiend: or postpone i»e tluo date of IheInstdliment paymant5 as
<br />prpvltletl in sold promissory note Or change :5p amount Of Such rnstai!ments. TR¢
<br />entering upon. and taking pansession Pt tRe p•Dpen. ton _onettion ar such rents
<br />' and prollls, antl the ppl- tion tMrnof as atore5are. shalt no: waive Ar cure
<br />any dBlault or notice Of d f it »ereunder 0 vaitCala any a.r Cana 03rsuant 10
<br />ucRnotice. Trustor also assigns :D Benelficiary, a tun»er s urry!or the
<br />performanceOfineoD!igatloes secured tterepy, au Dr pa:r roots and sn monies
<br />„mkn may Mve peen or may nareatterxdepns;:ad w; bTnscor Dy any lessen
<br />of the. Progeny,. to secure ms paymentrt ant and upon delaull ~.r
<br />` t^e
<br />Mrtormance of am of the provesions hereof. " stor agraos is oelivei sytn rants
<br />and deposits zo fns 8enNlciary. Drrrva rice tit me 8 anriary's
<br />exercise of ine ngMS granted harem, :O y ._ a t pct-'py ng Card prem. sea snail
<br />be suflicienf fo require wM tenanPtD pa} sardnant to Bene.+c ry ~ lil'.;nner
<br />notice.
<br />i/.lassd Pnttthsa. WnMn 10 days aCn demand, i castor snaU famish to TrUalee
<br />a 9CRwula certified t0 M true. wt[Inq Conn atl .'paws of space in ine Frvst
<br />Progsrty IhM' In BMeCt. !M1Cibbing, SpD taw, tMn ai to s antl
<br />CCCIIpaMa, a daetd DnOn of tM space xcuAtad DY auto tMdni BndDCCUpdnt the
<br />fM11t PayaDw f« eUth 9Mte BM SUCK OIMf in}«matlpn arW OMURlonta with
<br />topic! to such laeaw anatManaaa as the Trualee .ay reogest.
<br />WltfWUt tM poor wrltteo CODSani At TrWIw, Tru Ic. enaL -ot, tllrecay Cr
<br />IMirectly, wlln reepaGt to arty ieaae dt spnto In iM CescnbeC premises. whether
<br />.h vaaaa in now « herwftM +n exrstanea: (a) octant rx +~ermrt any DrepaymM}.
<br />elawttm «:advance rMt payable mereurwM; ib) nancai «:erminate tRe. same, ar
<br />1cCap1 amY caxbf4iton: t8rml Munn « wrrerfaer tDern01, Pr pw'mn anY avant tC
<br />dour whits! tVOUd MtI[la Efts tea9x SMreuhder m:erminete«ancaitM Same: ;c)
<br />aIMr10 « nrOdity tM 9amew as 10 YatlYCe tM farm tMreo•, t!yrMtal payabib
<br />ilrarWlldM. W to cnantJe any renewal a+ovlslons 1Mroln contained: t01 waive any
<br />tlNwl1 ttterwrrOM or breath merwf; ;el A+rean.Y to waNar Or aparOVal
<br />'itllewndirW'. lake anY alnM 8ctbn'In pOnnBClign tMrawlln, Or wrm. a lwaw
<br />thMwrdar. wnldtl; tenuib Mve 1M 9Nact01 !mpelling SM vacua Oi Iee50r'S.interaal
<br />tMrwnWr, on tMPropMy wDpGt tneroto, or ttf impaitmq the poeltbnor mteraai
<br />oy tM Trustor nr BaMlklary; or. (nwl1, ae Nqn, Dietlga, mortgage orotnerwiw
<br />dfapON W, OIMCUmitM,!t8lMerwtin any 9bC»leaw or arty rents: iSSU96 Or «ottt9
<br />bwlnparerlaingiMrwndx.
<br />12 CaMannatbn..lt tine to arty Dan pl the Pmparty ah911 b9 taken en CQnaemhatiOn
<br />pf0oaadlrtgt; byrlgMot pnlMntdomain dr slmil9( annDn, dr anal! M sOW under
<br />IMNI.ot condimnaflon, alt awuM, oamagstl ana prOCeetle era MrebY assigned
<br />and shall.. M paid t0 $enstiefary. woo sMl! aegis wen awards, damages and
<br />proca>ds tDtM wmaeeCUrea DYtM Ttual6aeo, oriel try excden, it any, paiQtotM
<br />TNalor, Trustor will DrompOy. antl won tluo dbigMCe; repair, slim ono rastpre'rM
<br />' tMnNnbp Met of fns .Trust Propbhy to da former Condition wbatBMially. mtM
<br />' :eatinltMttM aarM may ty teeaiDleand so as to conatitula ncomptet0 and uaeDlB
<br />unlb
<br />13PrtMaa Mantas Upon requea[ of Truntor, 8etyhciary, el ennntitvary a opton,
<br />prior to rw[tmeyanceol tM ProMny to tM Truatw; may make future advancer to
<br />1M TtDSt«. Bach future advances, with mlereat: tMreon, obeli M secures py thPS
<br />' TMt Dssa wMn eviaenCed py Prnntisaory "tbtwntatmq roar .sail notes ar
<br />iICUfW trorebY~ prOVlded that et rte tITR aneli ine aaCUred pfinerpal. tgtvrb.
<br />advanga, ndt includfnq a advanced So DrOlect tM wCUntY, axC9aa wte
<br />Mntlrad paicMl(100%to}tM«.glnki phndipal ernounta yecieW Mreoy
<br />14: t1alttadlaa OutnWStha.Ait renrWioa DrOVtOed In lhlaTruazOwa era aylinci and
<br />amuNtfw !pony otPar rtgn[orrentwy under !tun Trust Dees « an«dea q taw «
<br />sputtY, amlrMYba exerclaeo ~OOrurrenuv.IMeparwantlr or n.rrcwaivah.
<br />15: MasWNtart:.MtttsrNss: Silo. Upon dstaull by Trustor rr, IM ryaYrnent a! any:
<br />IttrtWtWrtwnilcuradttnsDywiritM Dartormarwn sr. any agre.mant nnwMar.
<br />BsMFIWrytnaYdactate, adwme secured hereby ImtiydiatetYeue antl PaYanb W
<br />dNlviryta TruUNot wrlitnndOCtataibn of default, The 7nraiw eMA Mve tM
<br />pOwarol aN of 1M PrPPertY arM 1t eaMtktary oeaGw tM Property to M soM, tt
<br />ttMll dtlppilt whDTrustatMa TneatOw6and aU Ptomiworyybt6sens dorurhants
<br />svirfsnping:aapantltturw aawred Mraby, anasMitaealvw to huatw,k Whnen
<br />Hotta otdifiutt aM election iP uuw iM Property to MaWd, arw ms Truuee rn
<br />.rum shalYprsquea slmiln Notlta in tM tam required by law, whKh aMii GB ogry
<br />tlNdl«record DY Truatw.
<br />(a} ANer SM.lapw qt wctt time ae may ba requlBS M' law foliowtng tMracord.
<br />atbn of Bala notice of data:t: ana nobca tit aerwn a<;d nogg. of hale nwmq
<br />MenpireriasregUt[a0 Dy taw, Truntw, witnWt demand pn Tnaat«, atoll wait
<br />iM PropartYon tM 6Ne and at i^a time ea6 Pfeca tlaaipriated in na;tl notka of
<br />eali,. aL Dbbiiceudtlontoina RpneatpWdar, tM PurcRase Price MYabb in
<br />Lwful molly o!. the Untied St>iae al tM.tims n1 sale. TM Denbo.: condgctirp
<br />IM wlantaY. for anY cauw M deems asPeCleni, poatpoM 1M sera from time
<br />td tlrrbuntil it snail Oe Campytw and.rrt m'ery wchtaw,.ta][IGa otPMipa~tr
<br />IMnttdtaft a given Dy public decis[aibn IMrao! by wGn Parson at ine time
<br />and alACa Ratappante6 for\M sale; provided. It ton gain is pbaipanad for
<br />torpor thin {i) qaY beyond. iM daY Cespnale0 in tRa npLCa of uia.nD[ica
<br />tnarwf Mall M given in 4MSame mannafas fM origins: nOiiCa of wle:
<br />Ffgat}a snail ezepute and deliver to tM DurCitaser his Used tgnvayinq antl
<br />Property aota,wt wl[lwut apY. sous t «.wueanty, axprew. or ;mD+ied. Tfy
<br />rkltNa {n the. Dean of MY matterl~~~~ obeli Ue conclusive proof tit the
<br />trutRtutnaSa IMreot. Anyparsbn,3rtcludlnq $enatictary, nray:ourcnase at :rte
<br />Y{6.
<br />{b). WRan.TNata seltapuravant m.Fnepnways Myaln~fne Trusteo sRan apD+Y tea
<br />procsWa o! me wleto MymerY.or theGw[3 ant ezDenssa of exerclsinA tea
<br />powK of RBfe hd Ot tM sofa :fb{tUdl(ai ~ta MyTbfi of thaTr ata0 SF a
<br />L actual ly t cu ed, not In n teen ___ L J _ yr of tM 9a store ns to 0
<br />tM Van i pataq ph t J Yna orJ 'ear t tM
<br />{u After PaYmglta terns spbCi/{etttn ar,DDaragraa. bllttM Sate .a hY usye, or
<br />the ProDeraounens gYtiarwafa pt t«eelowin ens saw i!tha sale .a pursuant
<br />tpjtfdKlsltoretl0aure,tM.Froceeas at aatearan be apDttaC:n lhu order stated
<br />tdtnoMrmanlof:
<br />g) Cpaf OP any eY+dtlncB P{UUB prPCVrad in connncttOn w:fn wCn Sala ana a".
<br />any revtrnu9atampa:
<br />fib 0.hsU.me than bbpurad nerapy;
<br />{lei 'na ramatn69!,nany.tGlna pnraUn sapyliy a^::tiM .tyre!u.
<br />tD. Dunes ana obhgenana at '!'valor. I,t -rte ruuas and obngellons of TmstM
<br />mall De datnrm!ned s01 o;y GY!n0 aaar55s grout sons crane Trust Uead artd TrustM
<br />5ha11 not he (;able e::CeOt tar the Go•IC•mance of loco duties end onipatio»a as era
<br />et 1 '
<br />epeCifical!y s orM harem, and n mRlieC c ants o ohligeilonasnall be
<br />nnpOSad upon Trustee: (D1 Np prparsion pt IRIS T~uet Doeds Rall require Trustaeto
<br />ex0end 0 r!sk t'=IS o n tund4, o Othnrwlse Inturany. tlnenciaf onliruHtion In Ilia
<br />penormance of any of I!S dutios hero Under, Or In t»e exercise bt any Of Il9 rlgMar
<br />p0 if it 5nall nave grounds for halieving !net Inerapayment dl loco funds or.
<br />tled 1 tl If q :. t I' bli y- ea ply. suredt t'tc)
<br />T t o ay It th c 1 n~ CROO i g d ihA tlvic t such
<br />seP Shall he tali andco pieta aulnonxation antl prpteCtlon In me respect qi
<br />any ec!bn lakan tr sufloretl 6y t hereunder in good faith andrellancptnereom I~;.
<br />Trustee 9haii not be IlAbig IOr any action takeoby .him in gocA lalih antl
<br />beliaveo 6y »Im tp ~a authorized or wHhin Ina dlscretlon or ;IgMs of powers'
<br />Cortfemotl upon l4 by Ynls Trus!Deed,
<br />17. Addlllgnai Secudiy lnahumerita.Trustor, at its expense,willexetute antl CBlHer
<br />to the Trustee, promptly upon demand, yu Cn aecurlry. Insirumanta as may.DS
<br />required by Trrstee inform and subsianca sa*.istaclory to 7ri+stae, cOVaring any of
<br />iha Property c veyed try !h!s Trust Uoeq which s unity instruments'e»ail ba
<br />sCdthonalSM city for T:us'ors faltRful partormance Ot m:iotiM terms; bovenents
<br />antl contllllons Of tMS Tryst Uaeq, the promissON, notes securetl Mrepy; and any
<br />other aecurlty instrt menlsezeCUletl 'n cpnrectlon vrlmthls transactldn. SucR
<br />lnstrumenis s»ail be recorded or 'iced, and ra4eaDrdetl anC rented. at TruetoY6:
<br />18. tahealianeoua
<br />(e) In 1M event any ono or mom Cf t»e provisions contained In this That Deatl.Or
<br />tM oromiwory hole ar any OtMr saGUnty tnslrUment g4ven !h donrreclldh with
<br />this tr ec UOn snail fbr any re n De »e10 10. be invalid, lllegal.'o
<br />un8nlorce8Dl9 In any reapeCt, such inveildity, i77agality.: o enforcaebiilty
<br />shall, at tM option or $anetictary. not affect any other prdvislon ofihls Truak
<br />Deed, om Ems Trdaraeed shall be tonatmeaaaat aggn myaua.uleMr,'or.
<br />.:nMfOrCeapla arovlEbn nap neverbwnbontalnad hgrelnor therein:.
<br />!01 Tnis Tf4nt ::9ad snail be cGrtfiimed aCCOrding tOtn818wn01 lheSt8i0 Ot
<br />Nabraaae.
<br />{c) TnisTn:st Deetl 98811 !n a to and pintl the :Nits; lagat6es.tlevbee5;
<br />aaminislrotors,executors, sucteasOls ana assigns of the parties nerettl.
<br />(tl) TrU610f Snell pay all t$xe9 (avian upon 9ni3 Fru91 UPed Gr .Ina tleDt yaCLted
<br />neretYr, tDgethBl. with anY Otnei taxes Or wseasmMis WniCh Tay ba levied.
<br />against the Trustee or 9enehciary or t»a legal nblder plsaid promisaary note
<br />an aGCObnt of maindebtednass ovl0ence6 t»erepy.
<br />Eel Wherever aloe heroic'„ (na sinquiarnumbarsfiall Inclutlatty Dlurel,(M
<br />angular., ine use Ot any gender anal! be epphcable [0811 ganders, an6lMTerm
<br />'$eneed rv'• enau ioplode any payee of t»e maebtadnesa nareDy secured or:
<br />any translar ihernof, wn (her ny nooratlon of law of of»erwi6e:.
<br />t8.3gtceasor Ttu•tae.BMei inrymav from Umeto time eu0.sNtgtea autcswor or.
<br />successors to any'trustee -amen norotn or acnnq hereunder to execute thla Trust.
<br />OeM. iJDOn 9Uph eDpOmimanl end wltnOUl conveyance 10 IneauCCeaxfTrusta,:
<br />the latter snall.Dg veatM wdn ail rlth: pOwera.. 'n0 duties ConPenetl upon. any:
<br />untae herein Hamad a iinq nareurider. tech `loco aoopin[ment ana.
<br />wbantunonan>li be madbDy whiten rnstruaient. by BeM(ciery; cortalnlnq.
<br />r975rMCe tO.lfil9 Trull DBba an0 It9 p1aC8 o}. rBCOra. WMC'R wMn reCOrdetl In the
<br />attFCe ottne Pagistnr pf Uaeaa o! the county or. counIlaein wtlicRSStd ptoDany fs
<br />situatatl Shall be conG3uaive proof of proper appoinirtynt of [M 9uCCeseOr Truatw:
<br />TM loregninq power of subsil2andn and'the rnnceddro SMret«e shall not Be '
<br />a%Ciualve Ctthe power MO ProCadUte provitl+ltl tOf ny IBw t0f tM Bubanh rllOn dl a
<br />Trustorcr Trustwa in tM Dlate nl ana Truatw.
<br />20:FaAwnncs DY BaMlidaryor. Ttuslw Nona Wehn.Any lorebeuance. by:
<br />$iMtlClary «TrU8lwtnaverCip4rtqany. riAM.0l remedy Mrwndn, DlOlherwlw:
<br />affortletl Dy apDlVCenla law. +nafi not ba a waiver. oP or prodlude the exercfae of any
<br />r1gM Pr rernedynereuntlb: kewiyp, ine wirer py Beneticlary or Tipatae: olany:
<br />.?^tault o1 TNStOr Ur140r t»te TYUSf Dwd 9n81t not Da dwnteU tgLy 8 W81Ver DI any.
<br />rotamliar datautls sunaeauenhy xcurrlnq,
<br />Z7: irusta.Ndt RiNiaia:Extarrtllon artM time lot. payment or modlflbanon or
<br />amptl2alion ! '.+ tared Dy ,nls Trust. Geed granted Dy $anenclery ld any,.
<br />wGCesaor in tereei D T ublPr analr not operate tOfelSeSe, IR any mannef, iM
<br />ilaplhty of the odgmai Truatorcr Trusmra aucoeabor in intereet.BMetlclary shell
<br />n02 rte raQuved to com{rwnce. proceadinPa against such sugceabaF. ar reluaetti
<br />sxtarb time for I;aymMl Cr rr!rjdity arrronliatiOn OI IRa sums Babuietl. by
<br />Chia TNbl DBad Dy iea80n Ot yd [nantl made DytM Onglnel Trustor end Trllat0('C
<br />cenaorsmimarayt
<br />22. OalauN. !f !hers obeli are a default under [his Deed of Trust or under tlny prior:
<br />rrrortgage, the $enailciary may cute ouch tlafault, antl lire emoUntb advantea by;.
<br />end of Mr torts and exDenaee M lM beMtkciarY Inturing AUCn detaull, with
<br />Inteieat aI me defsuh mla cantalMd In tM Nate secured hereby from ine alma of
<br />iM atlvMCw prpaymnms shall De added Ib ins Intlebfednene eeCUred by this T!LSt
<br />Deatl erA. may bbcOtlactep toereundor at any Iimeeller Ina Ilma pt ouch edvMCee:.
<br />a MYment9aM avail De doomed to MaMLrad RereDY- r
<br />%f, Option ip Foradb>a. Upon ine otturanta ptanyaelaut Hereunder; 8eneflciery.
<br />aha U.neva[ha option tof«aC,ose mil Trust Gead lniMmertner prdNded Dy lSwfor
<br />;tit forecbsara of nwrtpagee On clot P;oPerty.
<br />24. Tru>taY>. Rlgnb, Abwnt Default. Until any default in ins Mymanl O`
<br />inaebttWrysa noreny abcuratl r ntii the breach Pf any a0ybnflnl herein COntainad,
<br />the Trustor; 's nuctewore ssigna, trail Doawss enden7oy the Dropeny, en0 '
<br />etafv6 tRe renla end pofib ttyretrom. Upon payment of all soma secured: by Iris
<br />Trust Deed. BenaltGarysnal; tequas:Tnrsteata rxonveY.me'prPperiy an0 snail:
<br />Meer [mS T1USt. DaM andati ndta9 avldencind i-~deotednes6 se<vrud by' this
<br />TNSI Used td. Trn5i8a T•ustaa shall roconvey ine proparty wlihouf warranty and
<br />wlthPUi charge 'IC tCy p spn6 !egailr enhhod t»em[O. Ths: GrMtoa. !n any.
<br />'6cGnvayanGB may Da da5c i0etl as '.'the parson Cr parSOnSantllled the Btu," anU
<br />IMretltals therein of any tiers pr!fl shelf Mc nUualve Dr001 of t»e
<br />Irmntwnaaatne•aPtautnD son n, parsons yrlait Dav an c«a-nq, itaay..
<br />[B.ACCNnalion to 9M Ernni of Trvnalar. :n Ina avant 1M litia i0 5aitl real estate i5'
<br />Iransterretl,nr GOniracteW to Datrans7arrN.1,'rom the undera:Anad tar any reason or
<br />Dy any method Wnatsaeyer, »q antis prinGpal sun, and aGGruad Inierestahall a;
<br />Once lieCpm6,.ua and payapf :Iha elet;{on Ot Iha Bane Cary;. Failu:a 1 e Oisa
<br />thra CptlOr :RCa D: tta^ataf .. foie es a~va statM in Jne )naianca shall nU`.
<br />conatilUie B`avo~roi ton hght to a%erclse the aamaf,'t ihaavanl dt any subsagueat
<br />Trans/tr.
<br />28,T»ia tleed bttruat is lvmoria Ona Lb1M .~',/A___. _ .__. ..._..__:
<br />bzecutad DY truatOr',p ____ ........_... _ ......_....._... Trustee,
<br />teGUring n Dt_nG P t i' Ta fbr
<br />UOl:arennc filed fo: 'Y prd with the Ragiatsr 0' invega ana Edentltieu' 4n fal;ows:
<br />