<br />9L" ~~il~:~ c~t} E~.TE,^JSIC)N r~CitC_F_"..E=NT'
<br />.n cJ•.nsiUrer- tixiof the extension of the hmcof F,ayinen; of the oridinai promissory r.ote_
<br />F,,rc:,:a`te, .cs~rtoed, the undersigr,ci!, :Grand Island Post No. 53, The American
<br />Le~]r1Gn~ D~a_rtment of Nebraska V~cr ii~y COV[`n,tlot dnti Sri!'CE:•t4 payc 1.--P:,S
<br />~.a;ronal Dank of Grand island, .Grand --island; 'vc.braska, ur a der, the prinuN~~ ._m cf
<br />EIGHTY EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100---_-----------_------ ----------------°---=---------°-
<br />(S 88,000.00 ); together arth-interest thereon a 1X~ een ~~n2-Thal-f r~er cent per
<br />,,nn_.,. fr,~m the irate Hereof, s,rch sum-to !~c payable on September 7, T983 ~nte~est
<br />shall he pa~~,:b'c- at rr.a.urity nr, $e~ember 1y T983~ _ -
<br />"r~e ~ ~,naF ,~rrr~cipal note it tic ;n~::~: ~` FT~HTY FLfiHI__T~14~S~1NQ-A~D_jrI0L00 _
<br />_ _ (5_~~~ ~ _ ) was executed and du ~ -rev 5y
<br />tr,c .:rders,gned under tFse date of March 12. 1Q$]___-_„ tc~ The i; ;[ atlonai
<br />G'ank of Grand istand, Grand-Island,"Nf~`,raska, and iv as c3 tie and,i><iyaF,ie. on Cnc 8th _
<br />m'ay' of_~cQF ember 19$],____, tagetl,ei with intcr-est at Seventeen & One-Half per
<br />c-ent uer aitnrnn and secured by R yyi~ ~ rllor t~a~}e „a The F i ~t ^iational L ar I: of ~ranci
<br />Island, G, ara island, Nebraska, xiiy~~ aS DoC. #8T-001190 & Ext. 31-005238 & 82-0 01 47 7
<br />in t' c .'.crtg:rpe Rector ds of ~Hdll ~ ~ ~n[v Nebraska
<br />T'ne ,ndersic7ned,agrees to pay such extended balance of pr-inCipai of EIGHTY EIGHT
<br />THOUSAND: AND NO/1:00------_ _ _ - --
<br />-~- --_-- _----- _---- (> 88,000 00 ~ r E, -
<br />with interest thereon at $1Xteen b Dne-Hdif pc r c_c~nl pei~ ,ui~uii;i, Such I- ~ c il~nl a.:o
<br />_--- --- -
<br />ir~terestfo be payable in~lawfulmoney of the UnitedStatcsof Amc:r-icaat T~ e i ~ s, tic;-
<br />i<~nai E3ank of Gran Islam, Crsnu Isl<uict, ta'eLirask~:
<br />ALE o` ihecovenants and ac,rc~cments in such oi-irFir„iin:fte ar,v thc~C?i~~1 Esta,~ 11ort~a J~~ a-
<br />'xr~e -iescPibed, other U~an her-einbx'fore mpdified, snail tie and r cvrair. unchan,~c~c am in
<br />Fu1I `orCe and effect duri~ ,r such extended.;~cnnd. if ;lefauVt be rn,, ie in payment cf a~-,y
<br />~xinciNal sum, tine entu-e ~,ir ir,c;ilaalsum witFi inte.'esFtiierebn gall I,_come im^;ediate!y
<br />due znc; payable'at the elcciion'of the legal holder then cof.
<br />(r. fur,her consideration of such extension of time o(i7ayr,rcrit of such indebtedness, I here-
<br />by ratify and confirm such mor•iyac3e rec:prc3ecl as n~~- ~~_~T1g0 R FYt, 810059~R R _
<br />82,OQ1472__.._ ___ ui Real Estate 4lortclatic rccortis of HiiLl~.._~ .__:__ ___
<br />~-our~ly. Ni?bracka _ _ _ as line first mortgage lien u;ion
<br />thc• real rnperty deseribe~! lhc~rain, ..anti the whole <~! ih~ title thi_rcto aSznt3w owned by me.
<br />Tire undr•rs,gned executes thisExtension Ayrechacnt with rcfcren~.r to and on thefaitn and
<br />credit of their property; which they flow ownoF l~avc~ an i;~ter•-est in or• het•eafter-may ac
<br />y;,ire; the ex~r•ess intention being to charge anu to continue to c-barge ar.y ancf ail cf such
<br />~~rupcrty'with t"ie payment of the indeUtedness, the-Izryment of which is her-ci~: extrnrJec..
<br />Iti ltrTNE55 4VFi'`REO~, the undersigried F7ave hereunto set ±his i,a,rds this 7th
<br />~1,~y of coR ember,: 1082
<br />brand Is}and Post No. 53
<br />The American Legion,,_Departmen± of Nebraska
<br />L. W. French, Trustee --------- =----- -- ~--- _- ~. ~ "Trust -- _ _ -_
<br />STATE OF_Nebraska ~
<br />---~
<br />COU"JTY CF Hall __-_ 1
<br />The tnregoinc; inst, u rent was acknrnvledc~e before me tF7is ~ daY of
<br />___ September ; ~;,, by L. W. French and AaC~ 3ca~rid-Trus~"ees for'
<br />--
<br />_,.
<br />Grand _I_sland, Po~~ 7~mericanZegion,, epar en o e ras a - -- - -
<br />-~~''
<br />~r
<br />i tl F;c ~ / ~ ~„ „ _
<br />My Commission ~x ~ ~ ~ ~~
<br />..
<br />,~P~>~r ~ 8~~`Q ~d~. '~~otary PubirC
<br />L '~
<br />a rF .: -
<br />r ~, t
<br />LEGAL CESCRIPTiON: Lot One`jl), except the f260' thereof, and a71 of Lot Two (2), in
<br />American Legion Addi ion to, the City of Grand-Island, Ha11 County,
<br />'Nebraska
<br />