_. __ __
<br />.:DEED ~~ TRL"ST 8~--~:-, ~ t ~ ,3
<br />22nd Septzsnber
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUS'' ,made hu .._ . day o[ .
<br />I9. 82., among the Trustor„ Bichard M. Gresman and Sidr,e ?i. Griesman, Husband and i4ife
<br />(heteid "Sa;rGwcr ) John R. Brownell, Attorr,ev
<br />.. ,.
<br />!herein "Trustee";. and the Bencfician'.
<br />Conanere~al Say utgs Company, of Grand Island a corpo-anon organized and
<br />Nebraska ~~
<br />exlstinc under the laws of who,e address ~s .
<br />2i`21 I`I, Webb Rd„ Box 971 Grand Islana, NC 68802 (herein"Lender"f.
<br />Bottttowt R in consideration of the endebtednest hercim recited ;ind the trust herein acatcd. irrevlx abh Gr:urh
<br />sod cori~eyslt~ Trustee, in trusi, with power ofsale. the foH~awing described propern~ located to the County of
<br />....... ,F~~.aa .. ........:..' ...:.........:. _, State of Nebra>ka:
<br />Lot.Four (47 in Gresrttan ~utx3ivision,;an Addition
<br />to the City ;of Grand Inland, Hall-..County; Nebraska,
<br />which hus the address of .. ?34_ South Cherry, Grand ,Is~ittd,, .NE 698 Q1, ... .
<br />~sLan .c;,rl ....... ... .
<br />(herein "Property Addresc") ;
<br />ISliie a~0 ZED Codel
<br />Tota.ttn-~ Ranh cell th. ~mprovrm~~nh now or htreultcr -_rccted on thr property. anJ al] caxmcnts, rights,
<br />appurtenances, rcnL fcuhject however to the rights and authori4c:. Given herein-to Lender: [o collect and apply such
<br />rcntc}, a+galtic.. mineral oil and gas rights andpro6ts, wafer, «atcr rights. and-wafer stock, and all.fi%tures now or
<br />hereafter atLlchcd to tfir property, all of which, ihcluding;ieplacemcnts and additions thereto, shall bC `tleemcd to hr
<br />and remain ,part of the prepcny covered by this Dccd u( Trust'. and all ~+f the foregoing, together with said prupurtq
<br />(or the Ic:ucht+ld c>ta[c if this Dccd of Trust is on a Ie;Ltiefiok!).arc herein referred to asthe `Property";
<br />To Se,ct:kt tc, Lcndcr (a) the repayment ofihe indehtetinc,s evidenced by Borrcwcr~s note da[ed..a-22-82, ..
<br />(herein 'Nou•" 1. in the. principal sum of.'ryventy Eight thousand, Cgllars. end no~2.00---
<br />(28, 000, 00) ..Dollars, with interest +hcrcon, providing for tnonthly irstaliments
<br />of principal Ind intc:e.;. with tf~~e bafancc of thr. indebtedness;; if not wooer paid;'..due and payable on:3'~~'83
<br />tfid payment of all other sums, with interesi thereon, advanced
<br />in accordance herewith to protect the secunl) of [his Decdof T'rus[; .Ind fhc performancC of thc'covcnarits and
<br />agreements of Borrower herein contained; and (b) the repayment of uny futuri advanwcs, with inicreshthcrcon:muck
<br />to Borrower by Lcndcr pursuant to paragr.Iph 21 hereof (hcrcin "Future Advances"?.
<br />Borrower coc~nants that Borrower is lawfully xi~ed ~~; (hc estate hereby cpnveycd and has the right to gFant and
<br />comcv the Property, that the Pro~xrly a uncncumt><rc~t. .uld tka; Borrower will`warrantand defend generally fhc
<br />title to the- Properly against a1I clnim~ and do mands_ xi hjcct ro any dcctaraticrns. casements or restrictions iisfcd in at.
<br />schedule of czccptions to ccnrrugr in any title insuran~~ po{tsy insuri~gdsrsder'sinrcrest in ahc Propcrtyt.
<br />NE9R~SICA ' `o dFamdy 1.16.FNMMFNtMC UNfFORM INSTRUM[NT.
<br />