<br />82-.1~~'~3 i.~~~
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential,.in cpnnection with any
<br />condemnation oro[her takiogbf the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to. Lender.
<br />In iheevent of atotal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured 6y this Deed. of Trust.
<br />with the excess, if arty, paid'to Borrower. intheevent of a partial takingofthe Property, unlessBorrewer and Lender
<br />otherwiseagrtein writing, there shall'be applied m thesumsseeured by this.Deedof~l'rust-suchproportionoftheproceeds:
<br />ag is.equal [b that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed pf Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bearsto the fairmarkei value of the Property immediately prior [o tfiedate of taking, with the balanceof the proceeds
<br />paid(toBorrower.
<br />If aFie'Property. is. abandoned by Borrower, or if, after nofice by Lender to Borrower that the eondernnor offers tomake
<br />an award or settle aclaim for damages, Borrower fails to respondto Lender within SO days after the'date such notice is
<br />- ' matted, Lender is authorized tocollect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration ar repair. of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />'. Unless `Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing any such application of proceeds Coprincipal shalt notextend
<br />orpostpnne the due'date of the monthly installments referred to in. paragraphs 9 and.? hereof or changetheamount of
<br />• such insesllments:
<br />to. BoROwer Not Released. Extension of .the time for paymenror modification of amortization of. the sumssecured
<br />: by this Deedof Trust. granted by Lenderloany successor in interest of Borrower shalt not operate to telease,in an}' manner,
<br />the liability of iheoriginat Borrower and Borrower's successors ininterest: I_ertder sfialinot be=requiredtocommence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time. for payment pr otherwise .modify amortizationof the sums
<br />secured'by[his.Deed of:Trus[ by rea~a: ofany demand made. by the originalBorrawer and.Borrowecs successorsin intezest.
<br />ta. Forbearance by Lender Not a. Vi'aiver. Anc forbearance by Lender in exercising any' right or rcmedyhereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded h}'. applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the. exercise of any such right or remedy
<br />"T'he procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes ar other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiverof Lender's
<br />righ! toaccelerate. the maturity of the indebtedness secured bv. thin Deed of Trust
<br />12. Remedies£umulative. All. remedies provided in thisDeed of Trust: are distinct and cumulative to any athrr. nght
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust nr afforded by law or. eapity: and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />successively.
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint. and Several: l.iabiliry•; .Captions. The covenants and' agreements herein
<br />contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inureaa. the respectiwcauccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. Ai! covenantsand agreements of Borrower shall bejoint and several.
<br />Thecsptions and6eadingsof the paragraphs_of this Deedof Trust are forwnvenience anlyand are not'lehe used to
<br />interpret or define. the provisions hereof.
<br />14: Notice. Except_forany notice requded under applicable law to hc'given in-another manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower providedforin this Deed of Trust shall he git'ea hymailingsuch noticebyteriified mailaddressed.to Borrower at
<br />the Property Addresr or ar such ether address as Borrower may designate by notice io Lender. as provided' herein, and
<br />(6) anynoticeao Lender shall hegiven,..bycertified'mail,.returnrectiiprrequesied, toiender's address statedherein or to
<br />such ocher address as Lender may designate by. notice to Borenwer as provtded herein Any notice: provided for in this
<br />DeedofTrust-shall bedcemedto havebeengiyen toBorrower or Lenderwhengrven in the-mannerdesignafedherein
<br />15. Uniform Deed of Ttnst;Governing I;aw; Sevenbiiity. This form ofdeed of trust cnmbinesuniform covenants for
<br />nationaluse and non-uniform covenants with limitcdvariations by jurisdictionzo constitute_a'unifarm ~curity'instrumrnt
<br />coveringrreai property: This Decd oFTrust shall he governed by the law. of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located
<br />Fn the cvrnt the( any provision or douse of this Deed of T: use or the Notc conflicts with applicable Jaw, such conflicr shall
<br />not effete' other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Nate which: can he given effect without the conflicting provision,
<br />and to this end the provisions of the Deed of 't'rust and the Note are declared. to he severable.
<br />16- {orrower's Capy.> Borrower shall he furnisheda conformed copy of the Noteand of this Deed of Trust at the time
<br />of execution or after recordation hereof.
<br />17, Transfer of the rtopeny; AatsumpHon. 1f all or any. part of ihePropi:rty-or an interest. Therein is soldor transferred
<br />by Bnrrowarwithout I,ender'sprior writtrn consent, excluding ta} the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate ro
<br />this Deed.of Trust, (h} the creationof a purchase money'security interest far household appliances, tc) a transfer'bydevise,
<br />descent: or. byopetatianof lawupon the death of a joint tenant nr (d) .the gram of anyleaschold interest of'threc years or less
<br />not containing an option to purchase. Lender may. atl_enders option: ledare all the sums secured byfhis Deed of Trust to be
<br />immediately t3ue and payable. Lendershall havewarved such option tq accelerateif;priortotht saleortransfer lxnder
<br />and the person to whom the Property is to be sold or transferrcxl reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person
<br />'s satisfactory to Lenderand that the interest payable do the sums sccurect bythis Deed of-("rust shat( be at such. rate as
<br />Lendershalt rcyuest. If lender has waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph d 7, and'if Borrower's successor
<br />in interesihasezecutedawriiten assumption agreemenraccepiedin writing bylxnder, tender.ShaSlreleasc borrower .from
<br />all obligations under this Deed of Trust and the Nnte_
<br />IfLtndere+erorses sucNaptionto accelerate; i.ender steal!maii Borrower notii;e'or acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragrapht4hereof:.Suchnoticeshallprovidea'periodof not lesstham3(ldaysfratnthedate thenoticeis mailed.within
<br />which`Borrower may. pay the sums declared due.. if Borrower Calls to pay such soots prior ro the expiration of such period,
<br />Lender may, withoutfurthet notice or demand,on Borrower: invoke anysemedies permitted by paragraph l R hereof.
<br />Novi-Ut+aFORnrCovta.Nnnrs. Borrower and:Lerrderfurthtr covrnant and agreeasfollowsi.
<br />/!). Acnknltow;Remedies.$xcrplasproridrdin paragrap617 hereof, uponBorrower's breach ofanyeorenrnt or
<br />aRreeaenl of Borrower inrhislkedof Trust, indrdinglhe sovenuts to pay whendaeaoy-sums secured by Ibis Deed
<br />wt Trust. Lender prior to .acceleration :shalt: marl notice to Borrows aa.provided in paragryh 14. hereof specifying: (1) the
<br />6reacb; i2).tbrsctiowrequiredto cure suchbrach;:f3) a dale.ttW teaetbaa 30 tlaysfroo Ibe des/ethc notice is mailed to
<br />Boarower, bywbicbsuch lwcacbmupbecured; and:(4jfbatfailrre fotvresuchbreachon or before'lhe dale spctihed
<br />iw.ihenotieedayresttk iaaccekntion of:ibe surncsecnred bythiv. DeedoF. Trent andsYe of the'Property. The notice
<br />shallfuttbtriaform Borrower of the righlta reinuate after. accekraliouand [be rightto briit~acourlactfonto ttsseA
<br />Ytrenon-exfslenceofadetiwllarany:olherdetenseofBorrowertoacrelcntionawdsale.lftbebreacbisnotcured
<br />oq oc betorrihcdalespecifiM.in Ibe notice, Lender a[ Lende~'soptfonnaydeclareall-of the sums secured.:bythis-Deed
<br />of Trull lobe3natediately dweaadpayaNe without farther demand andmay invoke fhc poweroi sale and any other remedies
<br />pertwfnedbyap~licabielaw,:Let(dersball'becntilkd:tocolkctallrersonabkcaeliandexpenwincurred:inpunuingthe
<br />rentedidtprovided..iw'Ibisparagrapb'18,inclwdittg,bWwW:Jitpitcd:to,ieasortablcadorney'stas.:
<br />If the powu of sak fs i~vol(td, TruNee shag record a notice of'defanlt in each county: in whiich the Property orsome
<br />: par! Ibefeof. eifocated awdsbalinail copiesof suchrtotice in the manner: prescribedbyapplicablelawto Borenwer and to rite
<br />dherpersoeaprescribedbyapplicahklaw, AFtertbelapse oFsuchtinrasmay be required byappRCablelaw,:Tro~eeshall
<br />`give pubiknolice:of sak fo .thepersons and inthe manner. prescribedby :applicable Iaw.:Trustee,,withoufdemand on
<br />Borrowu,rhallseatbe'Propertyatpuialfcauctiontothe:fiigirestbidderalthefimeandplaceatidunderthctermsdesiguated
<br />iglhe ttvlicebfsalcvaowe ormrue parcekand insuch orderas Trnsfet may. determine,Truslcemaypostponesale ofafl
<br />orway paree!ofYbePropertyby publieaonouncemeni at the time"and place ofany:previously schedukdsak. Lender or
<br />Lender's dergnee:may purcAaee the Properly at any stk..
<br />Upon: receipt ofpaynteasof the paic+ebid, Trustee shall deliver to the. purchaser Trustee's deed conveying foe Properly
<br />sold. 31tr recitals in. the Trustee's deed shaft be prima: facie evidence of [he truth of the statements made. Eherein. Trustee
<br />stutllapplylhe proceedsof the salon lhefollowittgorder: (a) to:all reasonable costs and expenses of ahe salt, iucfuding, but.
<br />' not fimiftdto, Ttvetce cftss ofnoittare tban~ 3~q t7f L. %ot thegrosssale price, reasonaWealtomey's ices andcosfs of
<br />tifk evidewcr, (b) toaBsums secured by thkDeeY of Trust; and (c).the excess, if any, to fhc..persou or persons legally entitled
<br />hetdo.
<br />l9. Ilorrower's Right to Reinstate. Notwtths#anding Lenders acceleration of the sums secured by this Decd of Trust;
<br />Borrower shall have the right to have any.-proceedngsbegunby Lender to enforce this Deed of "trust .discontinued ai-
<br />any timeprior tothcearher tgoccur of (r)thefifth day before ffiesaie oEthcProperty putsuanrdoiht power ofsaie contained
<br />in this Daicd of Trust or (iq entry ofa }udgment enforcingthis Dced of Trustif: (a) Borrawerpays Lender all sums which would
<br />be then :due underthisi~eed oL Tntsi, the Nate and notes scarring. Future Advances; if any, had' nor acceleration oceurred:
<br />:(!i) Borrower cores. all. breaches of any other covenants or agreements. ot. Borrower contained in this Deed of Trust;
<br />(c} Borrower: pays allreawnableetpensesincurredby Lender and Triistecinenforcing the envenoms and agreements of
<br />Borrowercontained inthis Decdof Trust andin. enforcing Lenders and Trustee"s remediesasprovided in paragraph ~A
<br />hereof,.inetuding, hut:nol 6mitedto. reasonafile attorney's fear. and'(dy borrower. takes such action as Lender may reasonably
<br />reyuire toassure thafthc lien of this Deedof Trust,. Lender's. interes[ in the Propcny and Rorroucr's obligation m pay
<br />