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<br />SHORT FORM' - <br />Lean Nurnbec__10~81_ 1 66 <br />'PROPERTY 3MPROV£M ENT --' s..~~n-'---~ra~ <br />~A .FORM. No: 2f 1 IREV 12/80)- <br />!lIRRR---II~~F444' <br />REAI ESTATE ~a~t:'~'~A~ <br />3~NOW ALL'A9E1vT BY T3IESE'PRESEN'iS <br />...THAT----Verna---~• McCoy,..-~rg~e--person-- ._.._.. <br />- hereinafter raked Aiortgagors, i_n con5ideratien of the sum of.'~'.SrA ~hQUS-and Sx_-rIundred.SiY. Inc ~C; ~~G <br />($ 2,606'.50 ) DOLLARS, the-receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby... MORTGAGE <br />and CONVEY an absolute title, 'including alt the rights of homestead and' inheritance; unto": FIRST <br />`FEDERAL SAVIl~TGS AND LOAI~T ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN; N=EBRASKA, hereinafter'-called <br />Mortgagee; its successors and assigns, the: following described real estate, situatedm......Hall <br />County, State of NE$RA~t_{A, to-wit: <br />Lot 1, situated or, the East side of the East portion of Ruester's-Lake <br />on a part of the East One-half of°the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, <br />Township, 31 Ndrth, Range 9, West of the 6th',P.IwL, Ball County, Nebraska. <br />TO HAVE A.ND TO HOLD the real. estate .above described•'w-ith all appurtenances thereunto <br />belonging unto the said \Soztgagee, forever, provided: always, and this znozt~age is upon the express con- <br />dition ghat-if the aforesaid Mortgagors, their:heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause <br />to be paid o the`said 1Mortgagee, its successors or assigns, the cprincipal". sum' hereinabowe set #orth, all <br />according to the `tenor and effect of-a certain installment note: of said Mortgagors:bearina even date ,--ith <br />this mortgage, and shall: pay taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate;-and all other taxes, le~~ies <br />and assessments leveed upon` this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the <br />-same or any ixtstallment thereof becomes delinquent,: then thi mortgage to be-void, otherwise to remain <br />in full force. <br />_ TT IS FLrRTHER AGREED (1) '^hat if the said Mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes, the <br />l4forLgagee may pay Lhe same and the sum so advanced r.•ith interest: shall lie paid by said Mortgagors, <br />and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. '(2) That, Mortgagors covenant with the il4ortgagee <br />that they are lawfully seized of said- real estatz and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate <br />against the lawful daims of all persons whomsoever. (3) That in case of a foreclosure of s this na~rtgage, <br />the plaintiff in such proceedings shall be entitled fa takepo ssession of the prernises, protect: the same and <br />collect therrents, issues and profits tfiereoi- ,(4) That a failure o pay ang~, of said money ar any ,install- <br />rnent thereof when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with` any of the foregoing agreements, <br />shall cause he whole suni of money herein secured: to become dae and collectible at once at the option of <br />the I17ortgagee. <br />TRANSFER OF THE P32©PERTY; ASSU.~3P1'30N: If all or any part of the Property-or an <br />interest therein is sold or transferred by lviortgagor without 34ortgagee's prior written consc:nt,,excliiding <br />• (a) the creation of a liemnr eneumbrance sut~orainate-to this Mortgage, (b) the craztion' of a purchase. <br />fnoney security interest for-Household applianrvs, (c) a transfer'bydevise, des~:ent or by operation'of law <br />upon the deatH of a joint tenant er {d) the grant of-any leasehold interest of three years or less not con- <br />taining an option to purchase, Mortgagee may, at Mortgagee's option, declare all the sums'secured by this <br />lvlortgage;to be immediately due and payable. <br />If Mortgagee exercises such option- to accelerate, :4lortgagee shall mail ?t4ortgagor notice of. <br />acceleration and. such notice shall; provide a period of not less f~han 3U days from the date the notice i5 <br />mailed ~sithin which Mortgagor may. pay the sums declared due. If Mortga,gar fails to pay such sums prior <br />to the expirafaor. of such .period, Mot~.gagee may, without further notice or demand on Mortgagor, im eke <br />U)e pow2rof :,ale ~.nd any other remedies permitted by applicable law. <br />Signed this.__.J.Stk::day of..--.-September ,_ -4_ -.' i9 82 <br />:'Verna .7. McCoy ~' <br />tiTATb C)F `1/BRA3KA1 <br />1311_. County. J} ~ <br />On tt is -._:_1i~h - dn}• of 'eP~vember __;-..., 29 a2~_ before me, the undersigned; a Notary F'ubtic, in ~:nd for <br />L `% n~ .~ . w~Cn r. a s~ le er 'an <br />said Coup ty• ;+crs,ulally ru_~c _- ±__~,-_ _. .. _.p_.~_.... ._ ,, .,. ... _ .:.. ... .. ... _. ...._ <br />~. , err ally }:,:ewer to me +,o tie lire identical P- ,ns :ahox. lames area$ised to ~e above and forego`xn~ ~n .rul;:rnt,.1~. <br />~r,or ~;~ ,;;irs, a d ca cu ac.:.n n»leciged mid ins tn:mc~t w bF his o:.. her vole.-)tary act a.-~d deed... - <br />V: itnr~ ~y }•~:',u and .:n,:. rsl seal z. .}PF .~ Isla r°IJTd { ...._...:. _... <br />- .r a <br />,~ <br />17Y Ord f7Q, dl E>~ 1~ ,_ ,,, ; ., <br />'.;~ r r... ...,c:,rn a _„„~. ~' <br />