<br />52-- ~?~:,,~ pg~
<br />W A R`R A N T Y D E E-D
<br />CtiRtiiEN DliFFEK and'MICHAEL DUFFEK, Her Husband, ,and NORMAN G. BAHR„ A
<br />Sing7_e Man, GRANTOR, in consideration of. EXCHANGE OF REAL FROFERTY
<br />received from GRANTEE', NORMAN B. BAHR, vonveys to-GRA1VTEE, the fvllow-
<br />irq described real estate (as defined in iv~eb. Rev. Stat. ]6-201):
<br />A tract of land o~rising a part of'the Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter
<br />(SFiyT~};) of Section-Twenty Severi (27) , Taanshp Eleven. "(11) Ncrth; Range Nine
<br />(9), west of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described
<br />as follows:. Beginning at a point on'the south lire of said Northeast Quarter
<br />(~+'Er';), said point being Eight Hundred Ten (810..0) feet west of the southeast
<br />~rner of said Northeast"Q~~rter (NF})'; thence westerly along the south Line
<br />o£ saa.d Northeast Quarter (NE'r), a distance of Fourteen anc~ SiY Tenths (14.6)
<br />feet; thence deflecting.-right 90°00' and running northerly, a distance of One
<br />Hundred Ninety Six and Seventy Five Hundreds:(196.75) feet; tl~,ence deflecting
<br />right 57°56'22" and_rrmn;,,q northeasterly, a distance of Twelve and Fifteen''
<br />Hundredths'(12.15) feet; thenoe'deflectang right 120°50'41" and running south-
<br />easterly, a distance of Ttao Hundred Three and Twenty Five Hundredths {203.25)
<br />feet to the place of beginning and containing'0.057 acres, more'or_less.
<br />Attract vf'land canprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast
<br />Quartes~ (SE3sNF};) of Section Twenty Seven (27), 'Ibwnshp Eleven "(11) North, Range
<br />Ni.rie (9) West of the 6th P.M. in-Hall County; Nebraska, more particularly described
<br />as follows: Begiiu~izx3 at a point on the east lane of 'said Northeast Quart.:r (NE;),
<br />said point being Three Hundred (300.0) feet north of the southeast corner of said
<br />Northeast.Quarter (IdF}); thence continuing northerly along the east line of said
<br />Northeast.. Quarter (NF3:),a distance of Four Hundred Three and Ninety Two Hundredths
<br />(403.92) 'feet; thence deflectingdeft 120°50'41" and runningcsouthwesterly, a
<br />di.stanae of Seven Hundred Sixty One and One:E)undredth (761'. O1) feet: thence deflec-
<br />ting left'147°56'22" and'runnirxJ easterly, _a distaix.~e of Six Hundred,Fifty:Three
<br />and'Fiftg,One Hundredths-:(653.51) feet o the place of beginning and containing
<br />3'.030 acres more or ess.
<br />GRANTOR covenants (jointly and severally, if more-than one) with ~'F.ANTEE
<br />that GRANTOR:
<br />(1) is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is`free'from encum-
<br />brances
<br />(2) has legal Dower and lawful authority to convey the same;:
<br />(3) warrants and will defend title to the real estate against the lawfu
<br />claims of all persons.
<br />O
<br />Sw
<br />Executed .August ~, 1982. t,
<br />+.`r
<br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY. ,` ~~ rr ~r~, ~~/f '-~~> ~
<br />STAMP TAX ~_ L`armen Duffek ~~~''"~ __
<br />w~ 1 - ,~
<br />5EP 221982 ~~4 %' '~ ~~~~ ...,~=~
<br />Michael ~ fek
<br />~ ~ ~ jean G.~~~B ~~-.
<br />) ss.
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on-us..5/ ,
<br />1982, by Carmen Duffek and Michae3 Duffek, her husband.
<br />M~C~i~.J~w-~tp ' %i~y'%r~'i''(, .,C~'~ I///.Y!J%l1"J
<br />Notary Fublic
<br />STATE OF Califor~~ia)
<br />_ ) ss.
<br />COUNTY OFSacr-~mento)
<br />The`_oregoinq iratrument was acknowledged nefore me vn Se~texntrer 13
<br />1982, by `7ormaa G. Bahr, a single. man.
<br />~rr~a-~oc~; ~ . -- ;~r ~oooaaa
<br />"I war _ ,n.G '-1 : alr% _ _ ..~ --
<br />l' ~ r .+, • Notate Public
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