<br />CERT%1'_CA1 C:,P C(I±iPLE'CIOPd f?~® ~~fj~ i ~,x
<br />~•". Lat. Nine (91, Block 1Wo f2), Evans'Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Ha11 Caunty; Nebraska
<br />w'1~E%:Lr15, cer*_2in deed ;vas Eiden dated September 10; 1980-"and re~~oided a;,
<br />dacu~enr no. fi0-005257 __ ;n the Offi-ce of tine. REsister of z)r~ads, 'is:'
<br />County, ;;Fhia~'.; end ,,,iJ geed wa: subject to the covenan~s, condi r=_ sand
<br />tee c c.*_i_~ns contained rharen:; and
<br />~:_;:EAS, the said-:deed provides that upon completion of the ,(censcr~,c~on;
<br />('raha'.,ilitati-on} of theimFrcvements;~the Cmrmanityt7evelopiaentAgency iv±li
<br />`;:rnis'r: t!",e ?urchaser with a"certir>;cate of comple ion, and
<br />SPrIL;~AS,.the purchaser '.has completed: the ~"construction) (rehabili`atiogj
<br />~.~ 'he impro,ements called for in sa%d deed,.and'
<br />LAiE FiAS, the Commzihil} llevelopmeht Agency, of the Cty° of Grand 1~lane
<br />tebraska has completed.:a11 of.its'obligations contained iasaiddeed,a:, yel"!er,
<br />i~Ok THERErOItF., The Community Development Agenc•.- of the City 'of Grand „'snd,
<br />Nebraska, hereby certifies that the said purchaser liar cn^igieted the Fconsltuct.":on;
<br />(rehabilitation}, of tale improvements called for in'the said deed.' This-certi-
<br />ficate constitutes a conclusive determination of the satisfaction"and terr,ina-
<br />ti4n of the covenants 'and agreements in said contract and deed .with respect
<br />to tae obligations of ahe ~urchaacr ao complete :.he-(construction) irehabi.liaati-on;
<br />of the improvements called f'or n aai% deed...
<br />LN '~ITtlF'SS TFlEi2EC)F, the ..c^amnit•.~ t)evelopment Agency of the: ;; [ ,: zt:d
<br />Island, vebraska, has ca:ased this Certificate of Completion to be-dull zccr,uza
<br />on its h..half by its Director this 23rd day of September {9 P,2
<br />~ ,
<br />i~~.,r, ~
<br />ss:
<br />COt,"f2'C'i OE' HALL )
<br />On this 23rd da oi: Se tember -
<br />p _ ;3&2 ~eio.e ;ne, ;ota~-~
<br />?ub?.ie in and for the said.-Coun*_t,perona l'. appeared Michael. L. McCord
<br />to me personally known khc~'bein* first dul,~ sworn d;d ~zv that tte ~s Cil e7rire~tor
<br />of the Co~nmity L)e•.~dlcpment :Sl;enc~; oY :ire (:i of Grano. island,i,'Nebraska.
<br />created and e~cisting indet the laws of the Star of '~Teb~aska, and that saki
<br />certificar_e kas s~~n~d in behalf and on bei:a'_Y at „~_d Community llevelopmen:
<br />Agency by the au*_hori_ty of its memoers and tite said ?isectoracknoaledged 'iii
<br />instrument to be the ,olnntarv act and deed of shesaid Common-`_ D°~•:elopme-=:_
<br />Agency of tree Cicv of Grand island, Nebraska,
<br />,j, GEt1ERAL iIOTARY ~hfcol ,`kbasRa~
<br />3i JERENNK J. GARROUTTE , -' ; _
<br />--~~tdyComm"ExµSeDE~.1913 _ .;. - -_ ~ _-? _
<br />Votar., r'uh7-
<br />1Tv ~nnMasr.on evpires September 23, 1983
<br />L ';/~
<br />R~ORDERS j c h~ ~ <<.I~~ C,~~ Y`~ ~G-~/ ~~ (L~~i
<br />~, ~ eg. of Deeds..
<br />