<br />.i Phis forty is used in Conner-
<br />/'°+ Linn nvithmortgages insured :
<br />4S.~t ~'~;~^I ~ MURTV~A~L: under the.'one- to four-famil,v
<br />~~ °°'° • .` ~. t procis~ons- of the National
<br />Aousing,9ct.
<br />"With fief erred interest and increasing.
<br />monthly installments"
<br />i IifS 31(?RTGAG E, m2de tmd ~xecuted this 2flth ' day of September ,A.D.
<br />IQ B2 by ~nnj betw2er.
<br />Ronald A. Honz and Stephanie A Honz,,Husband and Wife
<br />o`. the C',~unty of f3a11 , aad'State nf:Nebraska;. partyefahe 5rst part, hereinafter called
<br />the Afortea¢or. and
<br />~- Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a corporarion ,.rtanizedand existing undei the taws of Nebraska
<br />^arty of the seeond parr, hereinafiercalled~fieMortgagee.
<br />P'1"f ti F~~ t. fli: That the said Afortgaeor; for and in constderaNon of the sum of Fifty £ive thousand five
<br />hundred and No/IOOths----=------------------- Dollars (S 55,.509..00 ), paid by the Mort-
<br />gages. the reeetpr of whieh is hereby aeknowked¢ed has-Granted andi Sold and,hy these,'presents`does Grant: <Bar-
<br />gain. 4N. C~mvev and Confirm ante the Mortgagee, its stfccessi~rs'and assigns, forevzr, the following-described
<br />rea'•rstam_,imatedin3he-Countvof Hall .andState
<br />Ji Aehr:+s~,a. to ~cit:..
<br />hat Three-I3) "Ross and Pshton Park", loeated`.on and being a
<br />Subdivis_on of a'Part of Lots 14 and 18 of County Subdivisior.
<br />of"West Ha:if of Southwest. Quarter (W~SWpiJ and'a part.of „ast
<br />Half of Southwest Quarter (E~SW,) of Section 15, in Township
<br />11° North, 13axfge 9 West of the Sixth P.M., Ha11 County, *:ebraska
<br />of the StxthPrincfpal Mendian, containing in ail acres „ccording to Govern-
<br />mentsurvev-~ - -
<br />TO I1A~'E AtiD TC) HnLD the ptemi.~e, .~rnrc Jc~trihrJ. •xith as ttte appurtenances thereunto belonging and including
<br />alfheating, plumhingand lightingfixiuren and eq~~ipment now' n7 here" -~eratiached traiir used in conneoticin with saidreul estate
<br />uMo the Mortgagee: and to itx socceseors'tnd ,+~ugnsaorever. I-he hortgagor represents to, and,oovenants with. [he Moriga-
<br />gee. that the Mortgagor has gaxl rtght ro sell .,nd convey wid premisei; that they ore free from encumbrance; and: that the
<br />'rfong:,gur H ill warranranddefend the sertte:igainst the lawful claims of ail ptrsons w"homsoever; and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />by re!inquishr,. elf rights of hdmestead, andatl marfi;+l rights, eitherir, law or in equity; and all oilier conungent interests of the
<br />ti{onf;aeur in and taiheabovc-describctl premises; he intention beeng m ce~nve}• hecebv-an abs.i iutz title, in fee simple; includ-
<br />ing a;l right, of homestead, andother rights end interestsawtforesaid. -
<br />PROA'1 DF.D :>-LWAYS, andthese presents arc executed anddctivered upon the followingc~nditionq, to wiz:
<br />Phe Mort: Igor agrees to pay to the Afongagee, or order- She principal sum of Fifty five thousand five
<br />htutdread and No/100ths Doi{ars7* 55,500.90 ~
<br />~,vith interest iroro date at the tare of Fifteen per cer,twn 1 15.00 %) per annum on
<br />the unpaid hahmce until pa+iu. The said principal and interest -.halibepayablc a[ the otTce of Superior Mortgage, Inc .
<br />m Grand Island NE . ~ 7 z,'. such other placeas the holder of
<br />the note muv desibratc an Nriung- m non[~ily instaP.mem_. of (according to ~ehedcle A On Said Note)
<br />{ i. commencing on the fiFSt dap of
<br />aovember ~ ~? g2 nu on the fir t u,_y o: each mneth thueafter until fhe'principal and in-
<br />terast arc tally paid, esccpt [hat the final payment of princip _~d int<rest, if ern seoucr paid, shall. be dtie ar•d
<br />payable on the brat day of October, 2012 ', ell according to the tern; of-a certain prumir
<br />Bury, note of even date herew-ith executed 6v the said yic~rteagn: `7~~pezYed . int e e t shall iae added to the rin-
<br />oipal balance tnonthly and shall increase the princ>_pai ~ialsance to not mare thar. 56, 600.00
<br />The N1 ort~gor in order nt m'e fulfy to protect the securi n- of This Morthage, agree=:
<br />L That he wil! pay the indebtedness, ar. he reiubetxc provided. Pririlegz tireser~eci - p:+c the Jebtin whole;. tic in an
<br />7
<br />~mecnt ~qunl to one or more rrronthl} p~.mrnts on the principal that are next due on the note, nn tha tirsfday of anyinonth
<br />prior to maturi[g: YrotiJeu. Aowercr, That wntten notice of ;m intention: tgexerctse such prici'tege is liven z,t least thirty {301:
<br />dugs prior tv prepaymern_
<br />_. That. tugt~+her wi?h, and in addition [o, the munth~}' payment afprincipal andint r_st yrey.,hie under the r,rns of the
<br />L not ~ -tared hereov, the'~fortgagor wdt pe t.7 the Me~r[gagee. nn the first day of each mugth a ;til ;`o s iii note i~ fully ptild, the
<br />fnl7uw mg wms
<br />- (a. ,lnxwr~t sutil.;ient ts? provide the hu7 ier hers utb !L u4 tc pas n~ rc?.t m . tt,<gc ia5u,raucs• p cr cunt if thtq -.
<br />ir,rtr roent Jeri the nuts urorcd hereby zee tusared, or _, r ~taidv ~har;c i'.. ~i~u r. - ,r•goge u7.u.t'ani~^ nr~
<br />nt<.t+rl if nc~~ a•~• h,ad b} iFc S: erg:erv ~~f Hut~ti ~;,;;,iu rn. d: :kav ~ u~ei~+. e t .:~-w,c~
<br />tt) !f a. ~ so Iung n ~.a;d u. ot_ ~ . ut Jst< enJ 7t.,..~~,.•,et' -: are in<+ i a; afe teats pia.! tni -the. pro-
<br />vsioi,> „( the :Vath:pal It.~ t..utg ac: 7, .~ ~-_~ur ~ .ufu~•n to.,JtUnl-I;,te-in 'rte hand, of tt ~ ~.ti~ic+ vin+.
<br />BCptdcr:5 FN AO743 N+w~~...-IS m»ybr. ~•,.> r.c i s,;nr i ,-,.. -~ .•rcl ;7TA'f[S'tlf' VEiifZASlx~
<br />tiUD-924=:?pct19-79t
<br />1 {.
<br />