<br />I
<br />part does hereby coveamt, hat astd party o the fiat parts awfully eeczed of sat premtsea, that eatd premtaes era tree from mcumbrmce
<br />~. ui7G~.-; }~ ~ r'Gt Nor'+'~~?,°~~ .r.:._ ..md that acid narty of the. first part ~~il I I I.
<br />warrant mdde(end'the'title taaaid premiseeagsiaet. the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomecever....._:,.
<br />PROVIDED ALNAYS, mdtheee presents are upoatheee conditions:
<br />NHEREAfI, said: party o[ the first part tine emoted nd delivered to the said party of the eecond part _ .....sx _...:__ __ .
<br />promissory note_..1T1..:~R? .~:. tIIi=+•_n Fifit.t pa +.hnnaanri nr3 ~1Q~_.jj6.118T8. t.Q.:.~2e_.I'P~~31C1._7.L1.::::... _
<br />1 F,R SPml rnnnt.nl
<br />..intsr~st...l~ased...na..then'~rat,e_.nf~.].~25~ar.~,ol~thT_~ 1$~~ .ar.~wm,_~ ...f~ gaymen~..,~:.
<br />_f.A...b£_.IIE]d~...tL`I_~Llbtl3t.:.3. `~_1.~` ;..c'SY3~._LOIIt..]~.II71]_^.g_..v7~.Y3.~2:.FJ.c'is`tIDETLt...A.~~.l~B..:.2LtlQllIlt,...QTI...~lf.. :...:.._ I
<br />..~.3t._.3YlL~...~.~l..Jjc'~GS._0.~. ..hilt.,~._•.~1L~.1,.-.2A:i111n1;...T~115...1TTtG'Y'.B.,S.'('i...baS .:....._.
<br />_.t1E.E~i1..~331.d..313_ ...__...::._...,._......__....._..._.~.~:: __.:::. d..:_.._ .._..~: ..::.._: ._...~:. ...: .......
<br />and w6ereae, the party t e first part has agreed to keep the butidinge, if my, upon esid premises, meured in some company or compenics
<br />approved bysoid party oE: the eecond part, [or the sum not ]ex thaa..t$f~.f1.L5# ~~_:~~QQ>1d,_[iLQ7.'.'tm3g~,~;,: ._DOLLAItS, j
<br />naddeliver to esid party of the eecond part the policy or policies containing a clause with the loss payable to said party of the eecond. part,
<br />or assigns, sndhae agreed to pay allaaxea and sseeeementssgainst Bald premises before theeame, by low; become delinquent, and bee agreed. ~~ i
<br />ttiat if said party oC the first part. dcee not provide suoh insurance, brfails to pay sllasxes as sforeaatd, thenaaid party o[ the eecond part, or l l
<br />' holder hereo[,: may pay euchinsurance and taxes, or either ai them; and sll amomte eo paid by said party of the second part shall bear in-
<br />terest at the rate of nme per centper annumfrom the date of payment, and this mortgage shall. stand se security therefor, and said earn may. I '
<br />be added to the amount o[-the moxtgape debt, and the eamerecoveredas a part thereof. Now, if the eaidpariy of the first part shall well ' I'
<br />ands truly pay or cause to bepatd the eatd sum of monev in said note .mentioned, with late;eat thereon according to the tenorand effect
<br />of laid note r ...:and ahallkeep said buildtnga insured os aforesatid and shall keep ail ts:es and. aseeeemente paid, and. shell duly. keep, and
<br />
<br />N0:3i7 R:E.:MORTGAG6(Wnaua COUVrrrcwul r„,nrno ~vo on s.ccer ovnwn.Pn~anv~carn..•
<br />.-t________ __ ~ I
<br />(I M D'~ ~ Cx ~ Ci ~ c~2~ y ' f, ~ -~'i
<br />,~
<br />I
<br />~fji5 ~tttienturer bfsde and Executed flue- ,G~kl. .,: -day of ~~ t D 1962 ..
<br />i 6y end between- .`t.~aTfdIGE .PatiYSlQnu_.3nG~ .cjaIIE:l: 1. .p3.,'.1."'"IQ,S _ i,
<br />._..-. ---~...._ .. ~~.SZ'_.~`~e.a...:x'iRT."G~I.__~i.~e.a .~1.a.~i!,:*.:~.s'Lr15~.:::,l,S:~s~'?,1€_13eQs~:s'~3 C~~1.. .........party nt ttie Brat part. i
<br />~~ ana.:_ ~szbs<rts ~:azry...kkng].~~~es,F~d~ra7..~~dxt' itn~.ax~ _ _.:. ~..:...: .. ~
<br />~ ...__._...._ 2~1.._Qk'1~.1'.~F-_~~...a_.$41G...~.~ :~_s._~171:~?s3a Ne?araS14.?. {~81Q1 -----. _..- -... party of the second arr.
<br />.._.._..__. P
<br />ti9ITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part; for and is ooneideration ot...._...a.a0.3O.::.~Sl_th..f9... r'UJaS21lIIt...SJf :......:.
<br />_F.lit.P.Y.1~~Qf121SdDCd..$riCl..IlQ~SQQ .._._.:. _-.:.:._ :_...:_...._:_: ...-..:.:..-.DOLLARS, paid 6Y eai~3 part:oC the
<br />second part,thereceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has grmted, hsrgamed; sold and conveyed, andby these presence, doeagrant, bnr-
<br />'Fain, Bell and'convey, unto said party o! ¢iSJ eecond part,. the following described real property situate yr the Conntyo( . t?311._ _ .. I ~
<br />i and Stataof hebtaska,towit: -' r. i
<br />~~ ._.:,.:r .._.._.___..3.ot:_11+r...s:ap:~al..:He~.ghts:.nth (~~s,h)~...~dditionr Hall ~ourity ~;.._ _...::__ .
<br />a III
<br />~! ~~__..~~. -~----:::....---_.~..._.__._~~._.~.__- ----------._.._ _: ~.__.:-- ~--~~--- .....:.:~._..... ~I
<br />together withal) the teaem®te, hereditammte and appurtenances to the same belonging, mdsli the estate, title, dower right of homestead.:
<br />claims and demmds whatsoever of the said party of the feet part of, in or to esid premtaee or any part, thereof; and esid party of the Sret 'i
<br />Cndebtedneaa due and payable at mytime attereuch failure or default, and may maintain m action at lax or equityto recoverkhe same, '.
<br />and tho commencement such actionahall bethe only notice of the exercise of esid option required.
<br />~ AND IT If3 FER PROVIDED AND AGLiEED, That the said Mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes levied upon thra mor t-
<br />ga~a or the debt secured the'reby~ Logether with any other taxq or assessments which may he levied under the I.swe of Nebraska, against the
<br />wd Morigageeor the legal tcall at of:ths eatd principal nots.__ on account of thisindebtedneea,
<br />~tt ~esttttottp~~ijereof, ~ ~~.,_.._~._____hereunto aet,_. ~ l"3.:_:. _„ ....,.h d ._ t6 d~j~,e~~a~bove written.
<br />IN PRESENCE OF ~ ~~.~ -- C~~~~~t4.-r.~'"! ._
<br />~''r
<br />I
<br />......... .....:.:..__....~ ll
<br />Y
<br />County oL_.Zf_GL~~:._.. ~ On thia_...__,2. ~~~
<br />~1:...._... __„-._...__,day o[......_,11L,y. _._._ ._. _..... ..A. D _~Q~L
<br />~' beforeme, a. Notary Public. in sad torahs esid County peesonally came ttie above asmed__._._
<br />i~ -
<br />,. ~~:.____° t']„arc+n nr.+ F rrmnc are? :.Ian a+..I __?3[±rn ns
<br />.~°-- _.._._._~_ ._.__.._r __.-.--_._.,---..._who_..:3~.,..._._perenaally known tome~~
<br />tobetheidenticalporaon..5.. whoeeaam~._..__s"iI'.Q ....;;.:.:afliaedto the abore instrument ',
<br />aa. grancor_~...and„_ ...:..._.acL~nowled8ed said 5natrument to betdlE:.k:~t'..vnluntan~
<br />~lM1aM-Ms~aiasawra sctsaddaed.. -'-3r
<br />fifJO[IIE K 11tiCtff.R
<br />~ Ossa [q. ~ 1, 1lI,.,^- WITKESg my hind and Nata 'Seat the date last o a rd.
<br />~i
<br />/ f `~otnrg:2 _biso.
<br />~Ir ,: .. <.:ou,
<br />,! .~
<br />Y
<br />L
<br />82-f'T~~S.~ ~~~
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<br />