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<br />i
<br />$2-i~U~_I47 MORTGAGE'
<br />`s
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made ihie~-227u1 _ _ de of SeatemUer' ~" j
<br />- - y 19 _ ~. , bl' snd br~cwer•n
<br />_ ,
<br />t^4R7t ~ L. OSMICICZ AND. JUIIITH A.31v {OS?~tICRi' RUSBA*ID AND [1SPE jj
<br />--- - - -- ---- 3
<br />of _ =tat-` County, Nebraska, as mortgagor S ,and Home FederalSavings and Loan Association of Grand 11 nd, a corpo s
<br />ergamzed and czisimg under the laws of the UnitedStaiss of Ameriq wi[hi[s principaloffice ands place of business at Grand 1land ticbraska ~~s~ ~
<br />mortgagee ~
<br />µ'1TNESSETH: T'ha[said mortgagor-. ~ ,for audio consideration of thcsum of ~T`~" T~-'llTS4'slfl ~. ?i""' r~P~-~R ~.,_,__-
<br />SL't:'.'7 DOLL AP~S ,~*'D 3 i / 1 ~I) ------------------------- _ ~Q7 :51
<br />-- DwlaRVs_ ~ _ -i. 3
<br />. ~ :_ ,
<br />the rrceipt of which is hereby aek.nowkdgtd, do - by ffiese presents mortgage and wat7aat t.tyq said q[~rgagee rtssuccessors and a.agns,
<br />forevee,allthe following described teal esta[<, snyated~inthe Cortmy of HdII-. _`~ """'
<br />aud3ta[e of Nebraska,So-wit:. -
<br />i
<br />tOUARTEK (SW%SE~t) OF :SECTTO?^! EIGHT-(8), TN TOWNSHIP ELr'~.tE~% (11) A[ORTF?, RAt~`GE itiINE (9~,
<br />z
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<br />s
<br />Tngethar with ell heati:tq, air cooditiontng,lighting, andpiumbing equipment andfixtures, ineludmg aicreens, awnings, storm wind.'-•s e nd
<br />doors. and window shades or blinds, usedoaor iaronnection with said property,.whether thesa[neate now lrxated on ysidproper[y. or. hereviter
<br />placed thereon: ,
<br />: Tp HAVE AIVI) TO Hf7I.D THE SAME; together withal! and.:singularchetetvmments; hereditamentsand appurtenances thereunm I,e-
<br />tinging. or in. anywise appettainitrg, forever,`attd waerontthe title to ~`~same: 4a[d~. morgagor_s__,.lrereby cavei~ant w,:h .aui
<br />- mortgagae thae _ -Zhe X-..-- ~?`~ _ ..--,. at: the delivery heroof; the lawful owner . ~ .ofche premises above comsyed and r,t ec r:,md
<br />,. urul flr@... seized o! a ..
<br />good amliadefeaaible estate of inheritance therem;free end clear. of at3 encumbrances.. and that _._~ he ~'. :~:i~i ,
<br />wnrrant and deter! thetitie thereto torever against the claims and demands af:all Persona-:whomsoea•er:. -
<br />F RO~'7 DF,D ALWAYS. and this inverument is exeruccdaad delivered w s~ecrire the payment of the sum of S 1.`: T~OC °t1'~D_
<br />F{R t.E . (II;V'DRED 'SEt EIv DgLLARS AR`I3 5I / ~ _ _ _ __.` Dollars tS _._..i
<br />T _ ~~ ` _~_~___- ' --- YtJD - __ 6 '107. > i - - i
<br />with intarescthereon.together withsuchcharges and advances asttiaybe due andpayable tosaid mortgageeunder th~itrms and~wnditions '.
<br />of [lte pmmiasory note oC even date herewithand securedhereby, executed lry saulmortgagor:_5~ to saidm<irtgagc ~. payabi~ asezpressrd
<br />in said note, mdtoseeurc tba performarMe. of ai3 the terms end coaditioos contained ttserein. Ttie termaof sold note: arehereby. incorporated
<br />herein by thin reference.
<br />It es thelatentton and agrteement of the parties heretothatthia mortgage sha!! elAO secure any future advances made. to said .mortgagor ~,.....
<br />by stud mortgagee, and any and ailinilebtedneas in addition to the amount aiwve stated whit!; soul mortgagors, or anyoF them;. may owe t~~
<br />vid mortgagee, however evidenced,:whether by. note, bookaboortnt or otherwise..This mortgage sbaL' remain in full torte and effect betty,::
<br />the pnrtip hereto andtheir heirs.. :personal repreaeotatives, saeceasora andassigiis. until all. amounts: seemedhereunder:-includingfutun~
<br />.ulvances, aze paid in FuIl with-intrveat. ;
<br />The trrorcgagor_~. herebyasafgn ~ to said mortgagee e[ltents and income ansing..at any and aL tunes irom eau! property and
<br />hereby avelferize said mortgagee or. its agent,atits aptioa.:npos:default, to takechugeof said propertyand coilectall: rents undincomr
<br />therefrom and apply the same to::the paymentoE interest;principal, insurance:. peemtume,taxes, assessments, repairs orimproveme:~. t,
<br />nee wry tolmap said PteoPertY ipte~ntable eo~itiat, ar to ot7tar charges ar payments provicledforhereinor. in the note hereby secured. 't`hi:
<br />Bent assignment alts!! coneiaue in Eorce until the unpaid balaareoCsaid note is fully paid. Thetuking ctpoasession6ereunder shall int~~ .nni~~~r
<br />prevent ar ratan! said moregageeinths cetiertion'of saittsutns by'. foreclosure orptirerwise.
<br />The fnilur= of the mortgagee to assert any of its sights hereunder st any time stink not be mffitrued os a airox of it right Lo a.: .,, rt the
<br />same st any later time. and toinsist npon end enforce strict-compliance.. with ail the terms and provision!+ of =aid note anti of th,~ m- tt,,,r; ~-.
<br />if said mortgagor ~- shell ceusew be paid.W Said mortgagee the entire amount due it hereundernnd under the terms and proof. one
<br />of said note hereby seeurld,. including fu[ure advaoces,.aud any extensions or renewals ~hereofv cco:den,:~ wi~5.the terms andiir .,o,»
<br />r
<br />thereof, and if said mortgagor -___. shall comply wtth sl! the.provisionsof avid aoteand of thismortgage, :then these presents shall t ~ .Did. S
<br />otherwise to remain in full force and effect, andsrid taorigagee shah be entitkxl to t~apoesessionof all of ssidp open.y, end may nc i4ti piton.
<br />declare the whole oC said Dote and all mdebtedaess represented thereby toy be immedately due and payable, and nay foizti.lose th's rrs usage
<br />or take any other legal action w protect i[s right. 4ppraimrront waived. ~
<br />£_
<br />This rnortgega shall he binding upon end shall enure to the;lrenetic of the 6eira, executors, admihistratc: s suceessors and assigns of the
<br />tes~aive~part.ies heraco.
<br />is
<br />11h ~5'I;titiSS W'HE1CE6k'. said ;v!ortgegor_~_ ha _vfl_hereunco set chair --_ hand g_.
<br />~~e day and y ear firvt above, ;:
<br />/ i i
<br />u `,
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