_ ___
<br />,,
<br />r MORTGAGE
<br />>
<br />?his made and entered into this ~tirtesth" °17 °' Septeber
<br />14 82,Vby: std hehreen g g,: I~IOX,.cv'id NY.RIT,YN M. iQVOX, - HusbaI7d atld Wife.
<br />(bereinafter reterxd to as niortgagor)'eind the Administrator of the Small Bueine^s Administration; as aseacy of the
<br />Goverameet of the 13nited States of li:nerica {hereinafter referred to ae mortgagee}; who maintains an office and
<br />_ piaee of bn.isa at gtpix'e State Building, 19th and Farnam, Qnaha, Nebraska .'.68102
<br />At3Nlalfsie, that for t)te-cons~dention hereinafter'etated,`reoeipt of which iw hereby aeluot-ledged, the
<br />aactga~sr does hereby mort6ase, seil, Brant, assign; and convey unto;the moeti;agee, 6u meoeasora snd anigna, all
<br />of the folbwiag deae><iibed property ritoated and:being in the County of ~~
<br />State of 1•IEBRASKA
<br />Part. of ::the I~ri3tcaest Qtaaster of the Southwest Quarter Ste) also
<br />known as part of Lot Four (4)' Island in Section ZWenty-Seven (27},
<br />7bwnship,Flevett {11} 1+iorth. Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />wait Gotutty, Nebraska, irore particularly described'as fellows:
<br />ate; r,ii+--ra at a point four..: lnutdred eic~it and sevt~ty-seven hurriredths
<br />;(408.77} feet oath of'the >`7a~aest wrner of the'Sonthwest Quarter
<br />of SeCtieat qty-Sevai (27} . 2t~mshiP Eleven (Il) Ydorth. Fatge i•7ine l°)
<br />West. of; the 6th P.M. Ha11 COtmty. ~' aska~ theih~e mm~irtq eir.~terly
<br />and parallel to the northerly..Sine o€ said: Southwest Quarter a
<br />distance of £otn: htuxired thirty-three (433) feet; thence southerly
<br />atriparallel to the west line of .said southurest ctuarter a distance
<br />of two htmdrt~ci forty feet (240); thence westerly and parallel to the
<br />northerly liz~ of said: sntlt2zwest quarter for: a distance of four htandred- thirty-
<br />three (4~3) feet; thence mrthtsly along the east line of south ACttst Street
<br />.;for a distance of tw~`hutY3red"forty feet (240) to the. place of beginning.
<br />Together with and indwling all buildings, all Sxturee ineludtng but not limited to all plumping, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating,air conditioning apparatus, and ele~~ator~ (the'rnortgagor herehv
<br />declaring that it is intended that the items herein enumerated shall be deemed to have been permanently in-
<br />stalled as part of the realty ), and all improvements now: or hereafter rxisting thereon; tpe herediWmenuw and
<br />appurtenances and all other rieht.+ theretmto htlonging~ pr in any..ise appertaining, and the reversion and re-
<br />tersion.:, renwinder and remainders, all right. of redemption, and Lhe renY~, issues, and profits of-the above
<br />described propery (provided, however, !hat the mortgagor shall pe entitled io the poa~ession of taid propern
<br />and to collect and retain the rents, issues, and proSta until default hereunder). To have and to hold he ~ssme
<br />unto the nmrtf;agce and the ,ucceasors in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or such other estate,
<br />if anc, as is stated herein.
<br />The mortgagor roovenante that he ie IawfvDy seised and possessed o[ and has the .right io sell and coavey Raid
<br />property; that-the »atne u free from all eucurnprances etccept a» hereinabo>e recited; and that he hereby pind,<
<br />himself and his sneccasora in interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid whereto and every part theseaf agxinat
<br />- .the claims of all perwns whomsoever:
<br />This inetrumcnt ie given to secure: the payment of a penmissory note .dated ,latiu>~ry 3G, 1981 +
<br />ip the principal stem of E 73,600 a00 , »igtted py President a S2Cx~ttcl."y
<br />inheh:[rr"i Certtvey C2n:ySler-Ptym~txtlt, Imo. a+Ivich loan Was as5t~t~ by Itiea,~ath & U,sri.lytl
<br />SraA farm 9]745-"1! rr••[o E,ti[ioe. •r• 4L•ola,e. • .~`) }{.
<br />