<br />~FT•RD,sEaF RF,AL£STATE=r~RTGac~
<br />r F~VCfa ALL -r'fES1 RY ZY-tESF PRE,SEaVT.°,,' :that SNY~I ~ BUS:LI~SS ADNIINISZRATICfd,
<br />For valeable ~nnsicieration, in hand paid, does hereby release and discharge thA
<br />P.ca1 Estate ~~brtgage dated T bray 1, 1981 made:and executed by
<br />h'ESINE'1H B. f:NOX and h7ARILYLd M. IQTOX, H ar °I1 e'to SNII~SS, BUSINESS
<br />AIY~]ISTRATIOt i- aril recorded in the Of ice 'of the Register of `Deeds
<br />of Hall... County, Nebraska, in ySpS~Jf ItdST. NO. , - ,
<br />atr~,iyge _, on rjlay 22, .1981 The released mortgage
<br />describes the following real estafe:
<br />7.tte recording official is hereby authorized and directed to discharge
<br />said Real Fstate`MOrtgage of'reccrd, and after recording this release, to enter
<br />.,upon the mlrgin of the record of said rortgage the book :and age where this release
<br />is recorded, in acwrdance with the'provsions of the statutes in such case made
<br />atY3 provided.
<br />Dated at Omaha, Nebraska :this ~'~ day:of ~~v~ 1X~J ~,
<br />'%;BEI2I' J. N " Chief
<br />Portfolio Management Division
<br />SS
<br />COU[dPY OF DOZIQ.F~.S)
<br />Before rte, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and
<br />State, personally came E~ibert J,• Egan ,, who being by ne duly; suaorn,
<br />did say tt~t he is Chief, Partfolo ManacTement Bi~i.sion of the
<br />Qr~ha District Of f i Ce of Small Business s cam, n, stration, an ~~gEri~y of 'ze Uni red State
<br />of America, and is authorized by SBA's Rules and Regulations, Part 101, Reirisio-~ 2
<br />published in the Federal Register January l5, 1982, 47 FR 2305, and tt-ia;. the'ak~ove~
<br />and foregoing instrument was :signed by him on behalf of said Sma11 Business
<br />Acl:inistration and-said Fdobert J.IOgan acknowledged: said instrw:~xit
<br />to bz the free act arrd deed of said Small Business lidmisiistration.
<br />Subsc~ribed.in r¢y presence and sworn to before me this:_~~,day of
<br />~v
<br />- -~____- l _, 19 , J~
<br />GEMEA~t No7ARr Sua a Iowa, ~
<br />'~ Qr E~.A1r.$1Mi w Notary ~ is ~- __-~ _.~-
<br />r.p~ Ca.~rn~.ssior. E :pir~s.__ `~ ~ - a1-
<br />