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<br />- Lender's written agreement or applicablelaw. Borrower shalt pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in'the <br />manner provided.underparagraph 2 hereof. <br />.Any amounts: disbursed' by Lender .pursuant. to this .paragraph 7, with interest ihereon;shad becomeadditinnal <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured 6y this Myrtgage. Unless Borrower and. Lender. agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shailbe payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower. requesting paymentthereaf, and shall Dear interest from. the <br />date of disbursement at the rate.. payable. from. time to time on outstanding principal under tha Note unless payment. of <br />interest atsuchsrate~xuuld be contrary inapplicabletaw,.inwhicheventsuchar.YOUntsshall bear:interest at the highesYra[e <br />permissible under applicable law, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall reyuire Lender to incur any: expense or take <br />any>action'hereunder. <br />8. iaspectEon. Lecder may. make or cause to 6e made reasonable entriesyupon and inspections of the Proberty, provided <br />thaELender shall give Botrower noticeprior to any such inspection specitying reasonable cause therefor related. ro T.:ender's <br />interest iR tut P[OLferCy.. : <br />9. Condemnatlon.: The proceeds oP am,' award:or. claim. far damages; dire: t. or. consequentiah in connection with,:any <br />condemnation. or other taking ofthe Property, or part thereof, oc for conveyance. in lieu of condemnation. are: hereby assigned <br />and shall be. paid to Lender.. <br />in the event of a'tatal taking or' the Property, the proceeds'shail be_applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.. <br />withtheexcess. if any, paid: to 8arrower. Iti the event or" a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and:Lender <br />otherwise agree air wr*.ting; there shall be applied ro the sums secured by this Mortgage. such proportion of the groceeds' <br />as is equal do thatproportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediatelupriaru the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Propem• mmediate3vpriar. tq the date of taking, with the bataneeaf the proceeds <br />paidaoBorrowtr: <br />If the Property`is abandoned by Harrower. or if. after notice by Lender to SatTOwer thaYtfie condemnonoffers to-.make <br />an awardarsettle aclaim [or damages, Borrower fails. to respond toLenderwithin 30 daysafrer the date. such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the. proceeds, at Lender's: option: either ro restoration or .mpair af' the <br />.Propem orta he sumssecured by ibis Mortgage. <br />aJnless. Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such appiicatian of proceeds-to principal sliail not extend <br />or'-postpanehe duedate of ibe monthly tnsialiments referred. ro 9n paragraphs l and 2 hereof: or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. BorrawerNotReleased.. Extension of the time for. payment ar modification of amortization-of the sums secured <br />by this Motgage granted. by Lender ro any successor in interest of Borrower shall notopemte ¢tt release,. in any manner, <br />the. liabilityofthe ariglnalBor.over:andBorrower'ssuccessarsininterest: Lendersha11 nothe. required'tt?commence <br />practtdings against such successor ar refuse to exrend time far payment or otherwise modii~^amonizafion of the sums <br />securedby this Mortgageoyreason of anydcmandmade bythe nrigiral Borrower and B<rrower's successors ininterest. <br />a1. Forbnrance by Lender Nota.Waiver. Am• farbearanceby Lender in exercising. am• right or remedy hereunder.. or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law:. shall pat tie a waiter of or preclude the exercise of any such right: or remedy: <br />:The procurement of insurance or the paymem of taxes ur otherlvens ar charges 'ii' Lender shall nor be a wafter of Tender's <br />right td accelerate the maturity afthe indebtedness ;ecurcd by this :~fartgaee:z <br />I2: RemetHes Cumalati~e. A117emedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and xcumulative to- _ny pence -fight or <br />..remedy under: this Mortgage oraffarded by law or eatrin•. end maybe exerciseduncurrenthc.independently. car .uccessively. r <br />l3. Successors cad Assittns Bound; 7oiaf anti Several Liabilih': Caprions The .menants and agrgements herein <br />containedsbali bind, andthc rightrhereundershallirureto, the'.:*especrivc sticcessarsand assignsaf LenderandBrirrower, <br />su6jeci-to ¢he provisions of paragraph t7 3tereoE Afl covenants and agmements itf Borrower sh:dl tse joint and several. <br />The' captions and headings of".the paragraphs. of This. A4ortgage are for oanvenitince only and are Hitt. to 6u used <br />intetpre[ or define: the provisions hereof. <br />14. Notice.' Except. for any. notice required under: applicable taw to be gtven tn-another manner. (ai ant entice rn <br />Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shall he gtven by malting such notice bv'ccrtified :nail :addressed o Harrower at <br />the Property`Address ar at suchot3[er address as Harrower may iitvgnate by notice fig Lender as provided herein, ant' <br />(bYanyno[ice to Lender shall ht given by certified mail strum tees-ant regiiestcd. to Lender'; address stated hergin nr err <br />suchother address as Lecder macdesignattbynotice to Horrewer asprovided herein. 1m•:ncticc provided fur in thin: <br />Mortgage shall be'deemtd to ha~•e been given to Bai~rower sir Lender whengiven ivahe canner .:esienattd ~~rein. <br />15. Uniform VlottgaKe::GOverning Law:Sevenbility. This form of margage combinesani`~rm -^cvananis•f~csrna[ional.. <br />use and non'uniform covenants. w•ithlimiiedvariationsby turisdicaan xoeonsritute a unitorrn secnn .r:~iin.~e'n- covering <br />realpraperty. This Mortgageshall be governed hy3he`aw• of the ;urisdic=,ionin which the P-ep~"~ ~ !~-~zted Tn the <br />event that any provision or e3aost of this:0.4ottgage or the Noic conflicts with applicable. law, :;uclt :ond.ct ,hall not affect <br />otherprovisions of ihts`Mortgage. or. the Vote whiult can be-given offer.-v `taut iheconflicting prnvisian rmdYo this <br />end the provisions of the Mortgage and the 'V ate are deciared!t<? he severable. <br />16. Borro.rer'sCopy: Borrower shall be :`urnisheda conformed ~opyof the Nate and nfthis Mortgage atihe time <br />of execution or after recordation hereof. <br />17. Transfer of the Propertyi Assumption. Ifallor anG~ part`of the Property or-an interest rbereir. is void or transferred <br />bg.HOrtnwerwithout Lendtr'rpriarwrirtencnnsen~. excluding ia7 theort:rtion ofalienar encumbrance subardin:ne m <br />obis Mortgage; (b) thacreanon of a puichase'money secunn•. anrerest for household appliances.:.Ycf a. transfer br. devise. <br />descentor6yoperationaflawuponthedeathufajointtenantor ~ ,~ <br />• ,Lender may;. at Lender's option,dec?are atl [he'sums secured :by this s+Ibrtgage :o. be <br />: immediately due anflpayable. Lender sha1P have u•arved such option ttiaccelerateif, prior to the. sale or transfer. I:ender <br />and the aersonta whom the Propetty is to be sold or transferred reach agreement in writing thatxhe credit of such person <br />is saiisfactorv [o Lender and that the. interest payable en. the sums secured: by this 'vloagage shall be at siach:.rate as Lender <br />shall request: Tf Lender has waived ;heroptioa,to accelerate. provided iti this pangragh .17, and if Borrower's successor in <br />interest has executed a:~written assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender. Lcndershallrelease Biarmwerfrom ail <br />obligations underthis Mortgage and the Note. - • <br />3f Lenderexercisesrsuch optiontoaccelerate:. Lendcrshall mail Borrower. notice of accelerationJn sccordancewu6 <br />paragraph 14=hereof Such notice shallprovide a period af. aoi less than30'davs from the date '. }re noticeis matitdlwithin <br />w•tiich Borrower may pa}•thesums declared due. Tf Barroatz fails to pay such sums prior tr:the expiration of such. peeled. <br />Lender may: without further notice.or demand nn Borrower, invoke any remedies permittedbq paragraph; t$ Hereof. <br />Nam-Uritt=oa~t Covt=.xnuas.-.Borrowerand Lender furthercovenanrandagree as follows: <br />I8. Acceleration; Remedies.. Except as provided io paragraph. 17 hereof, upgn Borcowe2s breach: of any. covenant or <br />agreement of'Eorrowec` inthisMorlgage; indudirtgthe. covenants: tn. pay-whendue. any sums secured' by obis Mortgage, <br />Lender priotto acceleration shall mat. notice to Borrower asprovided'in. paragraph 54. hereof. specifying; (1) the breach: <br />(2)'theacttanrequiredtocuresuch breach;(3)adate;motdessthan3tl days. from theda[ehe nuticeis mailed to Borrower,. <br />by,whichsuchrbreach must beeund; and'(4)hatfaiinretocure such breach on or before4he date specific+i io'fhenotice <br />may result iaseceleratiou of thesums secured by this llortgage,foredosure by judiciaLproceeding,and sale.+lf the Property. <br />The::notice shalt further inform Borrower of the right to reinsta[eafter acceleration and the right to assert in-the foreclosure <br />.proceeding ihenun,esistence of adefault or any other defense ofBorrower toaccelerationandforedosure.If the. breach <br />isnot cured: on or beforeahe date specined inihe notice, Lenderaf Lender's .option may declare all of. the sums secured bq, <br />thisMortgage to be immediately. due and payahtewithoutfurther demand'andmay. foreclose byjudicialProceednR:..ixnder <br /> collecrin suchproceeding,all expertsesofforedosure..indudinR,bitt pat limited iacosisof dochmentarv <br />evidence, abstracts and titlereports. <br />19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. tiotwilhstanding. Lender`s. acceleration of the sums secured by this ?vfortgage, <br />- Borrower shall have. the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce ,his Mortgage discontim~ed at: any. time <br />