52y2--S EfONO REAL cSTATE M6RTGAGE-Wit; Tex C~auxc
<br />
<br />.i,: f',n:~~, General 9'_p •1.- F[r;~..~• ~_oli~.. tii~.!.r,
<br />FS.NOW ALL ~~1/II`rN BF THESE PRESL+'?VTSt pp~ `~ ~ ' , ' o {~`
<br />04 ~ 1 1 1 `i _; 1 ~7
<br />TFI?T l or GG'E, RP,E"l? T. RAY and ,H„RU^. _. RAY, ;us band and wife, as ~~ ~r:t tenants
<br />with right of survivorship and not as tenantsin co~orr,
<br />of I1a11 Gount} and ~tat~ of Nebraska , zn~constderah~rs of the sana of
<br />Eleven Thousand and "Ja/100 (`511,000.00)-----------------------------------°=---Di),`.l„1RS
<br />nr%im,c' paid, do hcrzh SELL arrd CC?AIYEY renia PEAVEY COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation
<br />with pr~nci pal oFfi ces at n,~,,rr~rgr,e ;.
<br />e~,S( Hennepin County, andState ~f Minnesota , iltejotlo4enng;descrsbcd preyrises
<br />;iruxted in Hall Cougty; and State o~ PJebraska tv-ode-
<br />Lot Seven (7), in Block.'One {1}, in "Capital hleights Subdivision"
<br />being part of the Southeast Quarter of the So;ah~~iest Quarter (SE',SW?<)
<br />of Section ;wo ~2), inidownsfip Eleven {11) North;. P.ange Ten (i0},
<br />West of tfie 6th P.M.,'4a11 County, Nebraska.
<br />,'
<br />* said real estate,
<br />** fire and exteno'ed coverage insurance on
<br />*** in an amount .equal td full replacement value tfiereof
<br />The intention tieing to convey: hereby an absolute .title in fer sample inr&rding all the rights of harri¢slead ,nod ~:ou~er.
<br />TQ $.21zE ;;ND TO HOLD the premises dbove destretred, zzrith cil the apqurtrnanres ihereuuto Ifelvraging urfo
<br />tlrr said mortgagee er nrortgaa~ees and to -his, her or Nteir hrirs and assigns, fari s~rr, rrtitddrd alaoa1~s, and there pres-
<br />s~ts-are upoxi, the express ro+tditiu„ th¢t if flrr said o>tnrtg¢gor or rnartgitgrirr. his, her ar their heirs,: ea•ecutors, ¢dmin-
<br />u7 ~rSotocr~st Cor assi shalt p¢y or cause to be paid to tlee said »aartguger ur onor 7f.~;<<s and fo t6is~eRutKwXXGhYCt)c1y0iEOxcxM'-
<br />lS~ROOfIXl~i~DPlttcorassigns, the su:n.of Eleven thousand anri No/100 (511,000.60}-----------_
<br />--°--------°--°-------------°------------------------ Dollars,. itbeYAO9t
<br />-----'-- P~ fn/boftxxlwr~xac
<br />uitla interest thereon at 1(i per cent l+er a~fn;rnz, aayable monthly, dNdwl¢X~, c..'CC%ding t:~ tke 1 uor rod c~ect of
<br />'. the proraissf~n-~+ notex7uLkYr7YtF]iKYAO[ptxYt%RluEkled ~j s<.ia :Iortgpc:irs bearing r.~;<n dole ,~i1k a~.•s~° pre•s-
<br /><~nts, ¢rad shall pay a:1 to-re; aad nnY it;ter.-st on, nr neaflrrir~ ir.,;: albncnts ej frfrcip<r!, ci rr<• nrr cr. ;i ~ri<,r tr w~tgoi;d urd
<br />ass:•sssner.ES I~pTMtned rapo:± >oii real. estate and a?t otirar taws, l ~oz; end nsstss~r..nts te~-ied .+pon/dais roiorc~ay~ u~ the
<br />note a%ric~*~rac :;rorigays i, aic~en to < .re c, hefnrc the ,am; 1..,-.._c„ ,.ien;e r.. ~v:1 :_ ',i. ~e ~ ill~.a:;.; ~x sold
<br />premis?s/iMJ111Yd)filrCYhd(1LIix?~yCxXxXXx ~, loss, i,` mr r, pa_y!: bi.. to ;:a-h ; r:;t uurr7a,;<<.- ;o .;u., n:•.,r ,, or both.
<br />then thcs.• presents b.' ^uul, otter,:,ice tc hr- maa` remain in fn;l jaree.
<br />1T IS FURTHER _~GR1:~D ; tl 1"nat d~ ~lrc seid nrorrgayor shall icril ro i soda t-ayes aid ucJa inferes: nn.
<br />' or naauriny ~n ~: uZlnx nta of w-n:~if~~t, drac o: an~~, prio,- ,nx~tpa,c end p;ecw~ s,ac~. , ~-,ore°, !item rl:- r-rnoa soy
<br />h n r r vc u cn ~ ~fas aa!Imentc of prncipa' f r. _n a ~ r r r ,q 0 urd~ ~n-ure
<br />s~ ~ t.; al...~>.,.~d -e7.h vaksrest at nna. per cen~ ?. ?~ C __~ _rad r r ~m, .d rhr ,,tort-
<br />: g e cc srrne. --1 3~J~a+, a. jactnr<: t> pay an r Ana: ~ ~.t ~:, cirr~r hrir,.c !ar u!~ ins ~ast on
<br />tr. ~ ,erne rror:es a,te or a ~,rrafrC ie wsply coil: c~:v o, r fora vrg ~.gr,rr.. xls,
<br />: siwli cu~ur tLe „hoia sum ai so,,,~ ~Oe°<ir, reirrcd to bzcrro,r due cn.. for-~:,zt,--~ ,.~ once _i .rya oh'ton oY t'.c vtorl-
<br />grgec. -
<br />'T :,i fC'RTf?l:P AC;Iiir&D 7~hatsaid nrorLJagte, ~~cr:drug aotcc_c.rure f i; rssr ;,: ~ni -t.~ 'r.r,a ;nd
<br />pe~arng stay liarrcon or appeal ;irerz-jr~iaa and pcnrsirzy sale of r, u:iscs rr,.,r~ . f _ to i, s -,,. , . ,urin:/
<br />intarctt or rnaturiny iru*:zihn~nts uJ priuedyal,, or: prior nzartgage,, broc.r ~ sue,. ,r, irr.urr, :ni sircir s!frns ,r,all
<br />added to thr' utorrrrt dv r d e. n Z .ptn .,r>,fi'rnat v, of x~ e1 to r ~ur _r t r ,r ~,~ 1 rr s
<br />~. or iJ r~~lecrnert duung _r.a~, appi.r. or_rr!~ suJa anzornfs .clear „_ ro,~ec..d u~c ci,r_ :: ~ , hi.ra r, _~ah
<br />d<crce-
<br />Signed grit lst day of September 9 t~~c
<br />,,. p rr
<br />1~ ~~
<br />_ ~ ~,
<br />- - r~ __ ~ _-~ tr._` ~ .
<br />,f~a~
<br />