<br />REAL ESTATE LIEN '"~~ ; si;~~
<br />v;F{r:RE3S 9olney Lafgreer., {hereinafter usually referred to as "`Homeowner",
<br />wlierher one or more) has etttered into a certain written NOOSING REHABILITATION
<br />GRAN:' AGREEMETiT dated the 4th day of June; 14$2 with the City 'of Grand island,
<br />"Nebraska, a muni;eipal corpora*_ion {hereinafter usually referred °tb aa. "City"),
<br />acting through its' Community DeaelopmeuF Agency, for rehabilitation o` a
<br />dweilingjon premises owned by Homeowner which are herenafteY described, and ter
<br />th'e granting by City Co Homeowner of Federal funds in the amount of-Ten ^'housand
<br />`Six Handed Thirty-Nine and 00/lOQ Dollars ($10,b29.00) Lo be appiie3 in payment
<br />of'the cost of such rehabilitation:, and
<br />WHEREAS, Homeowner in such AGREEMENT has, among other things, agrzed ia? .o
<br />repay such amount or„as the 'case maybe, a part thereaf to City it certain
<br />circumstances described in the AGREEMENT; and {b) to execute and; deliver to City
<br />an instrument in recordable form granting to: City-a lien' on the premises to
<br />secure such repayment,
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration-of such AGRHEl+~ENT with City, Jolr.ey
<br />Lofgreen,; does herebp grant to-CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA., A Municipal
<br />Cororation, its successors and assigns, alien upon the following described real
<br />estate situated in Ha11 Coanty Nebraska:
<br />West Yb-Feet of Lot Three (3); and all of Lot Four-{4)
<br />$iock Ninety°Two {42}"Original Towa-
<br />an addition_ta the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />according ra the record: plat thereof,
<br />Lo secure repayment to the City-of Grand Island; Nebraska, its successors and
<br />seaigns,,of the amount of the grant hereiaabove referred to or, as :the case may
<br />he, apart thereof in.accordaace with the terms 'and conditions et forth in the
<br />NOOSING REHABILITATION GRANT AGREEMENT to which. reference. is made hereinabove.
<br />The lien _heren greeted shall run with the premises fora period'of four
<br />'{k) years from, this date, sad sha1L also bind the;successora and assigns and,
<br />except as pzovided in sach AGREEMENT, the pezsonal representatives, heirs,
<br />deviseees, and egateea-of Homeowner.
<br />Dated this-4th day. of June, I982: ~^
<br />~~`~' =-
<br />ss
<br />County of Hall - )
<br />On this </~`'~ day of ~fl-+-~~x.=~ 1982, before me, the undersigned, duly
<br />commiasaned and acting is and for such county, pexsonaily appeared ,y*oiney
<br />Lofg-eed, known to me to be'the identicaLpersons whose signatures are affixed
<br />to the foregoing: instrument, and they ack`nowled'ged the execution of such
<br />instrument to be their voluntary act.{s) and deeds{s).
<br />In witness wtereaf, I.have hereuntoset mq ofFicial'band and seal,the dale
<br />last above writken_
<br />..~
<br />.~ 'f
<br />NL+1-RY-51~'e o! NeDraski '~,~ _vr_r'n, , .., .- ~ - _,
<br />~ERA1 rARROuTTE ~ Notary Public
<br />IcREfvME
<br />My ~-, n. Fr,o. Se"v~ 23. ;383
<br />