<br />82 ~~ ~' ~~ t. C) G1
<br />.221-,t-MECHANLC'SLIEN- Huffman and Felfon &'WOIf, Walton:-Ne: 68x61
<br />Liendaimed b~~... September:.:?' -.- ---- - -_--- ti°
<br />- ' --°---- - ~ 9 ` ` -
<br />Knlghr_Brother Inc ---•----- ---_~--------:. Against:-.Bur~e,r King;_I;td _Partner.'i_I?---,i.
<br />and P,~ i-~iam J. Degen
<br />.4ddress..~.._Q... ~C.~.. ~ .._...~.f?..~RIR11}. ?`~~....~2.~.~.Z.' ~~.
<br /><..$l} ~d. }1el'rb Hrl_ Grand I~-Ien~~,--i~}$-
<br />_ rq.$~ -.._ rlr.
<br />_ ~ r.
<br />j~ amoiirt n~ w due ~ ~ ~ 659. -
<br />-- - - --~ 1 - ------- -------------~~----'- ` -- ~ ~-
<br />_ re ararlon_ of Mechanic-s Lien-- --- -'~ ~ 5 ~
<br />- _----- - t 1._T- --~------ -- - ---- ---- ---- ~ -------- ------------fl---_ ~n ~ i
<br />_---1 .otal amount due 9 Q8-} ~' _----- ~ ------
<br />---- --
<br />~, - -- r -
<br />---- {
<br />--- --- ~ - - C ------ I- - -----
<br />j I
<br />--------- --------- --------
<br />--------- --------- --------- F- -- F-
<br />------------- ---- ---- --------- ----------------- -------- -~~:- - - --I
<br />----- -~
<br />; r ---
<br />---- ----~--- --- --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- ------ - - r - ~ --- - -- --
<br />- _ ._ -
<br />stare oj~ebraska _~
<br />Aai1 ss.
<br />_... County}
<br />A8ianN, HiiWlliam K._~Kn~ht~ .Secret_ary Treasurer. ot_^Kni~ht Brcthers , in~,~~ ~rrt
<br />duly sa'orn,'on his o6tk says that the fosegotng itettsi.:ed account of work, labor, s~sll.__.___~
<br />-- - - --
<br />ntatetwLi, and ifnyroveinents it true acid correct: that same were done and perfosmed and furnished b•,. the undnsigned
<br />for tkt said.~9nt~nen-tal~iVesa,_.Incv;_
<br />- - ---
<br />under a' .--..written _.....__ ._ :.::..__--•.- contract .:.:W---
<br />_..__.... .......__.__._~:.oj a ..Par~in&::aot
<br />on lu following lok`Qece or ¢trrcel of land, to a.:.Lot (1ne. -(1}-,-:-.Grand .Island Mall Second
<br />.Subdivision o the> Cit},_,of Grand Islam', Hall County, ;Nebraska
<br />That at the tints said eo„tract uws nutde and labor and materials furnished and delivered thereunder B.U.xg.~;T:. -
<br />_.jS:XdL~._~s.F.~~ Partnership I :_.... .....:... ......... .....,... ...-;;.-.......was the oumer of said gfnti.res'
<br />and William J Degen was- Lessee
<br />---..--
<br />That the date of the first item jttrnislted and deiivered; war. ..i ~?k: 2 8-,:-_198 ..._ ._.. _ and the
<br />daft of the last hens uns ....:.._MaX.:.?:ff.,. 1~.$.z: ____r:.;~ ..:.:_.;: ......:_ ...:-:-.-
<br />A jjwnt fwtker states that said labor was perforwtsd on, axd materials were jxrnished for, delivered ai, and cued in
<br />said btulding o, prensitrr on and betwten tkt dates specified.
<br />That the bnctr charged ehertjor a-e join and.. reasonable, and that there is now due. on said account the sent of
<br />Vine Thousand: Eightv_~our Dollars x,..52/10-0- -- - -= -: _-.-pollarr, that said°
<br />-.
<br />- ...
<br />_Wi21i-am. k. knighty_Secreaary-.Tre-asuier of lint ht__~rothe.rs Inc.
<br />._..
<br />----- ---- -- ----- - ciatms a lien on the said ~rentiser for tht full amount of
<br />roil eccottwt, to-wit: Tkt suns-oj,~.._9s084.,_52._. together -with interest thereon at the !egad raft,
<br />..
<br />from tlu......~s~.th.._....day of____-a'~3y ,f/~. rp a d further a(jiant says not.
<br />.. ..-..
<br />__ it tam K. x,, ght, Se It, tar}-Treasurer
<br />----- - -----
<br />~ i. ,. ...--_Knlg} L P>rot r~ .Inc.
<br />.. _ -- -
<br />,, ', ,SF~IL, .:-: Subscribed in my yrasence and sworn to before mt this ~2nt.- ___
<br />_. _.
<br />`. -
<br />__ _.- ,
<br />day of -~~P-~E~~€X_... _- _. __._- ~-~`- ..
<br />~ -
<br />- ~.-. ,
<br />___..
<br />( Set reverse side for instructdons) - ~ _ J_s / ~~ Ia otar P /!tc_
<br />y
<br />L STATE OF___-- ----.._------_-- -_--..-_--- I Entered on numerical index and filed fur rece~d
<br />ea,
<br />County -.._...__......__._......___.-.-_..__.__...._.----. _....... ~ in the Register of Iieede Office o€ said County ik~r_
<br />day oL._...___ -___..._... .- ..__._.., 19 ,_..__., ak..__.___ -.........detach <md. _._ - ___..:.......-.rninu ab :....: ... ..M„
<br />and recorded in. Sook....._ - .._._._ .._..-._..nf ____._..._ __.__.. at page... ...__.._ _ _..
<br />:.:...... ...:_..__.. -..._.:.. -...........I~eg... of Deeds
<br />$y...._..:.::........Deputy
<br />