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<br />M'0RTCA6E ~2-- ~>t1. 032
<br />'C41S INDRNTURE, made this ____Li~It __..._-_.._day ~f-.-.~2~14IP~n_z___ ~ '9 ~=_. by and oetuti•n
<br />--DEL::,~~5.~_t~:~E:iiE1li_~_~C21:1 ;~~ =Ai.RF.T.TS. _HLSBFt,1D_ d i t_Z4~'
<br />of l~jl Count} \ebraska, as mortgagor __ ^ ,and $Ome FederelSavings and Loan Associa[ior. of Grand Island, a rorporarion
<br />organizM and existing under ttr taws of the Uni;ed State, of Amerira'wi[h' its principal. offi~tand place of business at Grand Leland, Nebraska, as
<br />morfgagtt;
<br />W'lTNESSETH: That said mortgagor S_-__._,Fnr andinrnnsidetation of thesum of__-__ _ ______
<br />T`d0 THUIi~AND iFN UOL[ ~ S_f.^D 23C~ 100 - -- - -- -FDOIYars(7 , /. l)l l3 1,
<br />- - - - _ ~ ~_ ~.~ ..n ~, ~ --
<br />the receipt of which is heeby acknowledged, do by these praenu morrgagt and `^~~~at6P ~ are~tttmQtesaors and assigns,
<br />former, all nc~ following desctibed:eal tstate, situazed in tfieCounty of Hail - ~~~~~~~_ _,..~...,.-- .~.~.,~-....,~_. ~..
<br />and Stare of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />.Together withall heating, air cooditioniag.iightiag, end plumbing equipment and futures. including screens, awnings. storm wiodowsand
<br />doors, and window shadeeor blinds,: used on or in connection with said progeny, whetherthesame are now located nn said' property nr hereafti~r
<br />.placed thereon:
<br />TO HAVE AND TOHOLD THESAME. together wtth ell and singular the: tenements, heredttaments and appurtenances thereunto ht-
<br />longing, or in mywix appertaining, forever, and warrantthe tttie to: the some.-.Said morgagor 3...._:.. hereby covenant ._ :. w,th saiii
<br />morcgageethat ___.. t he.~`~ _ _ ..: 2tE ___ ,"at.the delivery: hereof,. thelawful owner 3 . of Lhe premises above conveyed and-descrikied,
<br />and .._.._ar$. .seized of a goodead indafeaeible estateafinhentance therein,#ree and clear of all encumbrances.anrl that _t... heT_ wil!
<br />warrant and defend tke.UUe thereto foreveragsinsc Lhe claims end'demawls of all personawhomsoever.
<br />PfIOVIUED ALWAYS. and this ra•r.,nwntis extcutedam3 delivered to eecurathe meet of the sum o[
<br />_Z3S2_?'~4.~_TEN DQLL S~APID_Nflje100 __.;~~.-_______-.-__. Dollarsis_..2 010.,00':__. ,
<br />with interest thereon, tOgather with such chargeaend advances as may. be doe andpayable to said mortgagee under the farms andcondition=.
<br />of the promissory auto of even date lierexith and secured hereby, executed by sardmnregagor:~._ to said mortgagee, payable asexprrsr~e~.~
<br />in said note, and Lo secate the performance of all the terms..andwnditona containediherein:. The termsdf.saidnote erehereby incor~~nr;, tee
<br />tw~rein by thin reference.::.
<br />Ic is the intmtioa and. agnamentof the ponies hems Utat this mortgage shell also secure anyh+ture advances made to ~a;d n or~l,al;ory__
<br />by said mortgagee, and say and all irdebtednessin addition to the amount alwvesteted whiclrsaid mortgagors, nr any of them. me;y- r~we c;.
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whetherby zwte, book accouat:or otherwise. This mortgage ~he{l remain in full farce and effrct i~e.w«:;i
<br />the parties hereto and ttie'tr heirs, personal representattvea,successors sad a8signs;untii sll amounts-eeevred hereunde . nciwiiut; f,;tu r.•
<br />advances, ere paid infoL'wiihintereat.
<br />Thu nwrtgagorg.,___.henxby astugn __to said mortgagee all rents and-inwme arising ac any and .all time: from ~ ~ nr ,gene :;:,ci
<br />hereby authorize said"mprtgrg~z or its xgeat at its option. upondefnilt; tb eke cn rge of said prnperta sad collect'.all rents and ~~.,, r,c
<br />therefrom and aPP1Y Ute. same w Cho payment of int,uresL, principal; insurance premiums. Lx:ccs, assessments, rep8iis or unprar n cot.,.
<br />nac~saan• to keep said property in temtabla condition, or to other charges--cr payment_s pro~~ided for heroinor in thb notehereby securer,. '1'h;:,
<br />rent m~ignment shall continue in torcc until Cho unpaid balnr:ce of said note iv fatly paid. The [aRin6 of possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />prevent or retwrd ~d mortgagee in the collection of said sums by foredesure or otherwise.
<br />Tha failure of the mortgagce to assert any of its right hereunder at any time she:] aoc be construed as a c. sleet of its right toassen_ the
<br />same at ary laver tune, and to insist upou and enfo ~cr:c:, compliance with all the terma:.andprovisions of r 1, nol<• and of Chis mortgage.
<br />[f said mortgagor g shall cause W be paid to said mortgagee the entire mount due it hereunder, sad u ~ the ;r_~as andptr ~: ision~
<br />of said mtr hereby seNred, including fuwre advarucs, sac any es[ensions or renewals thereof in accozdan:e with the term4 and. pmvision.~
<br />thereof, and if said mortgagor__ S._ shall comply uwith all the provisions of said note and 6F t}us mortgage; Chen !.here presents shall be void.
<br />o[herwLve ro remain in full force and effect, and said mortgagee shall la; entitled u~ the poesessionof all of stud. prolx~r y,.and may at its option.
<br />declarethe whole of said cote and all indebtedness represented eMreby. u~ F>z immnfuice{} dueantlpayable, r;nd may fnreclosethis mnrtgag r.:
<br />or Cake any otherlegal action w prota;[ its right. Appraisement wais~ed.
<br />This mortgage, sha11 be hindiog upon and shall snore co Che txnefit of the heirs, esecu L9T51 adrninSsctators _ ~cessors a 1 vssiFns eF the
<br />respeccive~parties hereto.
<br />It' V+~NF,SS WHEREGF, said 31 rtgagor~ haL"$_, hereunto ~rYjtte2 ~__ h nil., _-~_ t~d iy a^ :r=t •:~i
<br />written
<br />J I
<br />~ a 1
<br />___ ~S- ~'~fizl~7- r% r~'tL%=i~ . __ ~1~~ '`Iti_.,..'._ i _~ ~~'_'~_ r~C 1-~'__
<br />~zr~~........... - .-.-.,`~...,.:z~ ....,..-...ter .: ~: ::
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