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__ <br />(]) month pr}onto its due date the annual mortgageinsurancepremium imorder to provide ;uch lioider <br />with funds tc-pay such pYemium to the Secretary. of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />Nations} Housing Act; as amended, a.nd applicable Regulations tltereunder; or <br />(f I) 1f and so long as said "ate of evert data and his instrument. are held by the Secretary of Housing and: <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge. tin lieu of a mortgage insuYance Premrum; which sl[at] be to an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (1/i2) of one-half (1?Z) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prega}•ments; <br />(b) A sum' equal to the ground rents if any, next Sue; plus the uremiums that will next become due and: payable on " <br />palicies o£ fire and other hazard insurance cavering ttie mortgaged property, plus taxis and assessments next due.- <br />on the mortgaged property fall as estirnateu by ttze :Nortgagec~t less all slims already. paid therefor divided by the <br />number of ma"t"s to e}apse before one month priarto the date w}ten such ground rents, premiums; taxes and. <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to bahetd 'oy Morz~agee in trust to pay said grounu rents; pre- <br />miums, taxes aitd special assessments; and <br />: (c) Allpayments mentioned "tn the two preceding subsections of4his paragraph and all paymentsto be made ;order <br />the`note secured hereby shall be added together, and the. aggregate amount thereof shall he paid by the !viortgagor <br />.each. month in a single payment. to he applied by the-Lortgagee ur the fo}lowittg items in the ordea set forth: <br />([) premium charges under the contract of insurance with. the Secretan~ of Housine and Urban Uevclopmen f; <br />ar monthly charge{in lieu qt +nnrtgege insurance Premium;, as the case rnai• be; <br />' ([7) grountlrents. taxes. assessments, fire andather hazard insurance premiums; <br />LfII) interesY'an the note secured hezeby; anal <br />([V) amortization of the principal of said note. <br />Any deficiency in the amoum ui' any such aggregate manthly payment shall. mtless made good by the 141prt- <br />gagor prior ro the due date. of the nexrsuch payment, constitute an es•envaf default under this mortgage: The <br />Mortgagee may collector":ate charge ;not to cxc~w t+rc: cents (3y)t"ur each dnllaY(S1)ofeach payrnentmare <br />than fifteen (1 ~} dal s irar:ears to cover the extra exnease involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />3. "that if the tntal'af"the paymtenis made by the \1nr[aaEOa underlr,,i of paragraph_'_precodin, ehall exceed <br />the'amaun[. aCpavments actual" made by the \iortQagee fai• amunn rent=. [axes •and' a:. e_.sment~xri- insurance pre- <br />miumaras the rase muy be, such excess, if the loan is current„n [tic option ai the Mortgagor. shall. be credited by <br />the ytortQageeon ;uLsequent payments to tiemade by the 1}ortnagar. ar`rcfundedt;a the Atanua~ar, if:horserer, the <br />man[hly payments made by the Mor[g-agor under ~ ^l of p~iragraph "preceding shall not hesufficient to pa}~ ground <br />rent, taxes and a.5sesment5 orin~urancep~emiums, ns the care maybe, r+henshe game shalLbecome iiue'aridpav~- <br />able, tire" he \lortgagor;;hall liay to the ~\ionginer any amount~necrssan tomake up the deficter,~y; on or btjfnrc <br />the da[ewhan paymencaf':;uch "round rents, lane=, ac,.,e_amenis orinsuranc•epremiums .hall be due: -If at an} <br />timethe 11ottgagor shall'. tender t~othe tiarigazee,}n arrordanc[t tviihthe provisions of the note secured hereby. <br />tuliparmeni of the entire rndebtednertr~presented ihemb)~, the M1iorcga{!ce .~ha}1; in ctimputinr~ the iimaunt of -uch <br />indebtedness, credit to the account of the '~iar[eagoi; ai} payments made under the provisions of _: i ql paragraph <br />heroaf whieltthe Alartgagee ha&not betirme ablirated to pxy tothe ~Gcretarc~ot ItonnmK .mti ` ~umr iJtvclgpmeat <br />andanybalance remainingin [he fund= accumulated under thc`pruvi3rona of teriuFpara~raph ? hcrncif. if there <br />shall beadefault underancnftheprovisian- rrf him murt:~tge resullfngin iipublic gale of the premises covered <br />hereby, or ifLhe llcrtgagee acyurres thepropern' otherwise after default, the ~~\YbFirager =hail apply, at the time of <br />iher cammencement'of .-uch pre<xxdmrt, or st the dime the proper . i= otherw ire-ar.quiretl, the hai.tnce when remain-° <br />inR in the[undr accumulated under ~t.i of party:raph ~'precedin,4<, ac a credit :u;pinst theiimaunt of prinerpal ihcn <br />remainintrunpaidpnder maid nou; and :hall properltadju.4t an}~ payment> +chich ~iral! bane been made undcrr"aJ <br />of paragraph ? <br />J. `That the Mortgagor will par ground rent?. airse>, nssessrnenis. water rates, and. other ggvernmentai ~or municipal <br />Charge.; fine", or impaaitiom. &x~+~hich pnwtvon hasaot been madefiereinbefore<and in de[auittherevf the h1ortgagee ma} <br />paythrst;etc; and thaethe iorigagor will }xomptly deliver the oi}1cia1 receipts therefor to ttreMOrigagee. <br />5. The Morlga);arwitl paytalPrtxcs a-bleb may he levieaup<rrsrhe Vlortguger's rntzre,rin,aidreal estate and irrprove- <br />mcnts, and which may Ire levied upon thi., mortgage ,fir the debt secured hereby that nntt• to the extent that such isttat protubit- <br />ed by lawandanly to .the extent that much ii iii not. "take ihi, !oan u+unous}~ but exciudingany incame tax, State nr~ f~edeta:. <br />imposed anMor[~tgee,and wilt file the .ri}.CUi; reeetpt shawirrg su. h paynlem wrthtne llartgagee. Upon violauanof this unifier <br />takrng,gr if[he MortgagirrS. prahibrted by tiny law newt!: hrre:+fiereititing Pram payingthe.whole orany porriort rtf the afire- <br />said taxes, or upon therendaringaf any court decree prahibrungthepaynteiu'F.ytheytongagar art angsuch vexes;'7r if such law <br />ur decree pror-idrs tfiaran}~ .[mount <u paid by~ the Mortgrgar shall he credited on the martgage debt. the Mortgagee shall have <br />nc~ right m give aline€y days' wrrtterr natiee tithe awner bf the nturtgaged premrstis. requiring the paymc nCof the maitgege <br />debt, If suchnotice be given- the seid debt shall ireeonte due: payable and collectible at the ea'piration of said ninety days. <br />ti. That should he tar} to pay any sum or keep .jny ravenantpruvided form thi, Mortgage;-then the Mortgagee. at its op- <br />tian,mav pay or. performthe same.and alt expenditures so made shallbeadded to the prircipai sum awingan the ebovenote, <br />shall he .ecur~d Ptereby, and shat} M:ar interes[ of the late se[ tor24 in the said note:, anal paid: <br />?- fihsr he hereby assgns, transfers and sets ever ro [tie tiEortgagae. to tae applied toward the paymam afYhe note and alt <br />?um, ~e.iird hereby incase of a,default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions o£this iMtcrrtgage or -thesaic4 <br />:'note, all the renu. revenues and income. to be derived tram the martgaged premise? during such time a,i the mortgage indebfzd- <br />nes5.shalt remain unpaid: and the Mortgagee shall have power to appoint any: ageatgr agents i[ may desire fur the purpose of <br />repairing .aid premtsesand of renting the same and uollectingttaerents. revenues andincome. and it may pay. out of said in- <br />cUmes at} axpecses of repairing said pzemtses and necessary commissians and expenses incurred in renting and man.rging the <br />- same and u€cgllecting 7entals iherefram, the P,alance remaining, if' any, to tic app}led toward the discharge ofsaid mortgage <br />indebtedness. <br />g, Tharhe:wiik keep the rmpn?vements nou exiuing or hereafter erected Un the mortgaged.:, raperty, insured a~ maybe <br />require Irnm•dme to time. hy. the. Ma}[eagee against 4tiss byfire and other haluds_ casualiics .md contingencies in such - <br />:,rn~unt~,:ndforsuch{~eriz+dnasmsyberequiredhytheS9aiteageeanduiiipa9.prom{?tiy,'~.vhendue., anyprimiirm~.or3cuch. <br />insure n: ~ rn.;.ion for payment. afwhtch has. not keen mode. herainbefpre.:>I} instartince . hall Lie. carried in. airnp -uir~ _~p- <br />prove s ~~ the ~iurit~ e~-~• and the policies andrenev.nlsahereof shalt he heiJ bgibe ASuztcaiec anfl bane atteche~d theru~~ ,'•~'•~ <br />payable clau~~. in =av..r ~?f and ;n-farm accepti;bie to the Adortgagce. in lass Mbttgagor wilt give immediate "aloe try <br />tnau Y the ~3F, ~! h. ~ r r make pi of of loss d nut made xuomptly by ivfartg ~gor. and eeeh inset tnu c<impenr .ao- <br />L cerne~ w ~. ~ r :~~ d wr•u ro rratie pas meat tot such lea duet[}y to the 3fortgagoe mate w ul ur the hilt[ tp. v<ir <br />anJ t6 `r . i~.,~" ~ i.,t y. _ G tl ~ ,r,:i„ ,.+ccp~.ctJs. ar~nv part ihzr~af. ma.1 he appliedby the Moitg;gee ar,:~ oauon either. <br />.i„ the «r ~:i~n ~: t .ire ~uac:.t,.;:n,,, r cr_n~ steurcd c+r to the. restorn[ian r,r;epairoftba proper cdsm:rg~d. In i ~~~F7t u3 lorce)o-.. <br />are ~ i i r.; : _ the ~nsfar.,# true to i~ m _dged pFOpe¢o fir, extinl;u .r,m.;ntof the tndebtedaes~ "_~ i ~ J hereby. <br />.ill t:a i ,r . ~~J ~ _ ., ,.? t i }:,rtrar;ur in and to ,t -" insc .:cc policies then info ~~ shailyra,s tci the a,ch,~_:.x z .;"tart. <br />- - ,i; r.., ;~.tJ~ r.tatc,ai sc.c~~ i:~ ~hc ;- ci .'the naic ~' ,< '~~ .ird. .ll .urns: ~ ,;i~r i.:. .r'ii-. <br />~r.o;t~~ ~ st `~i ~~, assigns to tr.,~ ' ~ ;a:. rc u'tuc,. ~ r nd ~ ___ _ ,. ~~ ~. <br />is , rJr}f~ri and tor, .<. a ~v:;£h ~nr !c_^i r, , ~Fi [ . ,c .~~ <br />v•" _ .,-.,~ .. ~ is art .cr~ar uc.., _. th ~' '~. . ~ ,-. <br />._._. ~~~ v, i~~ •.. ~ C ~r1UatFUn.l ~ i i, r.. ~. - _iY]7t. ,.. i[, vt'~lC, . ... let ~i: t` <br />°it :;. ,_..: ~., ~~_nt.c. acs cl.+~z+ttut=.-,!rte.. ,. st,<Trtne ~!:.~~ "r rv7: ~a ~. ,c ..r. .n .,r,. <br />.ntii d~ e, 'c.r„ tl,rs n~orik,atG~. <br />dirt}-i3zta3s°, i:.7s; <br />